Since she does not suppress strength, even if she is seriously injured, she is still the emperor.

As an emperor, she would be afraid of the thunder that only tickles her?

Originally, she didn't want to pay attention to the thunder. She just wanted to catch fengliancheng and the light language of the dragon as quickly as possible. But since the will of the so-called lower bound must be blocked by her, she doesn't mind spending so much effort to solve these thunder problems.

"Get out of my way!" The emperor and the devil yelled.

While talking, the devil emperor stretched out his hand which was similar to coke.

In the eyes of fengliancheng and others, this hand was obviously powerless. But at this time, when she raised her hand and grabbed the thunder robbers who seemed to be led by her, people clearly felt the terrible power from it.

That kind of power is clearly not the level they can touch now.


Is it the power from fairyland?

Of course they don't know, even in the fairyland, such power is one of the best.

But under the gaze of fengliancheng and others, I saw that the withered black hand was like a pillar of heaven, and it really caught all the thunder in his hand.

Then, give the hand a firm grip.


At that moment, people seemed to hear such a slight sound, similar to the sound of a soap bubble being punctured.

And then

Let Feng Liancheng and others can't help but stare big eyes, can't believe a scene happened.

All the sky thunder, in fengliancheng and other people's gaping, unexpectedly

He was directly crushed by such a claw as the devil emperor.

Yes, it's crushed.

With only such a grip, the thunder seems to have never appeared before, which makes people think that they have looked at the fork in the eye before.

Not only these thunders, but also the endless clouds in the sky seemed to be unsustainable at this time. They dissipated at a very fast speed.

Such a vision has attracted the attention of many people on the Xuanwu continent. However, even if people's imagination is so excellent, it is also unexpected that such a strange thing is happening here.

However, noticing the visions here, more and more powerful warriors are coming towards this place.

Among them, it includes the Phoenix Sky Dome and other powerful martial gods of the Phoenix family.

Of course, these are not what fengliancheng and longqingyu can know.

Looking at the hand that the devil emperor stretched out and still kept the grip position before, both of them could not help swallowing their saliva, not only they, but also other powerful martial gods.

They are true gods of martial arts, and they are also the most powerful fighting force on the land of Xuanwu. However, no matter how powerful they are, their own people know their own affairs, they can't do so.

Don't say that it is a grasp of the sky thunder to crush, is to let them survive the disaster intact, that is unlikely.


In fact, is their strength far from the defeated general of Fengzhi?

But this person is so powerful, and even in Fengzhi's hand, he fell to this point. Then, what is the strength of Fengzhi now?

For a while, the people's hearts poured out not the fear of the devil emperor, but the longing for the strength of Fengzhi.

If you know what people are thinking now, it is estimated that the devil emperor will be angry to death by himself.

At this time, the law of heaven also had no way to take the devil emperor.

Under normal circumstances, the law of heaven is the most powerful force in this small world. Theoretically, there is no other existence that can resist the will of the law of heaven.

But it also depends on the situation. The power controlled by the emperor of the fairyland is far beyond the law of heaven in the Xuanwu continent. If it is not the power of the real law, the law of heaven will not hurt the devil emperor at all.

In short, to hard, the law of heaven is just the devil emperor's.

I have to say, this is really a sad thing.

If the law of heaven had a spirit, I would have cried out in the toilet.

And since there is no way to drive this unruly outsider out with thunder, the law of heaven is not without a track.

What it came up with was

Open a Xuanwu mainland to the fairyland channel, let the devil emperor return to the fairyland!

Well, it should be regarded as the devil emperor's success, no problem!

Then, under the gaze of the people, the sky suddenly flashed with thousands of clouds, and there was a road of auspicious gas from the horizon, extending in the direction of the demon emperor.

At this moment, the basaltic continent became a sensation.


This is someone who is soaring again!

Since the rise of the four Fengzhi, it seems to have opened up an important joint in the Xuanwu continent, so that the warriors on the Xuanwu continent can also have another way out.Over the years, the basaltic continent is not without people flying.

Among them, a small part of them are those who have enough good fortune or small families. The other small part is the other families on the Xuanwu continent, and most of the people who fly up are from the five element sect created by Fengzhi, that is, from the Phoenix family.

Whether it's the five element sect or the Phoenix family, isn't it all the base camp of Fengzhi?

After the last time a large number of people of wuxingzong and Feng's family ascended, they finally saw someone fly up again.

Who could it be?

The old martial gods of Feng family, or who are the five elements sect?

It's said that the Phoenix family members have long been able to survive the robbery and fly up. They are just nostalgic for the Xuanwu continent, so they didn't follow Feng to fly together. I don't know whether it's true or not, and I don't know whether the people who have risen this time will have them.

For a while, all the warriors on the Xuanwu continent could not help but discuss.

At this time, of course, they will not think that things are not what they think.

It is fengliancheng and longqingyu that they can't laugh or cry when they see such a situation.


The law of heaven is actually a little skin?

Otherwise, how could such an operation happen?

Because there is no way to use thunder to hurt the devil emperor, so simply want to send away the devil emperor?

Not to mention, it's a great idea.

In addition to the magic emperor, but also to be sent away, is the Phoenix City and the Dragon light language.

The two men recovered the suppression of their strength before, and also caused the natural calamity. However, with the devil emperor as the natural target, they did not touch each other. They were so confused that they passed over the disaster that everyone was talking about.

If this were said, they would be beaten by all kinds of envious and envious people.

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