So, after the first seven visions of man's ascent, there were two more.

Feng Liancheng and the light language of the dragon can't help crying and laughing.

They can clearly feel that it comes from the exclusion of the law of heaven. To think of it, the law of heaven recognizes them as the source of all this, so when they drive away the alien devil emperor, they can simply send them away.

When they go to the fairyland, the devil emperor will think about how to kill them. It will have nothing to do with Xuanwu?

I have to say that the law of heaven is really calculating.


Can it do it?

The answer, of course, is No.

If it's just fengliancheng and longqingyu, under the exclusion of the law of heaven, of course, they have no way to resist, and eventually they can only passively fly to the fairyland and enter the world they are yearning for.

But who let now have a devil emperor?

The devil emperor came to the Xuanwu continent, which also paid a lot of price. At that time, she was seriously injured. Because of the breakthrough of space, the injury was aggravated a little.

Now the goal has not been achieved, and there is no time to do anything. Let the devil emperor leave like this, where will she recognize?

So, the devil emperor snorted again.

"Want Ben Jun to leave? Oh She said.

Although she didn't say anything else, the sound of "Oh" was enough to express her present thoughts.

So, after reaching for the sky thunder, the devil emperor once again gently points out a finger towards the sky.

No one can see that there is anything special about the finger that the devil emperor points out. The only thing that can feel is the law of heaven that wants to send away the devil emperor and the Phoenix City dragon.

Just after the magic emperor points out the finger, Feng Liancheng and the light language of the Dragon feel that the traction force that came to them first gradually disappears.

They know what the pull is. It's the call from the fairyland. As long as they follow this pull and complete the process of rebirth, they can really fly to the fairyland and appear in the immortal pool.

But now, the pull is gone.

This is

"What's going on?" Feng Liancheng and the light language of the dragon can't help but think like this in the heart.

Of course, they can't think of any reason, because they don't know the law of the world, so they have no way to know the present situation.

At this time, the devil emperor sneered: "it's just a small will. I dare to exclude this emperor!"

Since the law of heaven on the Xuanwu continent wants to stop her from doing what she wants to do, she will cut down the law of heaven on the Xuanwu continent!

Of course, she can only suppress for a while. If she was in her heyday, she may be able to hold on for a while, but now the devil emperor is seriously injured. If she wants to suppress her for a while, although it is not totally impossible, she needs to pay a greater price to do so.

She doesn't have a few days to live now. What she wants to do most is to capture all the people Fengzhi cares about, and then let Fengzhi feel regret. There is no need to use her strength in this respect, isn't it?

Therefore, the devil Emperor just chose to suppress the will of this world temporarily.

Although it can not be suppressed for long, it is enough.


In this basaltic land, neither human nor the laws of heaven can make her spend much more effort, can they?

After the magic emperor pointed out, the magic scene appeared.

What I saw was that there were some people flying up in the sky, that is, Xiaguang and Ruiqi. They should have been extending all the way to the enchanted emperor and the light language of fengliancheng dragon. However, it seemed that someone had pressed the pause button in the middle of the way. Now, both Xiaguang and Ruiqi stopped together, far away from the demon emperor and others.

Of course, this glow and auspicious Qi are not completely static. To be exact, people who see this glow and auspicious gas will have a kind of kind. They are constantly struggling to move forward, but they are stopped by people or some force.


Is there any power that can stop all this flying vision?

Of course, other people on the basaltic continent could not imagine such a possibility.

The only one who knows what's going on here is probably fengliancheng couple, as well as the powerful martial gods who are here now.

Seeing this scene, Feng Liancheng and others have a more accurate judgment on the strength of the devil emperor.

And such a person

Now it is clear that they want to find the trouble of fengliancheng and longqingyu. Then, can they escape?

For a while, the other martial gods could not help but sweat for fengliancheng and the light language of the dragon.

Of course, some martial gods don't want fengliancheng and longqingyu to have an accident. The Phoenix family has a detached position in the Xuanwu continent. It can be said that the Phoenix family is the sea god needle of Xuanwu continent. Obviously, this person is aiming at the Phoenix family. If something happens to the Phoenix family, it will never be a good thing for the whole Xuanwu continent.What's more, the most important thing is that this person had no way to take Feng Zhi, so she took Feng family to vent their anger. Listen to her meaning, Fengzhi will arrive soon. When Fengzhi arrives, if he sees something wrong with fengliancheng and longqingyu

No one can guarantee what will happen then.

No matter what, all the people of Feng family still don't have any problems.

At this thought, the martial gods also made up their minds. If fengliancheng and longqingyu had something to do at that time, they could not just watch. No matter what, they had to help.

As for whether they will be rivals of the devil emperor, it is not something they can consider now.

Of course, the reason why the gods made such a decision is not entirely because they want to save fengliancheng and longqingyu, but because they also want to save themselves.

They don't believe that after catching fengliancheng and longqingyu, the devil emperor will let them go.

Instead of becoming someone else's soul, it's better to fight with her at the beginning!

Several martial gods took a look at each other, and their looks were firm.

Of course, the devil emperor couldn't have ignored it.

However, even if he noticed it, he didn't care at all.

To her, these are just small insects that are not worth mentioning in the lower world. Who cares about those small reptiles that can be destroyed by one finger?

The existence of several martial gods to the devil emperor is just like this.

Even if fengliancheng and longqingyu didn't have the identity of Fengzhi father and mother, the devil emperor would not have looked at them.

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