What is it if you are not mentally retarded?

When Feng Zhi despised him, the group of flower protectors had already surrounded Fengzhi. If Fengzhi said "no" again, they would attack.

Feng Zhi originally planned to teach them how to be a man, but suddenly an idea came out of his mind and changed his mind.

She stepped back two steps and said weakly, "what do you want to do?"

Seeing Feng showing weakness, the group of flower protectors came to their strength. Now they don't think that there is any shame in bullying Feng Zhi by so many people. Instead, they are somewhat proud.

"Scared?" One of them said, "if you are afraid, you should hand over the dragon bone vine quickly, and then apologize to the slender fairy. Otherwise, hum, you can't bear to take care of it!"

Hearing this, Feng's eyes almost fell off. She flattened her mouth and said, "don't As long as you don't beat me, I can take out the Dragon vine, and I can also apologize to the Xian Xian Zi... "

A group of flower protectors looked at each other with color.

Feng to a ton, "you want me to apologize to the fairy, but I did not even see people, how to apologize?"

A flower protector volunteered to say, "it's not easy. I'm going to invite the fairy to come here. I must let the fairy hear your apology in person."

Then he ran away.

Others stayed, all staring at Feng Zhi, for fear that Feng Zhi would run away.

Feng Zhi can't run.

How could she be willing to run before a good play was put on?

Long Xianxian soon followed her escort, as fast as if she had been waiting for someone to invite her.

She wore a white dress today. The white dress wrapped her enchanting body in it. Even if the dress was very loose, people could see her hot figure at a glance.

He's a real criminal at a glance.

After long Xianxian arrived, he first took a look at Feng Zhi and apologized: "this girl, I'm really sorry. This is what they did wrong..."

Feng to smile.

She pointed to those flower protectors, "look at the pure white lotus like the slender fairy. It's really different from those pretty cheap ones outside."

The dragon is slender.

Mingmingfeng to this sounds like she is praising her, but how can it be so awkward?

She opened her mouth to speak, but Feng Zhi did not give her this opportunity.

"So Feng Zhi's eyes looked back and forth on long Xianxian and those flower protectors. "These people have embarrassed me and forced me to hand over the dragon bone vine which cost 30000 spirit stones to the Xian Xian Zi. They also asked me to bid with the Xian Xian Xian when I auctioned the dragon bone vine yesterday. These Xian Xian Zi are not aware of it? That is to say, they are all wrong? "

Long Xianxian choked again and couldn't speak.

What she usually shows outside is a kind and weak image. If she gives a positive answer, then her flower protectors should not be surprised?

Long Xianxian thought that since it was time for her to come forward, that Feng must have bowed her head to her, and obediently took out the Dragon vine to her, but how could she have thought that Fengzhi only said such a few words and made her choke like this?

But she had to say something.

"This girl, I was the fault of this matter. They all saw that I was eager for the dragon bone vine, so they acted so rashly. Please don't worry with them..." The dragon has the shape of white lotus.

Feng Zhi smiles.

However, those flower protectors were not willing to see Feng to embarrass their goddess again.

"Little girl, you sincerely apologize to the slender fairy, and then take out the Dragon vine. Now that you say so much, why do you want to be beaten? You have to think clearly, so many of us... "

One of them was a direct threat.

Feng to the previous weakness, that is because she wanted to lead the Dragon fiber out, but now that the Dragon fiber has come out, where can she still deal with these mental retardation?

The back hand slapped directly across the air, and the person who spoke got a heavy blow on his face, and the whole person was hit by this slap.

The scene was quiet for a moment.

At this time, someone finally remembered that when Feng Zhi participated in the auction yesterday, she was sitting in a private room.

Feng to the face still with a smile, "Oh, forget to say, I don't like to have someone in the side creaking crooked, now you remember it?"

No one answered.

Even those flower protectors, at this time the surface also took a bit of fear.

No matter who is behind them, in essence, the most reliable strength in the virtual spirit state is still their own strength.

Phoenix to wait for a while, did not wait for people to speak, then only when they know, and then look at the Dragon slender, "slender fairy, is it?"The white lotus like smile on the dragon's slender face can't hang.

She always felt that she was going to fall in the wrong direction.

"In front of the elder, the younger generation should not use the word" Fairy " The dragon is a little wary.

But it was a little late for her to talk about it. Feng Zhi had already made up her mind to play a good play this time.

Therefore, even if you can see that longxianxian has some signs of wanting to be soft at this time, Feng Zhi still doesn't change her mind. She grabs Longxian there with her hands in the air.

The dragon was startled and then reflexively tried to avoid it.

But since Feng Zhi has made a move, where can she hide so easily?

Suddenly, there was a huge hand in front of the dragon. The hand directly pressed the Dragon fiber. If you grasp here, you can't avoid it, so you hold it tightly in your hand.

Whether it's longxianxian himself or her flower protectors, there's no time to react.

And then

Feng to beckon again, that only caught the Dragon slender hand and sent the dragon to her in front of her.

A hand is very easy to press on the long and graceful neck of Longxian. Feng looks at Longxian's beautiful face carefully at first, and even blows at Longxian in a very frivolous way.

"It's a real beauty..." Feng Zhi has a dandy tone, but when it comes to this point, her voice suddenly turns, "but let me guess, Xian Xian, have you never let these people see your original shape?"

This is nonsense, but it is undoubtedly very lethal to Longxian.

Even if she was caught by Feng Zhi, she didn't have any fear on her slender face. But after listening to Feng Zhi's words, her face suddenly changed.

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