Feng Zhi felt that she was really kind. She could give people a chance to choose how to die.

However, the man on the other side obviously didn't want to die.

He was stunned. Then he was so single that he let go of his hand and gave up his sword. He went straight to Fengzhi and begged for mercy. "Auntie, we didn't know Taishan before we offended you. There are a lot of seniors, so we regard the younger generation as a fart Let it go? "

Feng Zhi chuckled.

"Well, I won't bully you for the sake of your interest." Feng Zhi Dao.

Then she glanced at the man and raised her chin to the other two who had fallen unconscious on the ground.

The man was stunned at first, then suddenly realized.

Without Feng Zhi's warning, he fell to his two companions. After falling down, he even rolled several times on the ground, which made him in a mess. Then he lay dead in situ.

All of you

This guy is funny.

Feng Zhixiang.

After that, Feng Zhi's eyes fell on He Fei again.

"Well, it's no use calling for help now. What are you going to do next?" Feng Zhi asked.

He Fei has not been idle for a long time.

While Feng Zhi was fighting with the three men, he had already pulled hefei'er out of the yard. When he saw Feng Zhi, he changed his previous decadent color and became somewhat satisfied.

"Do you think you will win?" He Fei sneered.

He held a piece of white jade in his hand. If Feng didn't read it wrong, it should be a plate.

This kind of array disk is refining the array into it in advance. When the array needs to be used, the array disk will be crushed. The array arranged in advance can play a role immediately. Because it is simple, convenient and easy to carry, it naturally becomes a very popular thing in the cultivation world.


He Fei wants to use the array to deal with himself?

The Phoenix looks like a smile.

Seeing her not only did not fear, but also made a look that made people feel frightened. He Fei felt a shake in his heart and crushed the array of plates with a strong hand.

Then, in the courtyard where Fengzhi and others were located, the place bounded by the courtyard wall suddenly showed a brilliant light, which not only wrapped the whole courtyard, but also completely blocked the direction of the air.

Until the battle was completed, He Fei was relieved.

He was proud of being a villain. He didn't care how embarrassed he was now. He straightened his back and said to Feng Zhi in the array: "little girl, you are still young. Do you think you can play? Today I'll tell you to taste the power of my trapped spirit array! "

Hearing the trapped spirit array, Feng Zhi didn't have any other reaction, but the other people in the array, including the three yuan infant practitioners, suddenly changed their faces.

The trapped spirit array can be known only by listening to the name. The main function of this array is on the word "trapped".

But the word "trapped" of the trapped spirit array is not only to trap people, but to trap people to death.

Because, after the trapped spirit array is completed, all the auras within the range covered by the array will be gradually removed by the array. When the aura that already exists in the air is exhausted, the array will extract the aura that the practitioners have worked hard to cultivate from the body of the people in the array.

What's more, the extraction speed is extremely fast.

So it's terrible.

A man of practice is to absorb the free aura between heaven and earth in order to gain strength. Without aura, even the highest level cultivator will be like a tiger without teeth and can only be slaughtered by others.

I don't know who invented the trapped spirit array. Since it spread in the virtual spirit realm, it has quickly become a sharp weapon in the hands of those who seize cultivation resources by killing and seizing treasure. I don't know how many practitioners have been sucked into human trunks by the trapped spirit array because they can't get out of the array.

It's very vicious.

The one in the best condition among the three Yuanying practitioners, the one who took the initiative to "roll" past, knew that he was trapped in the trapped spirit array. His face turned pale. At the same time, He Fei roared at He Fei who was elated outside the array: "He Fei, you even trapped us in the array!"

He Fei didn't lift his eyelids.

"Well, I congratulate someone for providing you with food and clothing for so many years. Now it's time for you to contribute. What's your anger?" He sneered.

The man knew that since He Fei had opened the trapped spirit array, it was absolutely impossible for him to withdraw the array midway. Originally, he was lucky because he had escaped a robbery in Fengzhi's hand. At this time, he was no longer optimistic. His face was pale and his eyes were hopeless.

Thus, it can be seen how terrible the vicious name of the trapped spirit array is in the minds of the practitioners of the virtual spirit state.

He Fei and he fei'er, who are outside, are angry when they see Feng Zhi's face without any fear.It is this cheap girl who has trampled all the dignity of their father and daughter under their feet. Now she is trapped in the trapped spirit array. Is it that she still looks as if she is still at ease. Does she not think she can escape from the trapped spirit array?

He Fei Er is not angry, but all kinds of vicious words jump out of his mouth.

"Wait until you're a little bit sleepy, and you'll have a good time. But don't worry. I'll leave you a breath. When the time comes, I'll strip you off and throw it to those beggars who have no spiritual roots and are the most humble. Let them have a good taste of you. Ha ha ha ha... "

He fei'er couldn't help laughing because the only picture in her head that made people feel happy when she thought about it.

Feng only raised her eyebrows.

However, Long Yan, who was on Feng Zhi's wrist, had been closing his eyes to recover from his injury. When he fei'er said this, he suddenly became angry. His two golden bean like small eyes almost popped out of his eyes.

It's just that he's hurt so badly that he's like a little snake, which doesn't mean he can't understand people.

That hoffee, he swore, would tell her to have a good experience of what she said!

Long Yan even couldn't help but struggle to change back to human form.

Feng Zhizhi quickly stroked his head a few times, "OK, OK, just a clown. You take her words seriously. Don't worry. I'll never make her feel better. Then I'll throw her to those beggars who have no spiritual roots. Let's watch the opera next to you. You just have to take care of your wound now. Can you really do it all the time?"

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