Outside the city wall, there was a translucent sword, which looked like a virtual sword.

This is

Feng's family was stunned.

After that, four words appeared in their hearts.

Unite as one!

That's right. It's all about unity.

It is not an ordinary idiom for people of the Phoenix family to unite as one. It actually represents a legend that has been circulating in the Phoenix family for many years.

According to legend, their ancestor, Fengzhi, not only has a talent that others can't reach in practice, but also has extraordinary talent in other aspects.

For example, Fengzhi forced the Murong family to death with her alchemy skills, and won the first prize in the weapon refiner competition.

In a word, Fengzhi is an excellent all rounder.

For the hearts of these younger generation of Feng family, they grew up listening to all kinds of Legends of Fengzhi. Although they have not seen Fengzhi, they can say all kinds of things about Fengzhi.

Fengzhi is the idol of all of them.

And in these Phoenix family younger generation heard about the legend of Fengzhi, there is such a statement.

It is said that Fengzhi and Longyan are also very accomplished in the array. At first, Fengzhi and Longyan suppressed their own strength for thousands of years in order to wait for Fenglai and Fengming to fly together. During the thousand years, Fengzhi and Longyan developed an array that was very suitable for the Phoenix family and set up the array in the old house of the Feng family.

And that array, the name is unity.

However, although there has always been such a legend in the Phoenix family, the younger generation of the Phoenix family has never got any accurate statement about it from the elders.

Over time, we just think that this is a legend about Fengzhi.

In this legendary story, this array called "unity of purpose" is specially researched by Fengzhi for the Feng family, in order to prevent her and long Yanfeng from coming to Fengming and soaring. When the Feng family encounters a crisis of extermination, the Feng family can buy some time for the Feng family, so that the Feng family can contact Feng Zhi in time.

It is said that when the Phoenix family is faced with a terrible enemy that they absolutely can't deal with, as long as all the Feng family members are filled with anger and hatred, but without any hesitation and fear, they can achieve the condition of uniting the spirit of the dead.

Once the array is activated, as long as the people of the Phoenix family can keep their hearts fearless and have firm faith, no matter what kind of enemy they are, they will never hurt them.

After hearing this legend, the younger generation of the Phoenix family have no less fantasies. If one day the Phoenix family encounters such a crisis, they will certainly become a member of the United Front with their own beliefs, and contribute their own strength to resist the strong enemy.

However, the younger generation will be their own such ideas said to the elders, but without exception, all had to slap.


They all hope that the Phoenix family will encounter such a life and death crisis. Shouldn't they fight?

After being hit for so many times, some of the younger generation of Feng family in secondary two gradually gave up the idea of their own mind, and only regarded the event about the United Front as another legend of Fengzhi.

But now

The younger generation of Feng family almost jumped up.

They said, how can such a popular thing be just a legend?

Now, this big formation of unity of mind, can't it start?

They also became a part of the formation and contributed their strength to the battle against the strong enemy.

Thinking of this, where are these young people any previous frustration, replaced by excitement and infinite hope.

This great array of unity of mind not only has a strong defense force, but also has a strong attack power. It can be said that it has truly achieved the integration of attack and defense. The defense force is shown in the wall, and the attack power falls on the fully formed lightsaber.

Seeing the start of the United Front, all the Phoenix family members were also inspired.

In the past, their hearts will inevitably be a little panicked. They don't know where the Phoenix family will go this time. But now, seeing that the array set by Fengzhi in those years is displayed in front of people for the first time, all the members of the Feng family have swept away the uncertainty before and become excited and fearless one by one.

In theory, as long as they can go on fearlessly, the array can always protect them well.


How can they be afraid again?

And sensing the spirit of the Phoenix family, originally looking at the translucent wall and the sword, but it has become more condensed.

It can be imagined that both the defense of the city wall and the attack power of the sword must have been greatly improved.

Then all the people in Feng's family also gave birth to infinite hope.All the people in the old house all set their eyes on the devil emperor outside.

At this time, the devil emperor was also a little surprised.

She didn't expect that she just wanted to come to the home of Fengzhi, who had been worried about by Fengzhi all the time, to have a walk in the lower bound. However, she met such a strange array, which was completely powered by the spiritual strength of these Phoenix family members.

"Oh, Fengzhi is really capable of making tricks." The devil emperor sneered.

She was sure that with the Phoenix family, there was no way to arrange such an array. Then, who could lay out the array besides Fengzhi?

Think about it, Fengzhi, who had not yet ascended, could set up such a strange array. Even the devil emperor couldn't help feeling deeply for Fengzhi's talent.

Once upon a time, the evil emperor had been very proud of his talent, but now, compared with Fengzhi, the devil emperor suddenly had an awareness that his defeat was not unjust.

If she could have such a consciousness early, then she probably would not have come to this step.

Of course, this does not mean that if there had been such an awareness that the talent was not as good as that of Fengzhi, the evil emperor would give up the idea of continuing to fight against Fengzhi in time and live in the dark instead of hiding from Fengzhi.

If Feng Zhi's excellent performance could be acknowledged earlier, the emperor felt that her plan for Fengzhi would be more cautious and more careful.

No matter when, the devil emperor will not regret the choice he has made.

Now, of course.

Thinking from the recollection, the evil emperor took a deep breath and looked at the old house of the Phoenix family, which was protected by the great array of concerted efforts, and took a step forward.

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