At first, because of curiosity, bi'er has been looking at Long Yan.

But later, some affection gradually came into her heart.

It has to be said that after Long Yan was transformed into a human figure, he was a beautiful young man who was so beautiful that women would feel ashamed of themselves. Even if he could not keep his figure and even could only return to his childhood state, the golden luster of his whole body was still easy to be loved by ordinary girls.

Bill is one of them.


When she thought of such a unique and beautiful snake, she was raised by such an obnoxious woman. Bi'er could not help but sulk in her heart.

Bi'er has been spoiled since childhood, so she has a arrogant temper. Her parents usually follow her time, let alone manage her.

If she likes something at ordinary times, bi'er will never have any other consideration. She just needs to grab it. Anyway, someone will handle all these things for her.


Bi'er is not afraid of her parents, but she is extremely afraid of her brother.

Now her elder brother is here. Even if she wants to rob Longyan from Fengzhi, bi'er dare not make any mistakes. She can only bear the desire in her heart and lower her head to pretend to eat.

Feng Zhi was watching Long Yan eat, but he didn't notice anything else.

To her surprise, the spirit food of Cyclamen had a very obvious promoting effect on Longyan's recovery. After Long Yan finished eating that dish of spiritual food, Fengzhi could clearly feel that Longyan's breath was much stronger than before.

If you eat more xiankelai spirit food, maybe Long Yan can recover faster.

This makes Feng Zhi overjoyed.

She immediately waved her hand, "let's stay in Dongyang City for a few days. These days, we'll come to this Xianke to eat every day!"

Hearing Feng Zhi's remark, Yunxia four people only feel happy from the sky.

Maybe it's more debt, more lice, no itching. When Yunxia four people don't know how to repay Feng, they give up on themselves, and simply don't think about what to pay back.

In this way, it is to get close to Feng.

Just like when they first met in that forest.

As a result, when Feng Zhi said this, the four people were not polite at all and did not think whether Fengzhi could afford the high cost of xiankelai.

They also saw that Fengzhi had never been a man who would try to be brave. Since she said that she could come to Xianke for dinner every day, it showed that such consumption was nothing to her.

Also because of this, the four people are more and more curious about Fengzhi's identity.

In his twenties, he has been a master in the out of body period. It is incredible that such a person has no fame in the virtual spirit state.

When they thought about it, Fengzhi must be a descendant of a hermit Xiuzhen family. This time, he went out to travel to sharpen his mood.

Well, it must be!

The four men opened their brains and convinced themselves with their own stories.

Because bi'er's elder brother paid the bill, Feng Zhi ordered a large table of dishes before, so when they finished their meal, they could hardly walk.

If it's just ordinary food, with the strong stomach of practitioners, they can digest it quickly after eating it.

But these spiritual foods are different.

The biggest difference between spiritual food and ordinary storage is that spiritual food contains aura. Since it contains aura, it certainly can't be easily digested.

Only this meal, after they go back, they have to meditate for at least a whole night before they can absorb it smoothly.

Of course, the benefits are also obvious. One night of meditation can at least equal to their previous month's hard work.

"If you can eat the spirit food of Cyclamen every day, I'm afraid that even if you don't cultivate your strength, you'll slowly rise..."

On the way back to the inn, Yunchuan thought with his stomach in his arms.

Feng Zhi then slapped Yunchuan's head with a slap. "You want to be beautiful. Although the aura in the spiritual food is gentle and easy to absorb, if you really don't practice and only eat spiritual food every day, your muscles and veins will lose their vitality in the end, and then they will be brought to death by those spiritual food. Do you believe it

No matter when, one's own strong ability is really strong, those foreign objects can only be used occasionally.

Feng to this slap to wake up, Yunchuan some resentful to scratch the back of the head.

In fact, he just said it casually.

Cloud smoke and cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud boat that is the least words, at this time the mouth is also with a faint smile.

A few days after this, Fengzhi several people really live in Dongyang City temporarily.

And Fengzhi, as she said, took Yunxia four people to Xianke for dinner three times a day.

Therefore, in the next few days, the four people's daily life has become "eating - practicing - eating - practicing", which goes back and forth.Although a little boring, but the benefits are obvious.

In a few days, the strength of the four people has increased. Yunchuan and Yunyan were originally in the early stage of foundation construction, but in a few days, they have directly broken through to the middle stage of foundation construction.

Yunzhou was originally in the middle period of foundation construction, but also broke through a small realm. Now it is the later stage of foundation construction.

As for Yunxia, she was the one who gained the most.

Yunxia was in the late stage of foundation construction. According to her own estimation, it would take at least one or two times to break through to the golden elixir period. However, after three meals of spiritual food a day in recent days and the guidance of Feng Zhi from time to time, her bottleneck has become loose. She only needs an opportunity to condense the golden elixir.

In the virtual spirit realm, there has always been a saying that "all ants are under the golden elixir".

Entering the golden elixir period, this also means that at least in the path of cultivation, it can be regarded as entering the family.

With such a harvest, Yunxia was naturally overjoyed. When she told Fengzhi the news, she was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. She even said thanks to Fengzhi again and again. She almost said that she would repay Fengzhi by making cattle and horses.

Fengzhi's gratitude to Yunxia is not in her heart.

She has always been very generous to those who she has recognized and who have been classified as her own.

Now it's just a few meals for Yunxia, which is nothing to Fengzhi.

In the past few days in Dongyang City, when Feng arrived in the city, what the two thugs did had an effect very quickly.

In fact, the efficiency of those two people was quite unexpected.

On the second day after Fengzhi arrived in Dongyang City, they began to hear some interesting news.

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