How can this work?

The devil emperor would never allow this to happen.

She snorted coldly, "I want you to open your mouth and tell the people inside how painful you are. Let them withdraw the battle array and take you back Well? "

The ending of the word "um" rises high and upward, obviously threatening.

Feng Tianqiong three people listened to this, not only did not like the devil emperor wishes, but also toward him "ha ha" two smiles.


Since the Phoenix to fly to the fairyland, the meaning of these two words also began to spread in the fairyland through the mouth of Fengzhi. Even the devil emperor knew what it meant.

She did not know that Feng Tianqiong's "ha ha" at this time was just to express their disdain, or to really satirize her. However, the devil emperor did not pursue so much. She only knew that because of the "ha ha", she was in a bad mood.

So, she stretched out her hand to Feng Tianqiong's frozen arm.


After a crisp sound, the arm of Feng Tianqiong was smashed under the devil emperor's hand.

Frozen stiff, whether it is the human body or anything else, if you use brute force to pinch and knock, it would have easily become broken. It is not surprising that Feng Tianqiong's arm will be like this.


The Phoenix family in the ancestral home is about to crack.

And Feng Tianqiong, he was suffering from extreme pain, but now he has lost part of his body. The pain makes him unable to keep silent any longer, but he can't help roaring.


The pain in the voice is easy for all to hear.

For a while, the Phoenix family in the ancestral home could not help but blush, and everyone's body trembled with grief and indignation.

They all want to save the Phoenix Sky from the devil emperor's hand, but they also know that the only thing they can do now is to stay in the big array and not to let the devil emperor's plan succeed.


It is to pass the knife to the devil emperor's hand, and the knife will be inserted into Feng Zhi's body at that time.

Although intellectually, they knew that they and others should do this, but emotionally, looking at Feng Tianqiong suffering from such pain, they couldn't even save him. Feng family members clenched their fists tightly. Because of too much force, many people's fingernails even pierced their palms. Blood flowed from their palms, and finally trickled down their fingers.

Only for a short time, Feng family ancestral home can smell a very obvious bloody gas.

The younger generation can't stand it.

"Master, we Go and save grandfather A 16-7-year-old Feng family can't help but roar out like this.

Some people opened their heads, and other young people also said in succession.

Some of them can't bear it.

But Feng Ao, the owner of Feng's family, has not let go.

In fact, the most difficult thing now is Feng Ao. He not only has to bear the safety of so many Feng family members in his ancestral home, but also worries about the safety of the three Feng Tianqiong people outside. However, it is wrong to make any decision now, so he has to struggle in his heart countless times.

Clenching teeth tightly, Feng Ao closes an eye, after all still did not make a sound.

And outside at this time, Feng Tianqiong was suffering from such pain and thought that he might die in the next moment. Even at this time, he felt that maybe death was a kind of relief for him.

But, after all, he survived.

After withstanding this kind of pain, Feng Tianqiong's ability to bear the pain has been improved again.

After a while, feeling the strongest wave of pain passed, Feng Tianqiong even laughed under such circumstances.

However, because of his present appearance, even if he was smiling, he was just laughing miserably.

"You are worthy of my Phoenix family. They are all good. You can't be threatened. You can't hear me?" The Phoenix Sky Dome Li voice way.

When the voice reached the ancestral house of the Phoenix family, the people of the Feng family became more excited.

The devil emperor's mood is not good.

She didn't expect that Feng Tianqiong really had such a hard bone, which not only sustained the pain brought by the ice soul needle, but also failed to let him beg for mercy even when his body was damaged.

"Ha ha..." The devil emperor was angry and laughed, "well, I really want to see how hard your bones can be!"

With these words, she lifted her hand and pinched it on fengliancheng's legs.

Just like the previous Phoenix Sky Dome, the legs of Fenglian city also turned into ice powder in an instant. If it wasn't for fengliancheng, now it doesn't need legs to support the body, I'm afraid it will not be able to maintain the balance of the body.

"Say it The devil emperor put his hand on the other leg of Fenglian city again, "please forgive me, otherwise, you don't have to want another leg..."Feng Liancheng laughed bitterly, but he didn't say any words of begging for mercy according to the devil emperor's mind. Instead, he gave a "bah" to the demon emperor. "It's just the defeated general of Fengzhi, and I want me to beg for mercy from you. Why is your face so big?"

Although every word said seems to be experiencing the bitterness of tardiness, fengliancheng did not have any intention of bowing his head.

The devil emperor narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were cruel.

Her hand fell on the other leg of fengliancheng.


After such a dull sound, the other leg of fengliancheng became powdery with blood and flesh, and raised a bloody dust.

All the Phoenix family members who saw this scene felt as if they were being pricked by a sharp awl.

This is the most revered person in their Feng family. Now they are suffering, but they can't help each other

For a moment, the voice of the Feng family's people to fight became more and more loud.

However, Feng Ao still bit his teeth and didn't open his mouth.

The devil emperor was a little impatient at this time.

Fengzhi will arrive soon. If she is still wasting time here, Fengzhi should call.

She sneered, did not speak, but went to the Dragon light language.

Looking at the light language of the dragon, the devil emperor suddenly said: "speaking of it, Fengzhi looks like you. If such a beautiful face is destroyed, will Fengzhi feel heartache when it sees it?"

Although the Dragon light language can't move, it can express her disdain for the devil emperor with her own eyes.

For the threat of the devil emperor, the Dragon light language is not at all in mind.

As a practitioner, she doesn't care about her appearance completely, but she doesn't care as much as most people do. The devil emperor wants to threaten her with her appearance, which is doomed to be impossible.

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