Just as Feng Zhi was thinking about what kind of posture she was going to use, the man sitting opposite the woman raised his head and glared at her fiercely. Then he stood up and saluted Feng Zhi across the table. He was very modest and said, "Miss, my sister-in-law is speechless. I hope the girl can not care about her..."

Feng raised her eyebrows.

"This is your sister, not my sister. Is it possible that people in the world should be used to her?" Feng Zhi Dao.

She wasn't really very angry.

Like this arrogant little girl, she can see a lot, that is to say two bad words just, the real hurt is very little, that is, that pair of unruly and willful appearance looks to let Feng to some displeasure.


As Feng Zhi said, this is not her sister. Where does she have the obligation to be used to her?

Hearing Fengzhi's remark, the man was first smothered, then recovered his smiling face. He was very good-natured and said, "Miss, I made a mistake. This is my sister-in-law's fault. If the girl doesn't mind, the expenses spent in Cyclamen today will be recorded in the next account. I don't know what's the girl's intention?"

Feng is very happy.

She didn't come to the virtual spirit realm for a long time. Why did so many people pay for her?

And it's all because the female companion around her offended me.

The last time I met Shi Jin at Donglin auction house, this is the man.

Feng didn't mean to refuse.

Someone had to let her save a spiritual stone, of course, she would not refuse, and if the man did not speak, she really intended to teach his sister a good lesson.

Therefore, Feng Zhi simply nodded, and then asked the waiter to hand over the menu again. With a big wave of his hand, he ordered all the dishes on the menu.

Yunxia four people



No one thought Feng could be so rude.

The man grinned bitterly and shook his head.

Xiankelai's spiritual food is famous for its high price. Fengzhi's free hand means that the man should at least take out tens of thousands of spirit stones.

However, a man is not a person who will renege. Since he has already said something earlier, he certainly will not repent, even if he has to pay tens of thousands of spirit stones for this.

However, the woman who scolded Yunxia four people as country bumpkin was so angry that she almost burst out fire. She glared at Feng Zhi fiercely, "where's the shameless little x man who just wants to come to my brother's side and pretend to be like a big garlic, I'll tell you..."


The man didn't wait for the woman to finish speaking, he scolded sharply, "bi'er, if you do this again, don't blame me for letting people send you back!"

This is undoubtedly very lethal to the woman named bi'er. Even if the anger in her eyes shows no sign of calming down, she dare not say a bad word.

"I'm sorry that the elder brother doesn't know what to do. I'm sorry that the elder brother doesn't have any more responsibilities. I'm sorry that she won't give me any more trouble if she doesn't know what to do."

Feng Zhi took a look at the man.

The elder brother is quite responsible, but the younger sister is not so good.

Of course, these are not what Fengzhi wants to explore.

Since all the men have said this, at least they have been invited to a meal. Feng Zhi can think that he has not heard anything.

She waved to the man and said, "OK, look at your face, I don't care about her. However, not everyone in the world has my good temper. If someone else does, ha ha..."

Feng to twist back to the body, no more words.

Until she sat back, Bi Er still glared at her, but in the eyes of men, she was afraid to say anything.

This is how it was exposed.

Xiankelai's spiritual food is indeed well-known. Originally, the four Yunxia people were still reluctant to let go of these spiritual food. But after tasting the taste of these spiritual food, they suddenly had a bright eye, and then they could not care about the image. They took up chopsticks and launched a fierce attack on the dishes on the table.

Such a scene was seen in the eyes of the girl named bi'er at the next table. Although bi'er didn't say anything because of the man's previous warning, she still cursed in her heart that "the hungry dead reincarnated".

Even Fengzhi, after tasting the taste of the food, was quite surprised.

If we only talk about the cooking techniques, the chef of xiankelai is not much better than Nie Qiniang. However, the ingredients in xulingjing are more spiritual than those in Xuanwu. Of course, there is another temptation that people can't refuse.

Feng Zhi first tasted a few mouthfuls and confirmed that the aura in the spirit food was absolutely mild and would not cause any burden on the body. Then she put down her heart.Then, she took another large plate and put some of the dishes on the table into the plate. Then she gently touched Longyan and motioned him to taste the spiritual food.

For Long Yan, such an absolutely gentle spiritual food is actually good for his recovery.

Long Yan also understood the meaning of Fengzhi, and immediately came down from Fengzhi's wrist and swam to the side of the plate to taste the delicious food specially given to him by Qifeng Zhi.

This scene, of course, was also seen by the brother and sister at the next table.

In fact, the two brothers and sisters were speechless at this time.

In the minds of the practitioners of the virtual spiritual realm, the two most prominent impressions of the spiritual food of Cyclamen are delicious food and expensive food.

Even if their brothers and sisters do not lack spiritual food because of their origin, they often come to Xianke to have a tooth sacrifice, but where are they willing to feed such delicious spiritual food which is of great benefit to their pets?

Even if the meal was not a spiritual stone paid by themselves, they would never do such a thing!

But after being speechless, the girl named bi'er turned her attention to Longyan, who almost buried her body in the spirit food.

This little snake

It seems quite strange.

Beal thought.

The bi'er brothers and sisters were born in famous families. Their parents were masters in the out of body period. They were both the elders of the famous large Lingyin sect in the virtual spirit realm. They had all their strength and power.

With such a background, coupled with their own talent is also very outstanding, bi'er brothers and sisters usually any kind of rare treasures are also used to.

If what magic weapon is in Feng Zhi's hand, Bi Er won't pay attention to it at all, but it is a "pet".

Yes, in bi'er's eyes, Long Yan is the pet of Feng Zhi.

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