Thinking of such a scene, Feng Tianqiong and others all glared at the demon emperor.

If they have any spare power, they will definitely let the devil emperor look good!

But it is a pity that there is a gap between their strength and the devil emperor, especially since they have become prisoners of the devil emperor. They are not only tightly bound, but most importantly, they can not use their own force at all. In addition to opening their mouths, they can't even bite their tongue and commit suicide.

Dragon light language doubt, is that they can open their mouth to speak, afraid that the devil emperor deliberately for.

Knowing that there is no way to take the devil emperor now, the Dragon light language several people can only pray silently in their hearts, hoping that the Phoenix will not come back.

If in the usual, they certainly want to see Feng to immediately.

After all, Fengzhi is their proudest daughter and granddaughter. It has been nearly ten thousand years since Fengzhi's four people rose to the top. Over the years, except for a few communications, they have never heard from Fengzhi. It was impossible to say that they did not miss them.

To see Feng Zhi is the greatest wish of long Qingyu and others in recent years.

It's not that they can't get in touch with Fengzhi, but because they don't want to bring trouble to Fengzhi, for nearly ten thousand years, long Qingyu and others have just suppressed their thoughts in their hearts.

Seeing Fengzhi will definitely make every one of them very happy.


That was before.

Under such circumstances, what they hope most is that Feng will not come back.

Even if Feng doesn't come back, they may lose their lives under the devil emperor, but anyway, they don't want Feng Zhi to see with his own eyes how they died under the devil emperor's hand.

They know that Fengzhi, if such a thing happened, Fengzhi, she would be really crazy.

Fengzhi is such a heavy emotional person, few people can let her put it in her heart. It is because there are so few people, everyone is very important in Fengzhi's heart. She can't tolerate anyone's leaving, especially in such a tragic way.

At that time, the Dragon light language can imagine how much self blame Fengzhi will have.

She must think that the devil emperor was recruited by her, and the Dragon light language and others were all suffering on behalf of her.


What kind of pain does Feng Zhi have?

Dragon light language and others are the closest relatives of Fengzhi, they are not willing to let Fengzhi bear such pain.

Because of this, it is clear that they and others are in such a dangerous situation. The Dragon light language few people still don't want Feng Zhi to come back to the Xuanwu continent.


They also know that Fengzhi is definitely not the kind of person who knows that they are in danger and can rest easy.

Therefore, Fengzhi is bound to come, and will come as quickly as possible.

Maybe, Fengzhi is coming soon.

Think of here, the Dragon light language several people all have some unbearable.

The devil emperor said that she could not live any more. Now she wanted to pull some cushions before she died. By the way, she would be satisfied with the pain that Feng Zhi could not endure for a lifetime.

Feng Zhi, Feng Zhi

Dragon light language a few people do not know what they can do now, to let Feng to avoid suffering like this.

But the devil emperor, after throwing down these words, actually no longer pays attention to the Dragon light language and so on.

For her, she would never have said one more word with them if long Qingyu was the close relatives of Fengzhi. Now that she has said so much to them, it is already a compliment to them. How can she continue to pay attention to them?

Her eyes fell again on the Phoenix House in front of her.

After nearly ten thousand years, the vine outside the old house grew more dense than when Fengzhi left. It looked like a sea of harmless flowers, but in fact, there were sharp teeth hidden under the delicate flowers.

There is a hidden danger in beauty.

This is the evaluation of the sea of flowers outside the Feng family's old house by the warriors on the Xuanwu continent.

And the lethality of these flowers is much stronger than that of nearly ten thousand years ago. Even if the martial god comes, it is impossible to rush to Feng's old house under the protection of this sea of flowers.

Of course, there is no such short-sighted warrior God on the Xuanwu continent, who will rush to the old house of Feng family.

It's just

In the basaltic land, the most destructive flower vine, to the devil emperor, it is completely worthless.

"Ah..." The devil emperor looked at the sea of flowers and laughed.

Then, she lifted her feet and went to the sea of flowers.

Since the sea of flowers was planted here by Phoenix, it has been guarding the Phoenix family's old house for nearly ten thousand years.

At first, the Huateng in the sea of flowers had only a little intelligence, which was intimidated by Fengzhi's strength. However, nearly ten thousand years later, these vines had a sense of belonging to this place for a long time. They also regarded themselves as part of Feng's family, not just because of Fengzhi's orders.Therefore, at this moment, seeing that there are outsiders who don't invite them to enter, they immediately rise against the wind and become overlord flowers with sharp teeth, showing their claws and teeth to the outsider, the demon emperor.

This situation, it's a little creepy.

However, in the eyes of the devil emperor, these are not enough to see.

The devil emperor has lived for tens of thousands of years. The wind, rain and danger she has experienced are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Now it's just some flowers and vines that can't be seen or used. How can the devil emperor pay attention to her?

Yes, in the eyes of the evil emperor, this piece of rattan outside the Feng family's old house, which makes people talk about it on the Xuanwu continent, can only get an evaluation that is not useful.

Seeing the devil emperor not only did not withdraw, but continued to walk in. Huateng, who had been infuriated, did not hesitate any longer. As if the devil emperor had some strong attraction, they roared to the demon emperor from all directions.

This situation, just like the devil emperor is a target, and the vine is a sharp arrow.

According to the normal situation, if you are attacked by the number of flowers and vines, the devil emperor must be tied into a sieve, but now it is not normal. This is the emperor of the fairyland!

Therefore, although the flowers and vines poured out, the final result was quite disappointing. In the end, not only did they not bring any harm to the devil emperor, but they were seriously damaged. The flowers that originally showed their ferocious teeth fell down like rain, and soon spread a thick layer on the ground.

For a while, the sky of Feng's old house was full of shrill screams of flowers and vines.

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