Long Xianxian is very famous in Xuling state, and even almost everyone knows it.

All this is because of the slender beauty of the dragon.

Over the past hundred years, the young generation of xulingjing have been fighting for the sake of dragon and Xianxian. It is not easy for people to want the name of Longxian who have never heard of it.

Even among these onlookers, I'm afraid there are many people who secretly admire the dragon, but they don't dare to pursue it because they are not as good as those flower protectors.

In the hearts of these people, long Xian Xian is the snow lotus on Tianshan Mountain, which is the most beautiful, kind and pure person.

How perfect is the image of long Xianxian in these people's hearts, and how disillusioned they are when they see her original form.

With a peerless beauty of the slender fairy, the original shape is such an ugly and vicious boa constrictor?

Many people find it unacceptable.

And then

People felt that they could not look at the dragon.

In the future, will they subconsciously think of how ugly her original shape is when they see the incomparable appearance of the dragon?

For a moment, the atmosphere was rather indescribable.

Feng Zhi did not agree.

Looking at those retiring admirers, she was very dissatisfied and taught: "I said you, we just agreed. This is just a small test. You can accept what pink skeletons and beauties turn to withered bones. Now the fiber fairy has only changed back to its original form, so you can put forward such a kind of advice All those sweet words are false. What do you love her deeply? You don't love her peerless appearance, but love her soul. Are these words nonsense? "

Those admirers are almost crying, OK?

They used to say sweet words to long Xianxian, but when did they say something like "deep love" and "love her soul"?

Fengzhi has no choice but to add drama to herself without authorization, OK?

At a time when people were helpless, Feng was still talking.

"Come on, come on, what are you afraid of? We didn't agree for a long time. This is just a simple test. As long as you can pass this test, you can get the heart of the slender fairy. As for the standard of passing the test, it is who can come to give the fairy a deep kiss. Now, it's time for you to play..."

Feng Zhi waved to those admirers.

Many admirers then took a big step back in unison, and no one stood up to say that he was willing to go to the dragon for a while.

If it's normal, long Xianxian is willing to give someone a kiss, I'm afraid these admirers will be able to break their heads, but now

Looking at the ferocious and terrible original shape of the dragon, as well as the barbed spines on her head, they really can't go down, OK?

For a moment, the atmosphere of the scene all stagnated.

The admirers looked at each other and saw the withdrawal from each other's eyes.

The reason why they adore Longxian is that she has the most excellent appearance among the nuns they have ever seen. In addition, Longxian is very good at showing her beautiful side. Her skills can also make those who have a good impression on her die hard. Therefore, there is a large group of flower protectors around wherever they go.

But now

Tut Tut, once you find that the enchanting beauty of Longxian is no longer, these admirers who were originally fascinated by it will naturally wake up one by one.

Anyway, they should never be with such a terrible snake.

No matter how beautiful she is when she becomes human.

To understand this, these admirers expressed their attitudes one after another, "this elder, I have not passed this test. I'll leave the love of the fairy to later generations, and I'll leave you first..."

Then, all did not return to see the Dragon slender one eye, hurriedly slipped away.


It's embarrassing.

After a while, a large group of flower protectors were defeated.

Even those watching the gourd eating crowd, also can not accept their heart the most pure and beautiful fiber fairy's true appearance is actually like this, and quickly left.

Suddenly, more than half of them were gone.

In fact, Fengzhi had expected such a result.

Those flower protectors, in Feng Zhi's eyes, are just like the half grown-up boy who has no hair. They will pursue the dragon because of its beautiful appearance. Of course, because of the ugliness of the original shape of the dragon, they will immediately throw those vows to the country of claw border.

It's no surprise that this embarrassing situation will emerge.

It's just

Even if knew this result early, Feng Zhi still can't help but feel some sarcasm.She looked at it and became the original form. At this time, she was angry and kept taking a look at the dragon that was beating on the ground with her thick snake tail. "Look, what can you do if you have so many admirers these years? But if you take a look at your original form, you will become this kind of counselor. What's the use of such an admirer? "

The dragon was so angry that he opened his mouth to the Phoenix, revealing two fangs. It was not so ferocious.

Originally, there were still some gourd eating people who insisted on watching the fun. At this time, they all moved their eyes and obviously couldn't see it.

Feng Zhi only held out a finger and gently touched the dragon's head. He told the dragon to keep the posture of showing his fangs and could not move any more.


"Although the performance of your admirers is chilling, I can't complain that they can't even see you now. Even if I'm prepared for it, don't I feel hot?" Feng Zhi shakes her head.

Longxian is more angry.

It took her a hundred years to spread her good name to the whole Xuling realm. But it took only one day for Fengzhi to make her "ugly" name known to everyone. If she could, she would like to swallow Fengzhi alive now, OK?

It's just

She can't move at all.

It has to be said that this is a very sad story.

Feng Zhi also comforted the dragon and said, "you don't have to be angry. Although the result of this test is somewhat unsatisfactory, how can I say that I screened out your admirers for you? You really want to choose one of them. If you accidentally drink realgar wine and it turns back to its original shape, you will have to scare people to death? That would be your sin... "

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