If so, by the seventh time, the devil emperor threatened Fengzhi with them. If Fengzhi was allowed to do something that Fengzhi didn't want to do or was harmful to Fengzhi, wouldn't they become the sword that stabbed Fengzhi in the hand of the devil emperor?


If they don't withdraw the array, will the devil emperor be harmful to Feng Tianqiong?

For a while, the Feng family in the big array fell into a dilemma.

And the devil Emperor didn't give them time to tangle. Seeing that the Feng family didn't withdraw the array as soon as she wanted, she gave a cold hum and raised the Phoenix Sky higher. "Now, your old ancestor is in my hand. If you are wise, you can take this battle out by yourself. Otherwise, you can watch him die in front of you."

Feng family is a burst of silence.

At the same time, the Feng family in the hearts of the anger is even worse, they all want to rush out to fight with the devil emperor!

Because of the feelings of the people of the Phoenix family, the great array of unity of mind has not been broken, and the light of the empty array has become more and more condensed.

The real feeling of these changes is not others, but the devil emperor.

The emperor's face is not good.

In fact, she was a little lucky at the moment. If Feng Tianqiong and her family did not leave the ancestral home of the Feng family, but were sheltered by the United Front, she was afraid that she would never have caught them.

Fortunately, she is lucky enough to have Feng Tianqiong in her hands now, and she is not afraid that those inside will not compromise.

And for the Phoenix family, this is also a lesson, that is, do not leave home!

Looking at the Phoenix Sky after, and has been held up by the devil emperor's neck Feng Liancheng and dragon light language, Feng family in the hearts of the anger is almost to the essence.

The devil emperor looked at the three Feng Tianqiong people who were lifted up by her and put them in the air, but they didn't show any pain on their faces. Of course, they were not painless. They just didn't want the people in the ancestral house of Feng family to shake because of their pain, so they suppressed all the pain to bear.

However, how can the devil emperor allow them to do so?

If Feng Tianqiong three people are not suffering at all, how can we let the Phoenix family in the ancestral home of the Phoenix family feel heartache and worry?

The next moment, the devil emperor's hand will be more than a thin needle, those needles each are suffused with cold breath, in the sun even in the cold, let a person look at it as if the soul will be frozen in general.

At the same time, these needles are also very thin. The magic emperor grasped this one, at least there are thousands of them, so people can't count them clearly.

These needles

What does the devil emperor want to do?

Everyone in the ancestral house of Feng family was worried.

And the devil Emperor gave them the answer with his action.

First, she raised her hand and looked at the needle in the hand at the sun, and the corner of the devil emperor's mouth hooked out a smile. Then, with a smile on her hand, a thousand rays of light flashed through her hand, and the needle full of thin as cow's hair pierced the three people of Phoenix heaven.

"This needle..." "The devil emperor said in a secluded way," it was originally prepared for the Phoenix. When the Phoenix came there, it didn't work. It was good for you to help him

At first, Fengzhi and Longyan had been closed for two thousand years. During this period, the devil emperor had been trying to find a way to find them out. Later, he tried to catch Fenglai and others, and wanted to use Fenglai and others to force Fengzhi to appear.

For this reason, Fenglai suffered a lot of losses under the devil emperor's hand. Later, Fengzhi and Longyan were stimulated to become emperor and finally rescued Fenglai from the hand of the devil emperor.

At that time, the devil emperor later enjoyed tormenting Feng and collected many things that existed only for torturing people. The needle in her hand was one of them.

This needle is called ice soul needle, each of which is as fine as ox hair. Although this needle is very thin, if it is really pierced into a person's body, its chill will instantly freeze people, and even enter the spirit of human beings, making people suffer from the cold from the body to the soul.

At that time, the evil emperor had bitten the Phoenix with the food God ant. Any little pain would be magnified by countless times, not to mention the pain on the soul and body of the ice soul needle. Even if the ordinary ant bit the Phoenix gently, the pain was absolutely beyond the endurance of ordinary people.

It can be imagined that under such circumstances, if Fenglai was really pierced by so many ice soul needles, what kind of pain should it be.

At the beginning, Feng Lai didn't bear such pain, but now it is borne by Feng Tianqiong. The devil emperor thinks that he is really worthy of collecting these things.

In the ice soul needle into the body, Feng Tianqiong three people at the same time a stiff.

At first, it was just a little bit of pain, as if it had been pricked by a needle. But then, the places where the needle had been pricked began to show gusts of coldness. The cold air immediately spread to their whole body, making their bodies gradually become unconscious. After porridge's body lost consciousness, their soul was cold and painful And began to feel sad.Pain, pain!

Pain Phoenix Sky Dome three people all wish to take what thing to pat oneself fainted in the past.

On the contrary, the cold is intended to bring them pain and make them more conscious at the same time.

Only for a short time, Feng Tianqiong three people can no longer maintain the original calm, but the whole face began to become distorted.

However, their bodies were already frozen, and under such circumstances, they were twisted because of pain. How could they look so strange? What's more, the people of Feng family in the ancestral house can see at a glance what kind of pain they are suffering.


The crowd couldn't help losing their voice.

But the devil emperor was not very satisfied at this time.

In her mind, the ice soul needle is a fairyland thing, and it should cause more pain to mortals. However, such pain should not be borne by these three mortals. Since they can not bear it, the three people will certainly scream with pain and even beg for mercy from her.

In this way, not only can the devil emperor be satisfied in his heart, but also can cause psychological pressure on the Phoenix family members in the ancestral house of the Phoenix family, forcing them to find a way to withdraw the United Front for the sake of Feng Tianqiong.

How could I have thought that the three fengtianqiong people were really tough. Even though they had suffered such pain, they didn't even hum a sound from the beginning to the end.

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