Now the most important thing is empty green pool.

Since they have the chance to take a dip in the empty green pool, it would be a waste if they were delayed by something else.

As for Feng, he no longer teases Longyan. He signals to Longyan to sit down in the dot of the anode.

"The longer you soak in the empty green pool, the better the effect will be. Just sit in the pool and run the skills you have learned until you can no longer draw strength from the water, and then you can stop."

Long Yan nodded.

From what Feng Zhi said, he also knew the importance of empty green pool, so he would not take it lightly.

Soon, he calmed down his mind from his previous charming mind. Long Yan sat down in the pool according to Feng Zhi's instructions.

The water in the pool was not deep. After they sat down, they just drowned their shoulders. It didn't feel much to soak in the water at first. However, as they began to practice martial arts in the pool, they immediately noticed some differences.

The light blue fog in the pool was gradually absorbed into the body by Fengzhi and Longyan when they were practicing the skills. They did not know what the origin of the fog was. They quickly integrated with the aura in their bodies, which not only made their auras more pure, but also moved faster.

This is undoubtedly of great importance to people of practice like Fengzhi and Longyan.

Not only that, Fengzhi and Longyan can feel that there is a quite magical force in the water, which is gradually integrated into their blood.

When they have absorbed enough of this power, we can imagine what benefits they will get from the empty green pool.

Because Fengzhi and Longyan absorbed the power of the empty green pool, there was no movement on the whole floating island.

The two men spent several days in an empty pool.

It's not easy to get the power in the empty green pool. Because of this, even if the five elements sect in the past had mastered such a treasure land, they could only let their direct disciples come in and soak for a day.

Fengzhi and Longyan are also lucky.

The most adverse effect of empty green pool is, of course, to enhance people's talent.

However, in addition, absorbing the power of the empty green pool can not only greatly strengthen people's flesh and blood, but also promote the cultivators to break through.

You know, there are not no pills or other methods that can promote people to break through, but no matter whether they are pills or those methods, most of them have very serious side effects after making people break through, for example, they can't move forward any more.

But through the empty green pool breakthrough, there will be no side effects.

In addition, the power of the sky green pool can also refine people's bodies and improve their talents. In this way, the few true disciples of the five element sect would choose to have a bubble in the empty green pool when they had some achievements in their practice and were in a bottleneck period.

It took tens of thousands of years for the cave to leave the Wuxing sect. In such a long time, no one in the cave had ever come to the cave, and the power in the empty green pool naturally accumulated, which was equivalent to the success of Fengzhi and Longyan with the accumulation of tens of thousands of years. Naturally, no one in the original five element sect could imagine the benefits they got.

When Fengzhi and Longyan bubble in the empty green pool, they are depressed and almost spit blood.

Although the cave looks like fairyland, they can't find anything else to start with except for the miraculous herbs and fruits that can only be seen and can't be moved.

It's hard to find a floating island. Everyone knows that there must be something good in it.


Even if there are good things, they can't let go, let alone treasure, even if they can't see it.

It's a sad story.

If they are the most powerful, they are the most powerful.

The territory of Xuanwu is so vast that there are not many masters of martial arts. All of the younger generation's strength is actually martial sage. If they are spread to the human warriors in the Xuanwu continent, I'm afraid they will cause any fluctuation.

A Fengzhi, who has been practicing against the heaven, is enough to amaze the human warriors. If there are such a group of young people who are no bigger than Fengzhi and whose strength is no less than where, it is not too hard to beat the human warriors who have been working hard to cultivate?

However, such a group of young and powerful martial saints can only look up to the treasure mountain, but there is no way to take this treasure mountain.

In the past few days under the floating island, Feng Chi and other people from the beginning of their own war, to later have no way but to rely on the joint efforts to get some benefits.


It doesn't work for eggs.

Even if a group of people put out their own means of pressing the bottom of the box, they were not close to the edge of the floating island.

At the end of the day, all of them were in despair. One by one, they did not care about any image. They just laid down on the ground. In this way, the eyes could see the floating island suspended in the sky of 100 meters."I don't know how Fengzhi and Longyan are now." The night leaves the road.

Hearing the names of Fengzhi and Longyan, the charm of being alienated by other people is obvious on the edge, and resentment flashed in his eyes.

Meimei also knows that Fengzhi and Longyan are more reliable than herself in other people's hearts, so she just immediately suppresses the resentment in her eyes and puts on a charming smile: "it's also the good luck of Fengzhi and Longyan. They can only go to this floating island. I don't know what opportunities they have got in the past few days..."

A pair of Fengzhi and Longyan feel happy appearance.

Next to the Phoenix blazing green Luan, at this time cold face to see the charm Mei one eye, "how, you this is can't see them well? Is it hard for others to tell you what chance they get? No one can tell what kind of situation they are, and you have already started to stir up trouble? "

At the end, he snorted coldly.

Although qingluan has always been proud, it is a straight temperament.

At the beginning of the meeting, the enchanting and enchanting model sample of Meimei makes qingluan feel unhappy. In addition, Meimei always has to control others to achieve her own goal. For qingluan, who is eager to keep Feng blazing firmly, she certainly can't see such a person.

In particular, Meimei now also opened her mouth to make it clear that she was hating Fengzhi and Longyan.

Qingluan is arrogant, but she is not stupid.

Where can be from get enchanting Mei to stir up to find the trouble of Feng Zhi and Long Yan?

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