The devil emperor's eyes flashed seven times.

If she had not been too persistent in life, she would not have been able to count the Fengzhi after tens of thousands of years in order to continue her life.

If she had not planned to go to Fengzhi, she would not have come to such an end.

Under this kind of persistence in life, but whenever there is any possibility of continuing to live, the devil emperor will never give up his own life, but will try his best to let himself live.


Now she can't see any hope.

Her body's divine plunder power has been constantly destroying her vitality, and the speed of destruction is greater than the speed of her body's self recovery, and the devil emperor has no way to take the power of God's plunder. She can only watch her own body break down a little bit.

Even she could imagine what her body would look like in the end.

In short, now she can confirm that her destination is death.

The immortal has a long life, especially as an emperor, even if it can't be said that the longevity is equal to the sky, but in general, people in the fairyland can only see the immortals who fall due to various reasons, but they will not see the emperors who fall due to the end of their life.

Of course, such as the supreme elder of Tianji sect is a special case.

And now

The devil emperor is coming to the end of his life.

She is really not reconciled!

She attributed the reason why she was unwilling to bear all this to Feng Zhi's head. If Feng Zhi could yield her body obediently, how could she fall into this step now?

Maybe, she has become a real God!

It has to be said that people like the devil emperor will not reflect on themselves at any time.

Probably, this is that I would rather be negative than negative.

She didn't think about it. Why did Feng give up her body to her? How could she look good?

Of course, at this time, the devil Emperor didn't think about these things. She only knew that she would fall to the present situation. She would clearly feel that every minute and every second of her life was losing rapidly, and she could only watch her step by step towards death. All these were Fengzhi's faults.

It's true that she suffered a loss under Fengzhi. With the present situation, she is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Fengzhi. If she had a confrontation with Fengzhi, she could only die faster.


Feng to let her suffer, but does not mean that other people can.

For example, these let Feng to fly to the fairyland after thousands of years are still concerned about people.

If you can't kill Feng Zhi, can she still kill these people?

The devil emperor's mouth then issued a series of hideous laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

“…… Fengzhi, I want you to regret it

It's a chilling tone.

Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language look at each other, at the same time wring eyebrows, take a kind of look at the madman's eyes at the devil Emperor: " She won't be. She's been knocked dumb by thunder? "

Immediately, they all thought it was possible.

Otherwise, how could you cry and laugh all of a sudden?

Of course, the devil Emperor didn't miss the whisper of Feng Liancheng and the dragon, so a pair of black eyes suddenly looked at the two faces.

"Well, let's start with you." The devil emperor's voice is cruel.

Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language all over a stiff, as if they were suddenly some peerless fierce beast to stare at the same.

Two people subconsciously feel a little bad, immediately turn around to take the two clouds in the air to run far away.

However, the devil emperor finally made up his mind. How could he tolerate them to run like this?

"Want to run? It's late The way of the devil emperor.

Then, she completely released the part of her strength that had been left to suppress the injury and wanted to make it worse slowly since she was robbed by God.

The magic emperor is an emperor, and her power level is far beyond the limit of the small world of Xuanwu. If she has been suppressing her strength, then the laws of heaven in the Xuanwu continent can also be hidden, but now the devil emperor has no scruples and just wants to let Feng Zhi regret it. Therefore, she even ignores her own life charm However, it also led to the counterattack of the law of heaven on the Xuanwu continent.

The counterattack of the law of heaven is thunder robbery.

Moreover, it is still several levels more severe than the thunder robbery that the cultivator has to experience when he flies to the fairyland.

After all, this is the most powerful force of the law of the world, which is of great significance.

However, although the counterattack from the law of heaven is strong, it can only be regarded as a big black meeting a small Wu compared with the God robbery experienced by the devil emperor. Therefore, although it has brought some trouble to the devil emperor, it has not brought much trouble.The devil emperor simply ignored the thunder robbery against her.

Anyway, she couldn't live any longer. That day, thunder struck her body, which could only make her injury worse. In her current situation, the injury was lighter and heavier, which was no difference.

They're all going to die, just a moment earlier or later.

For the devil emperor, the most important thing now is to squeeze Fengzhi's parents alive while she still has some time. When Feng Zhi comes, kill them in front of her!

Think of that scene, think of the Phoenix to the time when the face will have what kind of expression, the devil emperor want to laugh.

She could feel that Feng Zhi was coming soon.

She has to speed up.

Thinking of this, the devil emperor ignores the thunder that cleaves towards her, but swindles the body directly toward the Phoenix Liancheng and the Dragon light language two people here.

Her reaction, no doubt, infuriated the law of heaven.

For a moment, in the range of people's sight, it seemed that the whole sky was covered by robber clouds, and then there was a terrible thunder and lightning. At last, the number of robbers appeared in the sky, and then they all chopped at the demon emperor.

Not only these new robber thunder, but also those that were about to strike at fengliancheng and longqingyu, changed their targets at the moment, and abandoned Fenglian city and longqingyu. Instead, they recognized the devil emperor, which meant that they would not give up until the evil emperor was destroyed.

Instead, he forgot the fengliancheng and the light language of the dragon, who were supposed to cross the robbery.

If not for the present situation is not suitable for laughing, fengliancheng and longqingyu could not help laughing.

To this, the devil emperor's response is a sneer.

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