Feng Zhi looks back at Longyan.

She and Long Yan have known each other for such a long time, and they often hold each other in close arms. However, Long Yan has always been strict with himself and has never seen him do anything out of line.

I didn't expect that he could say such a thing.

Feng Zhi squeezed her eyes toward Longyan. "Brother Longyan, I didn't think you were such a Longyan."

Long Yan blinked.

This kind of action was done by Fengzhi before, but at this time, Long Yan tried to be cute in front of Fengzhi. In addition, his appearance could be regarded as unique, which made him extremely cute.

"Cough!" Long Yan coughed and looked serious. He seemed to have no selfish feelings. "It's always bad to get wet."

Phoenix to laugh.

This man, this is a serious lie.

Wet clothes, for them, is also a matter of aura at random, how can there be any bad?

But Long Yan wanted to take this opportunity to have a drink of soup.

Feng Zhi originally intended to refute it, but looking at Long Yan's appearance, she felt a little cute. She turned her eyes slightly, so she not only did not refute, but also said with a smile: "good, that Let's take off our clothes... "

Feng Zhichong Longyan squeezed his eyes.

Long Yan was stunned.

He didn't expect that Feng Zhi agreed so easily, and those words that he had prepared to persuade her naturally had to swallow them back by themselves.

However, if you can take off your clothes and soak in the empty green pool with Fengzhi

It has to be said that just thinking like this is enough for Long Yan's blood to boil.

Then, Long Yan saw the most beautiful scenery in his life.

Feng Zhi is not joking with Long Yan. She really doesn't treat Long Yan as an outsider. She just takes off her coat to soak in the pool. She doesn't have any clothes on inside, but she is more conservative than those swimsuits on the earth. I don't know how much. In this case, what can be shy about?

So, under the gaze of Longyan's bigger and bigger eyes, Feng at first slightly took some ambiguous light on the ribbon around his waist

The coat that had been dressed neatly was suddenly a pine, and Feng Zhi shrugged her shoulders gently. The loose outer garment slid down into the empty green pool along with her white fragrant shoulder and floated on the surface of the pool like a flower in full bloom.

Of course, Fengzhi was wearing an inner garment.

However, this lining is not what women in Xuanwu know.

Fengzhi has lived on the earth for so many years. Even after so many years, Fengzhi has been deeply rooted and can not be changed.

For example, in underwear.

Women's underwear on the Xuanwu continent is similar to the belly bags on the earth. For Fengzhi, who has been used to underwear on the earth for a long time, wearing a belly bag is the same as not wearing it. Of course, she can't adapt to it.

Because of this, Da Cong Feng wanted to wear underwear, so she made some underwear for herself.

Feng Zhi can never be aggrieved by herself. Of course, the underwear she wears is beautiful and comfortable, which makes her fully developed figure extremely enchanting.

Well, for Long Yan, this underwear is undoubtedly too hot for him to eat.


After just a look, Long Yan could no longer suppress the blood boiling in his heart, and then

Two tubes of golden nosebleed!

The blood of the dragon clan contains great power, not to mention that Long Yan is already an adult king of the Golden Dragon. The nosebleed does not drip like ordinary human blood, but immediately becomes a drop by drop floating in front of Long Yan.

This appearance, looking particularly funny.

Feng Zhi looked at the silly appearance of Longyan, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

It was Long Yan who let her take off her clothes and soak in the green pool. Now he is the one who has changed into this after only one look.

"Silly!" Phoenix to low voice.

Long Yan didn't come back to himself after a while. He probably knew that his appearance was a little humiliating. His ears became red and red. He quickly wiped it under his nose. He was afraid that he would make a fool of himself again. For a long time, he did not dare to look up to see Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi didn't continue to tease Long Yan, so she went to the white dot in the cathode and sat down. Then she asked Longyan, "take off your coat and sit down in the dot. Do you know?"

Feng Zhi pointed to the black dots on the anode.

Long Yanzheng was very embarrassed. Naturally, what Fengzhi said was what he said. He didn't dare to look at Feng Zhi and went to the black spot of the anode.

Feng to see him this appearance, pour bad heart eye son want to tease him.

"Ah," Feng Zhi forced to smile, "Long Yan, you have to put your nosebleed away. How come it's all the blood of the Golden Dragon royal family, can't it be wasted?"

Long Yan felt that his face was hot and the temperature was so high that he was afraid that an egg could be roasted on his face in an instant.Then he took the jade bottle and collected the golden blood floating in front of him.

Looking at Long Yan's appearance, Feng Zhi's eyes were crescent shaped. She held her chin in both hands and said with a smile: "My Long Yan is really pure. If you have been like this, what should we do in the wedding night after we get married?"

Long Yan is stiff.

Feng to can not finish the joke, she raised the corner of her lips, "is it difficult to Will you stand by the bed and watch me snort? "

Imagining such a scene, Feng Zhi was very happy.

Long Yan also follows Feng Zhi's words.

However, such things as the wedding ceremony are no doubt too exciting for a pure young man like Long Yan who is still in the arms of his relatives. His nosebleed has finally stopped, and now he seems to be ready to move.

Long Yan quickly forced himself to pull out of those beautiful scenes in his imagination, covering his nose with one hand, for fear of losing face in front of Feng Zhi.

After a while, he suppressed the faint impulse. Long Yan glared at Feng Zhi fiercely, "Feng Zhi, don't play any more!"

If Feng Zhi teases him again, Long Yan doesn't know if he can bear it.

Feng to see the appearance of Long Yan, but also a warm heart.

They were originally the closest lovers, but now they are almost frank with each other. Long Yan can bear not to go beyond the thunder. Fengzhi certainly knows how difficult it is.

In fact, Fengzhi doesn't mind having a close relationship with long Yanzhen.

She is not the ancient women who regard chastity as their life. Moreover, she and long yanben have been engaged to each other, and have made a mutual agreement. In this life, they can not be together with others in any case.

In this case, what does it matter?

But now is not a good time.

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