Feng to see the situation "ha ha" smile twice.

"The name of the slender fairy spreads all over the virtual spirit realm. It's hard to even if you want to hear about it. Originally, I thought that although the slender fairy is a snake, it should be an elegant and beautiful beautiful snake, but I didn't expect that the original shape of the slender Fairy would be an Viper..."

When the word "Viper" was heard, the face of the dragon was even whiter.

The rest of us heard it in the clouds.

Everyone knows that longxianxian is a snake tribe, but no one has ever seen the original shape of Longxian. However, as Fengzhi said, because of its beautiful appearance, many people secretly speculate that the original shape of longxianxian must be a kind of ice spirit snake in the virtual spirit realm, looking like a white jade.

It's not that no admirer has ever asked Longxian about this question, but he has never responded positively. He only says some ambiguous words every time. Therefore, many people believe that the original shape of Longxian is ice spirit snake.

But now Fengzhi says "Viper"?

Everyone looked at each other in a daze.

No one really knows what the Viper looks like.


Just listen to the name, it should not be a very beautiful snake.

Then someone in the heart denied the view of Feng Zhi.

The slender fairy looks so beautiful, even if it is the original form, it should be as elegant and beautiful as the ice spirit snake. How can it be a viper?

There are even Longxian's admirers, so they look at Feng Zhi angrily, "you stinky girl, you know how to make a rumor at a young age, but you can't see the fine fairy, right?"

Feng almost laughed.

In her opinion, are the practitioners of the virtual spirit realm not so high in intelligence? They are just a snake, and they should be maintained like this. Even in the Xuanwu continent, such a thing would never happen.

It seems that the environment of the virtual spirit state should still be too safe, or how can these people be used to it?

Feng to ignore that person, she still only looked at the dragon, "slender fairy, we might as well do a game, well, the name of the game is called the great test of true love, how about?"

The dragon is a little anxious.

She wanted to struggle, but found that although Feng Zhi's hand was just placed on her neck at will, she could not move no matter how hard she struggled.

"You The dragon has a fine air mass.

She didn't know what Fengzhi wanted to do, but only looked at Feng Zhi's present expression. It certainly didn't do her any good.

With instinct, longxianxian knows that she'd better try her best to stop Feng.


She has now become a prisoner of Ren Fengzhi's grasp, and her strength is not as good as that of others. What is she going to take to stop Feng Zhi?

At this time, Feng seemed to suddenly think of something. She raised her hand and nodded at Longxian's throat. At once, she felt that her voice was blocked by something, but she couldn't say anything again.

Feng nodded in satisfaction, then patted the dragon's slender shoulder, "ah, since you don't speak, I'll take it as your default. That's right. Let's play games together. How good is it?"

Long Xianxian almost went crazy.

She doesn't talk. She can't speak at all, OK?

Long Xianxian used to lean against this face, but she did a lot of such dumb things, but until now, she finally understood how those people who suffered under her hands were oppressed and bowed.

But will these phoenixes care?

Of course not.

Feng Zhi put on a pair of good looks with the Dragon slender brothers, and then narrowed his eyes slightly, "this game is very simple, since the name is called the great test of true love, as the name implies, this is a test of fiber fairy. How sincere are your admirers to you? It's very simple, isn't it? Xian Xian has so many true love fans, and they are all committed to you. No matter what happens, they will never abandon you, right? "

In the last two words, Fengzhi said it to the flower protectors of the dragons.

Although I don't know what "true love powder" means, Fengzhi's words have been said here. Of course, those flower protectors point their heads like chickens pecking rice.

"Xianxian, we are sincere to you. No matter what happens, we will never abandon you, but it is just a test. You don't have to worry about it!"

Some people swear.

Feng Zhi wants this effect.

She patted the dragon's slender shoulder again. "Look, since everyone wants to play this game so much, you can't spoil everyone's interest, can't you?"

Then unilaterally announced the game began, "well, now our" true love test "game has officially started. Although the process will be a little scary, as long as you can pass this test, maybe you can win the hearts of your slender fairies. Oh, how about it? Are you looking forward to itThat's true.

Long Xianxian has been famous for a hundred years. She is attracted by her charm. She does not know how many talented young people she is. However, she has the same attitude towards every admirer. She is neither too close nor too cold to make people feel alienated. She does not know how many people will be tickled by her indifferent attitude. She thinks that as long as she tries harder, she will be able to have one Pro Fangze.

And then

In fact, no one has been able to pick this white lotus flower successfully in the past 100 years.

Therefore, if it is really like what Fengzhi said, as long as you participate in such a game, you can get the heart of the dragon. Of course, these admirers can't wait.

Feng to see the shape and then hook the lips.

Let alone the admirers of these dragons, even Fengzhi has some expectations.

She looked at those admirers who were eager to see her, and suddenly said with a smile: "our test is very simple. We all know that no matter what kind of extraordinary appearance we are, we will grow old and look no longer. This is regarded as we are all practitioners, which can not be changed. Of course, the same is true of the fiber fairy. Today's test is to test everyone If the pink skeleton turns red and the beauty becomes withered, can you still hold on to your admiration for the slender fairy? How about it? It's really simple, isn't it

The admirers first looked at the dragon with great eagerness, and then all nodded severely.

They are very confident in their admiration for the dragon.


Fengzhidu has already told them the content of the test, which is the same as reading the test questions before the exam. If they can't pass the test again, they will be too hopeless?

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