The seven Feng family members in the old house were all red in their eyes. The Phoenix family members who were impulsive could hardly contain their grief and anger. They wanted to rush out and fight with the devil emperor.

These vines were tamed by Fengzhi at first, so they had to guard Feng's house.

At the beginning, it was the Feng family who saw the sharp teeth of Huateng, and they were afraid of it. For a period of time, the younger generation of Feng family didn't even dare to go out of the old house. After a long time, the people of the Feng family were used to these terrible guards outside their old house.

But in these long years, the old house of Feng family had the protection of these vines, which made it much more peaceful and peaceful. These flowers and vines were aware of danger many times and saved the Feng family from danger.

This time and again, people in the Phoenix family were grateful for this piece of vines. After finding out that the flowers and vines were actually intelligent, they gradually took these vines as part of the Feng family.

Now, seeing that the Huateng, which has not lost much in the past ten thousand years, has lost so much in front of the devil emperor. The people of Feng family only feel that the screams of Huateng are like knocking on their hearts. How can they not feel heartache?

"I'll fight him, I'll fight him!"

A looking at only 15-6-year-old Feng family boy, at this time red eyes will go out.

Not only this boy of Feng family, but also many descendants of Feng family, who were as big as him, all followed the young man's back and prepared to rush out.

These young people almost grew up in the sea of flowers. Every vine in them is a partner to them. Now that their partners have such a encounter in front of them, how can they not be angry?

It's just

These teenagers have not been able to step out of the old house.

Because, in their side, as well as their elders, they are one by one pressed in place, do not let them have any changes.

These elders of Feng family are not angry, but they also know that the strength of the devil emperor is different from any enemy they know before. She is so powerful that people in Feng family can't help but despair.

Fengtianqiong three people are the most powerful fighting force of their Feng family. But now, they are all grasped by the magic emperor without any effort. What damage can they do to the demon emperor, especially the younger generation of Feng family who have not yet grown up?

When holding down those young people of the Phoenix family, the elders of the Feng family were also dripping blood.

Huateng was originally left by Fengzhi. Now that there is such a big loss, how can they not have any touch?

It's just

Strength is inferior to people, they have no way.

For a moment, Feng to the old house, all of them were holding their fists, watching the vines rush towards the demon emperor like moths to the fire, and then fall in an instant.

At this moment, all the people of Feng family think that they must become stronger and stronger by all means, so strong that they can ignore any enemy, and do not need to hurt anyone and anything they care about any more!

If they have such strength now, how can they only watch the Huateng suffer such losses?

In such a short time, a sea of flowers, which had grown very luxuriantly, has become scattered and scattered, looking at the particular dilapidated.

Even those flowers still hanging on the branches have no vitality at all, but may wither at any time.

Obviously, their vitality has been greatly lost.

Look at this situation, maybe it won't be long before this sea of flowers will disappear completely.

And this

However, the people can't tolerate it.


Many children of Feng family can't help but roar out.

But clearly in their hearts so angry, they take the evil emperor who caused all this to have no way, which makes people can't help but hate their own incompetence.

At the beginning, when Feng was still there, how did Feng family ever have such a time?

Even if fenglaizong sneaked down four immortals and wanted to occupy the Xuanwu continent, and they raised the warriors in Xuanwu as pigs, could Feng even blow up the four immortals with her strength far inferior to that of the immortals at that time?

Fengzhi can do something, but they can't do it. They can only stand idly by and watch, even if no matter how angry they are.

How hate!

At this time, all the people of Feng family were in the same mood.

At this time, I don't know if I feel the feelings of the people of the Phoenix family. In the old house of the Phoenix family, all of a sudden, there are lines with slight light.

The line starts from the middle of the Phoenix family's old house and starts to extend towards the whole house. Every time a phoenix family member meets on the way, a line will be drawn from the line. It seems that these lines are used to connect everyone in the Feng family.And these, are in the Phoenix family when people do not know.

By the time the anger, hatred and self blame in the hearts of the Phoenix family reached its peak, the pattern had covered the whole old house, and connected every Feng family member in the old house together.

With the anger and unwillingness of the Feng family, there is an invisible force overflowing from each Phoenix family. Through their lines, they gather in the center of the Phoenix family's old house, which is where the lines start.

After a complex process of kneading, these forces suddenly burst out towards the four sides.


All the people in Feng's family heard such a roar.

At the same time, it was like something was passing through their bodies, but they looked down and found that there was nothing unusual about them.

What's going on?

All the people in Feng's family were puzzled.

And then

"Look, what is this?" A child of Feng family, who was only four or five years old, stretched out his fleshy hand and pointed to the air.

People subconsciously follow the direction of his fingers, and then one by one also stay for a while.

Just when they were wondering, the sky of Feng family's old house was suddenly covered by a layer of light golden light. At first, the golden light had no shape, just like sunlight. But soon, after a period of change, the golden light even formed a wall with light golden light, standing outside the ancestral house of Feng family A kind of guardian.

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