Long Xianxian could hardly wait to dig a hole in the ground.

Feng to this person is also too hateful, made a way to change her back to the original shape is just, unexpectedly will also change back to the original shape and can't move her to stay here?

This is the rhythm of how many people are going to watch her?

However, no matter what the dragon is thinking, Fengzhi has gone.

At this time, Lianxia left the crowd and served as a substitute.

On the way, Yunyan looked at Fengzhi with adoration, "Fengzhi, you are so powerful that you can let the dragon who has always wanted wind and rain suffer such a loss. I am just..."

She couldn't find words to describe her mood.

Over the years, long Xianxian has been promoted to heaven by the male practitioners in the virtual spirit realm. However, it is only among the male practitioners. Few nuns will sell her face.

This is normal. Same sex repels each other.

Although Yunxia and Yunyan are still thousands of miles away from the Dragon Xianxian both in strength and in the virtual spirit state, this does not prevent them from gloating when they see that the dragon is unlucky in Fengzhi's hands.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

"Where is that?" She said.

"You mean..."

Feng Zhi said with a smile, "I didn't say anything, but when I saw the performance of those admirers, I thought of a sad and stirring story to ensure that the fine fairy's reputation would be widely spread among all the people in the virtual spirit world..."

I don't know why, listening to Feng Zhi, Yunyan several people actually began to mourn for the dragon.

Always feel that

This story made up by Feng Zhi will make the Dragon slim and wish that he had never come to this world.

Of course, Fengzhi's so-called story is exactly what it looks like, they all look forward to it.

After that, Yunxia four people led Feng to several beautiful places near Dongyue city and enjoyed them. Then they went to the next city without returning to Dongyue city.

Dongyang City.

After entering the gate of Dongyang City, Fengzhi looks around the gate.

Yunxia and others thought that she was looking for someone or something to buy, but after asking Feng Zhi, she just laughed and shook her head, and the four people did not ask any more.

At this time, Feng to a bright eye.

The four of Yunxia followed Fengzhi's gaze and saw only two young monks dressed up strangely and exuding a sense of ruffian.

All four were somewhat surprised.

So, Feng Zhi has been looking for these two ruffians for a long time?

In their time of thinking like this, Feng to already walked past.

Those two people are not old enough, they should be under 100 years old. One is in the early stage of the golden elixir, and the other is in the middle stage of the golden elixir.

They were leaning on the edge of the city wall, and when they saw a beautiful woman repairing the road, they whistled at them and made a few more frivolous remarks.

Seeing Fengzhi, they not only didn't feel afraid, but also took the initiative to come to their side. They immediately became happy. While sorting out their clothes, they wiped their heads vigorously. Then they laughed at Feng Zhi and said, "Oh, little girl, did you see that our brother looks good-looking, so..."

Words have not finished, Feng to a ring finger let them silence.

"I don't like other people's chattering, so now I say, listen, you just need to nod or shake your head. Do you hear me clearly?" Feng Zhi looks at them slowly.

The two men nodded quickly.

Both looked terrified.

The two of them are better at the bottom of Dongyang City. They usually earn their training materials by receiving some private entrustment from others. In addition, their talent is in the middle, and both of them have reached the golden elixir period.

Speaking of it, these two people have not done anything evil at ordinary times.

Just now, I just wanted to tease Feng with words. How could I think that the girl in their eyes turned out to be a tyrannosaurus in an instant?

All of a sudden, they both covered their throat and looked at Feng Zhi in horror.

Obviously, they also know that they have met an expert this time.

Feng finally nodded with satisfaction. She took out the spirit stone of Xuanguang technique with the image of the perfect transformation of dragon and threw it directly into one of the two hands.

"Well, this Xuanguang technique records the process of the perfect transformation of the first-class beauties in the virtual spirit realm. You just need to find a way to spread this matter out. Well, you can also cooperate with a story..." Feng to two people raised eyebrows, "this work, you take it?"

No matter where they are, the earth, the basaltic continent, or the present virtual spirit realm, there are absolutely no less people like these two people.Fengzhi wants to give long Xianxian an unforgettable lesson, but she is not interested in doing it herself.

It would be most appropriate to entrust them.

Listen to Feng Zhi such a say, two people are first relieved, and then like a chicken pecking rice, nodding repeatedly.

This is their specialty!

Feng to this just take back two wisps of aura that oneself eject, ask two people to be able to speak again, "I also won't call you white effort, here is 5000 spirit stone, regard as your hard work expense."

With these words, Feng Zhi raised his hand and threw a Qiankun bag with 5000 spirit stones in the past.

There are many bags of heaven and earth in the cave of the five elements sect.

The two men were immediately surprised.

However, it is to spread rumors to people. They have done such things, but when can they get such rich returns?

There are not only five thousand spirit stones, but also a bag of heaven and earth. If such things happen every day, they can all laugh to death, OK?

Two people even busy way: "elder, don't worry, this kind of thing our brother is most good at, elder you wait, don't need two days of Kung Fu, our brother can make this matter spread to everyone!"

Feng Zhi nodded, then did not say anything, led the four Yunxia in Dongyang City to find the inn.

Until entering the inn, Yunxia asked in a puzzled way: "Fengzhi, those two people Aren't you afraid that they won't do anything with your spirit stone? After all, long Xianxian is a famous figure in the virtual spirit state. Ordinary people will not provoke her at will. "

Feng to but did not care.

"Don't worry, I've always been the only one who has ever been punished by others? If those two people do things as I tell them, of course there is nothing. They should be given a spiritual stone. If they want to play something... "

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