From this, we can see that Fengzhi attaches great importance to the whole Phoenix family.

The devil emperor's face, which was scorched and dark, could not be seen at all, and the corners of his mouth gently pulled.

"I can't see that Fengzhi is a man who values love and righteousness." She said coldly.

However, the objects of Fengzhi are those ordinary people who are like ants in the eyes of the devil emperor, and more importantly, these people will soon become her dead souls.

Thinking of this, the devil emperor pulled out a very twisted smile.

The three Feng Tianqiong, who were tied up by the magic emperor and led behind them, felt numb when they saw her smile.

You can also think of what the devil emperor is thinking now. Anyway, for them and the Feng family, it will never be a good thing.

After being caught by the demon emperor, the martial gods of the Feng family suffered a lot, ranging from light to heavy. After several times, people could see that their suffering was based on their blood relationship with Fengzhi. For example, the three people of fengtianqiong were the closest relatives of Fengzhi, and they suffered the most severe torture, while other martial gods were more than others It's much better for them.

However, even so, no matter the three people in the Phoenix Sky, or the other martial gods of the Phoenix family, did not have any intention of lowering their heads to the enchanted emperor.

Feng family has its own backbone!

And the back of this backbone is supported by Phoenix!

Since this man regards Feng as his mortal enemy and hates Feng to the point that he specially comes down from the fairyland to find them, and then how can they win the momentum of Fengzhi in front of this man?

At the same time, the people of Feng family are really curious. How much loss did this person have to suffer under Fengzhi's hand?

They all think that if the devil emperor is willing to tell her story, it will soon become a legend.

Of course, the devil emperor can't do this, which is the regret of Feng Tianqiong and others.

At this time, seeing the enchanted emperor say such a sentence to the flower vine, the Dragon light language smiles: "of course, the Phoenix family is sentimental and righteous, but that also depends on who, with the words of Fengzhi, for their own people, to be as warm as spring, for the enemy, it should be as merciless as autumn wind sweeping leaves..."

Even if you hear the words, you can't think about it.

At this time, I heard the light voice of the dragon and said again And you, I think, you are in Fengzhi's hand, probably not just the fallen leaves swept by the autumn wind... "

The devil emperor was stunned.

When she realized that she was ridiculed by this mortal, she immediately became angry and pinched it on the neck of the Dragon light language. Her withered black hand and the white neck of the Dragon light language formed a very sharp contrast, which was quite shocking.

"You want to die!" The devil emperor was furious.

She came to basaltic land to vent her anger, but she didn't want to be angry with these mole ants.

Even if, this mole ant gave birth to a daughter like Feng Zhi.

Feng Tianqiong and Feng Liancheng's eyes moved slightly, and their eyes were worried.

But the Dragon light language, is extremely angry by the devil emperor so pinches the neck, she only feels that she wants to breathe has some difficulty, but even so, her heart still does not have any fear, even has a light smile on her face.

"You won't kill me." Long light language hard to say this sentence, the smile on the face from the beginning to the end has not been convergence.

The devil emperor could hardly wish to strangle the Dragon light language.

However, as long Qingyu said, she will not really start with it now.

How could she be willing to kill the Dragon light language at this time?

This is Fengzhi's mother-in-law. Even if Fengzhi has been on the rise for so long, he still has a person in his heart. Such a person, of course, has to wait until Feng Zhi comes and torture her to death in front of her. How can he die so soon?

If you let her die like this, isn't that cheap Feng Zhi?

And the devil emperor, now the least want cheap, is the Phoenix to.

Therefore, even if he was excited by the light words of the dragon, no matter how angry he was, the devil emperor still suppressed his anger again with the greatest endurance.

In fact, just think of Fengzhi to see that he killed her close relatives is what kind of mood, so that the cool feeling is enough to let the devil emperor temporarily suppress her temper.

Taking a deep breath, the devil emperor removed his hand from the neck of the Dragon light language, and sneered at the Dragon light language: "what's the matter? You don't want to add trouble to Feng Zhi, so you want to stimulate me to kill you? It's a pity that you'll have to live for a while

The color of the Dragon light language remains unchanged.

And her performance, so that the devil emperor can not help but think of Feng to, her heart and therefore gush out some unhappy.She is not happy, of course also want to call Feng family these people not happy.

Therefore, the devil emperor laughed and said with malice: "you can guess that I came here because of Fengzhi. I am indeed the defeated general of Fengzhi. If it was not for Fengzhi, I would not have become the ghost like I am now, but it doesn't matter..."

Dragon light language a few people heart slightly a sudden.

"I might as well tell you that Feng Zhi is on her way back now. If she comes back and sees me kill you one by one in front of her, what kind of mood do you think Feng Zhi will be? Would she be so mad with anger that she would like to destroy the world? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The devil emperor said that later he had already laughed wildly.

Feng Tianqiong several people but listen to the face of a dramatic change.

They had always thought that the reason why the devil emperor came to Xuanwu was that he had suffered a loss in Fengzhi's hands, so they took them to revenge Fengzhi.

But they didn't expect that Fengzhi was on the way back from the fairyland to the Xuanwu continent. What's more, the evil emperor still had such a vicious mind.

Feng Tianqiong several people can't understand Feng Zhi's temperament. Although Feng Zhi is cold hearted and cold hearted, she is actually a very affectionate person. However, there are too few people who can be put into her heart.

And they are no doubt the Phoenix to put in the heart of the people.

Under such circumstances

If Fengzhi really saw them dead in the hand of the devil emperor, then how much damage would it bring to Fengzhi? People couldn't imagine.

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