Feng to such a placation, Long Yan is quiet down.

He never doubted whether Feng could do what he said.

Long Yan believed in Feng Zhi's words, but He Fei's father and daughter, who were standing outside the courtyard triumphantly, did not believe it at all.

Since this trapped spirit array spread, I don't know how many practitioners of Yuanying period have been plotted against by others, not to mention the early stage of Yuanying. Those masters who may break through to the out of body stage at any time in the later stage of Yuanying. No matter how they struggle in the array, are they not turned into a pile of dead bones by the power of the array?

So many masters hate the trapped spirit array. Now a little girl can break away from the array by saying crazy words?

Even if this little girl is a very powerful girl that they have never met before, He Fei can see that although Fengzhi's fighting power is very strong, her realm is the later period of Yuanying, and she can't be a master above the out of body period.


So many masters of Yuanying's later period all died in this trapped spirit array. How can Fengzhi have an exception?

Then both father and daughter waited outside calmly.

Although the trapped spirit array is domineering, it takes time for the array to extract so much aura. There are more than a dozen people in the yard, and four of them are masters over the age of Yuanying. It will take at least a day and a night to drain all their auras.

However, He Fei and his daughter have the patience to wait.

How can they solve the hatred in their hearts if they don't see with their own eyes that the Phoenix who humiliated them is tortured by the trapped spirit array?

Feng to comfort Long Yan, and then directly closed his eyes.

She is carefully exploring the trapped spirit array.

It has to be said that the first person who invented the trapped spirit array is definitely a genius. This array has no lethality. It has only one function, that is, to extract all auras within the array range and use it to maintain the operation of the array.

It can be said that as long as the aura within the array range is not drained completely, the trapped spirit array will be able to operate continuously.

When people are trapped, they don't need to be trapped.

It's like a big mouth, which will devour everything around you and turn it into your own use.

If ordinary people encounter such an array, they will die of one of them in despair.

However, is Fengzhi an ordinary person?

Of course not.

In fact, Feng has figured out how to crack the array.

The only function of the trapped spirit array is to absorb the aura within the array range. But if there is no aura to absorb, what about the aura of the array itself?

Feng to the cloud cloud four people smile, "you are far away from me, don't worry, it will be OK."

Then he looked at the one of the three yuan infantile practitioners who had not been hurt. "I want to break the battle now, and can't stand any disturbance. Those who want to live will protect the Dharma for me, understand?"

Feng Zhi believed that the four Yunxia people would not use any devious ideas, but she did not believe the other nine people. It would be safe and sound to have the yuan infant practitioners nearby.

The man nodded quickly.

Why does he not nod his head?

Knowing that this is a trapped spirit array, he has already been in despair, OK?

Now it's not easy for Fengzhi to say that he has a way to break the trapped spirit array. As long as he can recover a life, let alone protect the Dharma for Feng Zhi, he is willing to make a confession as an aunt!

So he immediately stood next to Yunxia and others, and his eyes were wide open. If anyone dares to have any change, he can cut people under the sword.

Arranged all this, Feng Zhi immediately sat down on the ground and closed her eyes.

What is she going to do?

Everyone looked at Feng Zhi and didn't know what she thought.

What Fengzhi wants to do is


At the top of Qixia mountain before, Fengzhi's strength has been improved rapidly after he and Longyan, Longfeng, have been singing together. He has been promoted directly to the later period of Yuanying, and only one step away can enter the out of body stage.

Later, I stayed in the space passage for almost a year.

There is nothing in the space channel. In addition to chatting, Fengzhi and Longyan can only practice.

Although the space channel looks barren, but the aura inside is unexpectedly abundant. The most important thing is that it seems to have some law power in it.

If Feng to guess correctly, it is probably the power of the law of space.

After practicing in such an environment for a year, Feng Yuanying's later strength was not only fully consolidated, but also vaguely advanced, and even realized the power of some spatial laws.

It can be said that the harvest of Fengzhi is great.

Later, when she came out of the space channel, Feng felt that she had made a breakthrough these days.

Only, did not find Long Yan, she has been forced to suppress it.Now that Long Yan has been found, Feng has no worries and can start to make a breakthrough.

Of course, breakthroughs can be made at any time. The most important thing is that they are now in the spirit trapped array.

If it was normal, even Fengzhi couldn't think of any way to grab the aura with the array, because the function of the trapped spirit array was too overbearing. But now, taking the opportunity of breakthrough, she had to think of a way.

When a practitioner breaks through the existing state, the whole person is like a small black hole, but all aura around it will be absorbed into the elixir field.

What does it take to maintain the trapped spirit array?

You need aura, of course.

As long as the Phoenix can absorb the aura that the trapped spirit array can maintain when it breaks through, no matter how powerful the trapped spirit array is, it can only collapse completely in the end.

In fact, even if Fengzhi can't absorb the aura of the trapped spirit array when it breaks through, it's more than enough to deal with a trapped spirit array with the thunder robbery at the time of breakthrough.

Now that he has found a way, Feng Zhi will not hesitate.

After sitting down with her knees crossed, she combed the aura in her body.

At this time, the trapped spirit array had just begun to play a role. Even the original aura in the air had not been completely pumped out, of course, it had not yet affected Fengzhi.

After sorting out the aura, Fengzhi let go of the original suppression of the realm. The aura in her body came out from Yuanying, and then flowed out in her veins.

At the same time, seems to be sensing something, the original clear sky suddenly began to appear heavy dark clouds.

The dark cloud is obviously not an ordinary dark cloud. With the people's eyes, we can clearly see that the dark clouds flicker a few times from time to time with some black thunder.

This is

Rob thunder!

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