These admirers are of extraordinary origin. How can they admit that they will be so stupid that they know the content of the test in advance and still fail to pass the test?

So, each face of the face of self-confidence.

Feng Zhi nodded again and said with a smile: "it seems that everyone has great confidence in themselves. So I'll be here to wish you all a victory and a beautiful woman back home as soon as possible. Now, our "true love test" is about to begin. Please pay attention to it... "

Say words, Feng to turn a head to see to dragon slender.

"You must remember that no matter what the slender fairy becomes, she is the noble and elegant fairy in your heart. Don't give up because of these superficial appearances..."

The admirers nodded.

Then, Feng Zhi stretched out her index finger and gently touched Long Yan.

Longyan and Fengzhi are interlinked in their hearts. Of course, they understand what Fengzhi wants to do, so they don't need to be reminded by Fengzhi. Instead, they wrap the tail of the dragon around Fengzhi's wrist, and then the dragon stands up and breathes gently in the direction of the slender dragon.

It's just a breath.

There were a group of slender admirers and a lot of watching gourd eating crowd. After Long Yan breathed such a breath, some of them were keenly aware that something seemed to have changed a little. However, they couldn't explain why it was different.

But the most clear feeling about this is the dragon's slender.

If it is said that long Xian Xian's face was already very bad when she heard Feng Zhi's word "Viper", but she was vomited by Long Yan in such a breath, she could be regarded as the color loss of her flower.

If it was not for Feng Zhi, she would have escaped far away.

He can't move, he can't say anything. Longxian's eyes are full of despair.

For some women, death is not the most terrible thing, but the thing about appearance is the most important thing for them to care about.

It's like dragon fiber.

Long Yan's breath is actually his dragon breath.

Although Long Yan's injury has not fully recovered, but a breath of dragon breath is nothing to him.

It's nothing to Long Yan, but not to Longxian.

The original shape of the dragon is not the ice spirit snake that many people think Jade Snow is lovely, but the Viper that Fengzhi said.

The Viper can be regarded as a different species in the virtual spirit state. Ordinary practitioners are afraid that they have never seen the viper in their whole life. However, those who have seen vipers can record the appearance of vipers for a lifetime.

Just because

It's too ugly to be a viper.

It is not only ugly, but also hideous.

Because of this, after she could transform herself into human form, she never saw her original form again, let alone in front of others.

Tut, can call oneself to dislike, from this we can see the original shape of the Dragon slender how unacceptable.

One of the biggest reasons why long Xianxian became famous in the virtual spirit state was her appearance.

Everyone knows the love of beauty.

In fact, this is nothing. The world loves beautiful people.


If these people's pursuit of Longxian is only because of its appearance, then after seeing the original shape of Longxian, how many people can accept her appearance that even Longxian can't accept?

Fengzhi will wait and see.

The snake people will try their best to turn dragons into dragons after they practice to a certain level. Because of this, the snake people are very sensitive to the dragon's breath, and the dragon's breath is naturally very powerful to the snake people.

Because Long Yan is still healing his wounds, he naturally converges his breath to the extreme. However, this breath of dragon breath is directed at the Dragon fiber. How can the Dragon fiber not feel the breath of the Dragon nationality?

When the Dragon came to the body, the original beautiful face of the dragon was twisted.

She would like to keep her present appearance under the breath of the dragon, but this is an instinct from the race and deeply imprinted in her soul. As long as the dragon is not transformed into a dragon, she will never get rid of such pressure.

As a result, after only struggling for a while, the dragon's slender sense was replaced by her instinct.

And then

Feng to loose the control of the dragon's slender hand.

But Longxian did not regain its freedom.

Under the pressure of the dragon breath, the slender face of the dragon is particularly ferocious, and his whole body begins to shake slightly, as if under great pressure.

And when the pressure is so great that she can no longer bear it, long Xianxian suddenly looks up and screams.

And then


The admirers of the dragon were worried about the dragon. After seeing the next scene, they all cried out with "ah".I saw that the place where the Dragon fiber stood was suddenly raised with a huge dust. People can't see the figure of dragon fiber any more. Instead, it is

A huge black Python!

The body of the snake is about the size of a bucket. On top of the snake is covered with bright black scales. In addition, the huge triangular head of the snake and the sharp spines on the top of the head, I look at the cold and merciless green vertical pupil

It's so terrible. What's wrong?

Those admirers of Longxian were stunned at first, and then someone said to Feng angrily: "where did you hide the slender fairy? Send the fairy back quickly, or we'll make you look good! "

Feng Zhi shook her head.

"What to do? I'm really worried about your IQ." Speaking of this, Feng Zhi pointed to the boa constrictor and said, "here, this is the slender fairy you admire. Now she is just changing from human form to her original form. You have already said that no matter what the slender fairy becomes, you will ignore her appearance and only deeply love her soul?"

Those admirers who could not believe Fengzhi's words, still called for Fengzhi to return the dragon's fiber, but also stepped back a few steps, hoping to stay away from the ugly python.

From this we can see how terrible the original shape of the dragon is.

In fact, the admirers who did not mention the Dragon fiber, that is, the melon eating crowd who stood aside to watch the play, also gave a cry of surprise and withdrew from the distance after seeing the original shape of the dragon.

People have not seen snakes, but they have never seen such ugly and terrible snakes.

These gourd eaters did not deceive themselves like Longxian's admirers. Looking at the original shape of Longxian, they felt sympathy for these frightened admirers.

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