Long Xianxian stares at Feng.

If the eyes can kill people, Feng to the body now must have been full of holes.

Feng Zhi is not angry. She is actually in the legend of naobu Xinbai Niangzi. When Xu Xian was scared to death by Bai Suzhen's original form, she put that scene on the dragon's slender body

Tut, it's hard to say.

Happy in the heart for a while, Fengzhi and solemnly advised the Dragon slender, "it's not your fault to be ugly, but it's your fault to go out and scare people. Even if it doesn't frighten people and scare flowers and plants, it's not supposed to be, isn't it?"

A pair of cold vertical pupil of the dragon is full of rage.

Feng to see the situation and then sighed, "I said you this person Well, why don't you listen to me? You haven't looked in the mirror for a long time, haven't you... "

Speaking of this, Feng Zhi congeals a water mirror which is large enough to fully reflect the dragon's slender body. Then she puts the water mirror in front of the dragon, so that she can see her present appearance without dead angle at 360 degrees.

After a look at the water mirror, the dragon's slender mouth made a "hissing" sound. Although the snake's face is expressionless, her present appearance is that people can see that she must be rejecting this water mirror.

To be precise, it's rejecting her own image in the water mirror.

Also, it is not easy for a person who values her appearance like long Xianxian to accept that she has grown up like this.


Because the Phoenix to fixed body shape, the dragon is not able to move at all, even if the desperate to move his eyes to the side, but also can see his own image in the water mirror clearly.

It has to be said that this is definitely the biggest torture for Longxian.

As for Feng, she sighed, "look, you can't even accept yourself. If you grow up like this, how can you force others to accept it? Even if you become a relative in the future, your husband will know that this is what you really look like. People are afraid of kissing you, let alone creating people with you Isn't it a life-long delay? "

A look for the dragon.

At this time, some gourd eaters kept watching the excitement. After hearing Feng Zhi's words, although they still felt that Longxian's present appearance was very hot, they still couldn't help laughing.

They are sure that the biggest blow to the dragon is not the departure of those admirers, but the mouth of Feng Zhi.

After such a disturbance, we can imagine what the original shape of the dragon is and how ugly it is. It scares away many admirers of her. It will spread throughout the eastern continent in a few days. It may not take a long time for it to spread all over the virtual spiritual realm.

Dragon fiber

Maybe there will not be so many people around her one mouthful of "slender Fairy" call.

I'm afraid that for long Xianxian, I heard someone call her "Xian Xian" in the future. I'm afraid all of you will think that this is satirizing her, right?

And the Dragon just changed her shape from head to tail.

In the end, Feng Zhi sighed again, "slender fairy, you see, how unlucky men are in the world. This sentence is not a fake. This time you can see so many people's face-to-face. You don't need to thank me. It's just a simple gesture."

The roar of the dragon became more and more intense.

Obviously, she won't thank Feng Zhi at all.

Feng to but waved his hand, "I know you are grateful to me in the heart, but I am a benefactor does not plan to repay, the gracious fairy's thanks to my heart, that is."

The dragon's slender Qi made the pupils of a pair of snakes turn red.

At this time, Feng suddenly seemed to think of something, "Oh, by the way, I still thought that if someone could not leave the fairy regardless of what she looked like, it would be able to achieve a good story. So I specially photographed the process of this test with Xuanguang, and the fairy would not mind, right?"

In response to Fengzhi, the black scales of the dragon's slender body are all erected together.

Feng to very clear smile, "I know that the slender fairy will not care, so I also rest assured."

The dragon is desperate.

She regrets now. If she didn't give up the spirit stone yesterday and chose to bid with Fengzhi openly, if she gave up the auction because she couldn't give up the spirit stone, and then wait patiently until the next Longgu vine auction, without implying that her admirers would come to Fengzhi, would this not happen today?


She is still a high-ranking slender fairy, will continue to be pursued by her so many admirers.

The most ugly appearance of Yangguang is not so much as that of Yangguang.

Long Xian Xian is so sorry that his intestines are green.

However, even if this is in the cultivation world, there is no regret medicine to take. No matter how much she regrets, she can only swallow the bitter fruit she caused.Feng is still smiling.

"Xian Xian, from today's incident, I suddenly had an inspiration, and even made up a stirring story. If this story spreads, it will surely make those shallow people who only know how to judge people by their appearance regret, and also make the women in this world clear their eyes and distinguish whether their lovers love their appearance or their soul The fairy must be willing to participate in such beneficial things, right? "

After saying that, Feng Zhi didn't care what kind of reaction the Dragon had, so he took care of himself and ordered his head. "The fairy doesn't object, so I'm relieved."


Melon eaters

Now they know what self directing and self acting are.

The dragon has no longer struggled, because she knows that no matter how hard she struggles, she can't escape from Fengzhi's claws. She has accepted her life.

Feng Zhi is a very generous person.

Of course, that's what she thinks.

Now that she has passed the great test of true love and learned a little lesson from Longxian, Fengzhi will certainly not embarrass him any more. She even patted the scales of the snake.

This action let those who still eat melon here admire some.

If it's them, they're not going to do it, OK?

"Xian Xian Zi," Feng Zhi said with a smile, "since the test has come to an end, we can get together and have a good time to see you again in the future..."

Then, Feng Zhi turned around and left.



Will also be unable to move the Dragon fiber left in place.

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