Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language looked at each other.

They have been husband and wife for nearly ten thousand years. During this long period of time, they have naturally developed an amazing tacit understanding. Only this look is enough for them to understand what each other is thinking.

As early as that dark cloud appeared, fengliancheng and longqingyu had already felt the crisis.

When the demon emperor appears and says the name of Fengzhi, the sense of crisis will become stronger.

They all know that the devil emperor is definitely an enemy that they can't fight against now. If they are not careful, they will be caught by the devil emperor, and then they will become the tool for the devil emperor to stab the Phoenix.

Fengliancheng and longqingyu certainly can't allow this to happen.

Although they can't help Feng Zhi, they will never drag her back!

As for the crisis felt by the devil Emperor

In terms of fengliancheng and longqingyu, of course, it is not without solutions.

Therefore, when the devil emperor was catching them, Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language nodded slightly, and then at the same time released the suppression of their own strength.

They had already reached the peak of the martial god, and even had been enough to touch the Apocalypse long ago. However, they were still unable to let go of the Xuanwu continent, so they had been suppressing their cultivation.

Now, when the repression is completely released, the law of heaven will immediately feel it and have a way to deal with it.

The two countermeasures that it dares to challenge are natural ways


As for fengliancheng and longqingyu, Tianjie is not a test of life and death for them. They have long had enough confidence that they can survive the robbery with a calm attitude.

It's just

For them, this catastrophe is not a threat, but for this enemy like coke, it is not necessarily.

The whole body of this man was charred. Obviously, he was chopped by thunder, and it seems that he was hurt by Phoenix. In this case, they should keep up with their daughter's steps, so that this person can feel what it's like to be struck by thunder again.

Although this man is powerful, he has only one last breath left. Maybe he will be killed by thunder?

Well, no problem!

The natural calamity came so fast, almost at the moment when fengliancheng and longqingyu let go of their own cultivation, the air began to react.

The two black as ink, constantly rotating, forming a whirlpool of hijacking clouds appear in the sky, but I don't know whether it is because two people are crossing the robbery at the same time, and the hijacking cloud is affected by each other. Since its appearance, Jieyun has become more and more powerful and terrifying.

This is called fengliancheng and longqingyu's heart is a burst of bitterness.

God knows, although they want to use the natural calamity to deal with this person, but they also did not think that this will make their Tianba strength increase!

I knew that

Well, if they had known that, they would have chosen to.

As for the strength of the improved Tianjie, fengliancheng and longqingyu feel a little numb on their scalp, but they are not too worried about it.

In Fengzhi's words, as long as their own strength is excellent, no matter how severe the disaster is, it can only make them reborn and get greater benefits, but will not let them have any danger.

Of course, what the girl said is right!

So, what else should they be afraid of?

The top priority is to solve this person first!

They looked at each other and flew towards the demon emperor with a smile.

It was because of them that the Tianjie came. Sensing their movement, the two regiments in the air seemed more and more terrible. Naturally, they moved to the devil emperor.

Demon Emperor

Can she swear now?

If not, she has nothing to say.

How could she have thought that when she was in the fairyland, she was defeated by the divine plunder, and finally came to the Xuanwu continent, and had not caught Feng Zhi's parents. These two mole ants in her eyes actually came up with such a method to make her suffer thunder again?

She can't bear it!

"You..." The devil emperor roared, "hateful!"

At the end of her speech, she turned her hand to Feng Liancheng and the light language of the dragon. Instead, she turned towards the air, which had already formed completely, and began to catch the cloud of robbery with purple thunder and lightning.

Feng Liancheng and the dragon are in a daze.

They did not expect that the devil emperor would have such a coquettish operation.


This is to compare with the disaster?

For a moment, Feng Liancheng and the Dragon whispered softly, together with those other martial gods, all looked at the devil emperor in a daze.

This is


So, dare to challenge Tianlei with such a serious injury?It hurts to think about it!

And the devil emperor, since she put out her hand, she regretted.

She did not change her identity for a while. If she had the strength of the emperor, she would certainly have the courage to challenge the thunder robbery when the practitioners of the lower world ascended to the fairyland. After all, she could not pay any attention to this kind of natural calamity. Even, she only needed a little strength to crush the cloud.

But the problem is, she is not the old one who has the power of the emperor and is still intact. She is a demon emperor who has been robbed by God and has only one last breath left!


The result of a random hand is

Boom! Boom!

A couple of dark thunder of this color exploded down to the arm of the demon emperor, just like the lightning rod of the devil emperor's hand.

See feng Liancheng and others can not help but feel a burst of acid teeth.

And the devil emperor who had been robbed and split into a piece of black charcoal by the God, and then was split by the sky thunder. Well, she became a piece of black carbon, and then she was struck by the sky thunder. There was no difference in color. She was still in the appearance of black seven hemp.

However, only the devil Emperor himself knew that she was already heavy enough to be unable to repair the injury, and then aggravated several points.

If we say that before, the devil emperor can barely suppress the injury, thus forming absolute pressure on fengliancheng and others, then by now, she has some pressure on the injury.

And if the injury in her body can't be controlled completely, then

Don't have to wait to start with Feng Liancheng and others, she is afraid to collapse first.

Is it difficult for her to fall into the lower bound that she never sees in her eyes?

With such an idea in mind, the devil emperor suddenly suppressed it.

No way!

The reason why she came to Xuanwu was not to die like this. Even if she really wanted to die here, she would take those people whom Feng cared about to bury her with her!

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