The magic emperor's time is limited, and because of this, she can't waste a minute and a second.

After catching the three people of fengtianqiong, the devil emperor has actually confirmed that as long as Feng Zhi appears in front of her, she can use the method of holding Feng Tianqiong to bury them with her, so that Feng Zhi can be heartbroken.

Thinking of such a scene, the devil emperor felt that even the shadow of death was not so terrible.

You know, she used to be a person who would rather bring disaster to the fairyland in order to obtain a longer life span. Now that she can make such a change, it has to be said that the pleasure brought by the thought of letting Feng Zhi suffer is far more than the shadow brought by death to her.

From this aspect, the devil emperor should also thank Feng Zhi.

Of course, she won't thank you.

This can also fully see that in the heart of the present devil emperor, the importance of Feng Zhi has far exceeded her own.

I have to say, this is also a kind of true love.

Although the devil emperor has been seriously injured, she is also an emperor after all. In addition, she has given up thinking about life and death at this time. There is a kind of irrelevance of life and death. In such a situation, the strength she can play is comparable to that before she and the foreign evil devil merge.

According to the current situation of the demon emperor, this is not easy.

Of course, the devil emperor found out his situation for the first time, and then she couldn't help laughing.

She can play the strength of the present, and her mood at the moment, in other words, the devil emperor is actually in a state of epiphany.

In the past, she was too concerned about her life span. Although she was an immortal, she always insisted on life and death, and even planned such a shocking plot. This is the most fundamental reason why she failed to go further.

Now, she was seriously injured, and the injury could not be recovered, which has declared that the devil emperor had to go to that dead road this time.

In such a case, even if the devil emperor cares about life and death again, it has no effect.

Forced to helpless, she is to this life and death problem to the mind.

If she is in good health now, she must be able to get great benefits from such a change of mentality. Even if she is relaxed, it is possible for her to have an epiphany, but this epiphany has no effect on her.

This has to be said to be a kind of irony, but also let the devil emperor hate Phoenix even more.

In her eyes, all this is because of Feng Zhi.

I have to say, even if it is how epiphany, the devil emperor is still the devil emperor all the time. She never reflects on herself, only pushes all the mistakes on others.

Under the strength of the demon emperor, even though the area of Xuanwu land is not small, it didn't take her long to get to Feng's house.

At this time, Feng's family was in a mess.

Since the birth of a phoenix family, the Phoenix family has become the most detached existence in the Xuanwu mainland. It is also the existence that is looked up to by all the people in the mainland. The only one that can match the Phoenix family is the Wuxing sect founded by Fengzhi.

But it is the five element sect. Because of the relationship between Fengzhi and Fengzhi, it is also respectful to the Phoenix family.

It can be said that before that, in the Xuanwu continent, there was no other person or force who would provoke the Feng family.

But now

Since the clouds appeared in the sky that day, there have been accidents in the Feng family. First, fengliancheng and longqingyu were caught by the villains who came by the clouds. Then the Phoenix Sky Dome and several other martial gods of the Feng family who rushed over were all prisoners!

Not only that, the villain also came to Feng's house!

This makes Feng family people are surprised and angry.

The villain did not know the origin, but the strength was so strong that they all felt despairing. Even the three most powerful Feng Tianqiong members of the Feng family had been easily caught by her, and she obviously harbored malice towards the Feng family. Now that she came to the Feng family, what would happen to the Feng family?

For a while, all the people of the Feng family were in a panic.

However, just after a brief flurry, Feng family people will calm down again.

Since Fengzhi, Fengjia people have had the tradition of devil training. Even if they are young children who have just measured their talent, they need to go to longtouguan regularly for training. In longtouguan, it's really dangerous. In Fengzhi's words, it's not really dangerous, and it's not enough to arouse the potential of Feng's children. Just don't practice dead, practice in the dead!

Therefore, the Phoenix family is not a place of honor, not experienced.

Think about it, it's not easy for them to grow up. They have been tortured for several times in the Dragon pass. They are also very difficult, OK?

Because of the training of the demon emperor, the people of Feng family are very curious about the legendary Phoenix.

At the same time, it is also because of Fengzhi, that after nearly ten thousand years, the Phoenix family encountered a great crisis, and the people of Feng family could quickly calm down after a short period of panic.At this time, the people of Feng family are also very grateful to Feng Zhi.

If it were not for the devil training that put them on the edge of life and death, they would be in a mess if the enemy did not appear, and the whole Feng family would be in the past.

Thinking of these, Feng family after calm down, began to regain confidence.

In the tradition of Feng family, no matter what kind of crisis they encounter, they always have hope.

I hope

It is Fengzhi who has already ascended to the fairyland!

If the Phoenix family is really on the verge of life and death, then every Phoenix family is convinced that Fengzhi will fall from the sky like a God and save the whole family from life and death.

They are so convinced!

In Feng's family, Feng has been deified for a long time.

Therefore, even if we know clearly that the formidable enemy is terrible, the spirit of the Feng family is quite good.

Also in such a case, the devil emperor seized the Phoenix Sky three people arrived at the Phoenix home.

Although nearly ten thousand miles have passed, the old house of Feng family is not much different from that when Fengzhi and others were there. Even though Fengzhi four people have been flying for so many years, the vines planted by Fengzhi's relatives outside the old house of Fengzhi are still intact.

The devil emperor stopped outside the vine.

From the memory of Fengzhi and Longyan, she also saw this piece of rattan, which was obtained by Fengzhi from the relics. Since Fengzhi planted this vine in the old house of Feng family, the old house of Feng family has become the safest place in the whole Xuanwu continent.

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