The monks of Dongyang City have found a joy recently.

Also do not know from which day on, the city began to spread a stirring story.

Don't think that the practitioners don't like gossip. They will feel boring if they practice everyday. If they can have something for recreation, they will be very happy, OK?

Well, in fact, even the practitioners have a heart of gossip.

These days, in addition to xiankelai, other restaurants in Dongyang city began to have storytellers telling the same story.

I don't know which fairy was invited to make up the story. It's exciting. But the story is not finished in one breath, but divided into several sections.

If you want to finish the story, you have to go to the restaurant once.

Because of this, the major restaurants in Dongyang City will be full as long as storytellers start to tell stories these two days.

This shows how touching the story is.

The name of the story is called the legend of the new black lady.

In fact, the practitioners of Dongyang City are very puzzled. The legend of black lady is the legend of black lady. Why add the word "new". Is there an old version of the legend of black lady before?

Well, these are irrelevant questions.

The story goes like this.

Once upon a time, there was a viper, who had been ignorant for many years, and then suddenly one day opened his mind.

Well, it's not strange.

After the Viper opened his mind, he naturally began to practice. Because there were not as many thoughts and thoughts as human beings, the spirit beast was more attentive than human beings in practice, and so was this viper.

The life span of the spirit beast is much longer than that of the human beings, so the speed of their cultivation naturally can not catch up with that of the human beings. After a thousand years of hard training, this viper can be regarded as a human form.

The viper's figure was a little girl, and she was a very beautiful little girl.

The Viper was very satisfied with her human appearance, but the only thing she was dissatisfied with was that her skin was always dark, not as white as the little human girls she had seen before.

The Viper thought it was very unsettling.

In order to make herself more and more white, she decided to let her surname Bai, and gave herself a very nice and moving name, called Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen.

This is the new name Viper has given itself.

She felt that with such a nice name, she would be more and more white and beautiful if she took some zhurong pills and Yangyan pills like human nuns.

With such a wild prospect, Viper naturally yearns for the human world.

So she decided to go to the human society to have a look.

But she didn't want to. At this time, the viper, er, should be called Bai Suzhen. Her accomplishments were not high enough. Before she entered the human city, she was discovered by a human cultivator who was happy to hunt and kill spirits and beasts.

With little effort, the spirit beast Hunter caught the viper, which had just been shaped like a human, and said that he wanted to stew a pot of spirit animal soup.

Bai Suzhen is desperate.

She thinks that life, oh, is how difficult it is for a snake to live.

She finally cultivated into a human form, and now she has not seen what the colorful world outside is like. How could such a villain want to catch her stew?

Just when Bai Suzhen thought that she was going to die, a man who was not good at Qi refining appeared. The man bought Bai Suzhen with ten spirit stones from the spirit beast hunter.

Although there are not many ten spirit stones, they are all the spirit stones in this person.

The spirit animal hunter was disgusted with Bai Suzhen's original shape, which was dark and ugly. When someone was willing to buy Bai Suzhen with a spirit stone, of course, he readily agreed and gave Bai Suzhen to the little friar in the gas refining period.

The little friar in the Qi refining period was a man. He had a kind and soft heart. After spending all his savings to buy Bai Suzhen, he released Bai Suzhen.

"Clown snake, although you don't look good, you must try to live."

The man said such a sentence and turned away.

Bai Suzhen was hurt.

Although she was a little black, she was obviously beautiful. How could she be said by the rescuer that she was not good-looking?

So, after she was free again, Bai Suzhen vowed in her heart that she would work harder and, of course, the most important thing was to make herself more beautiful.

At that time, she can go to her savior and repay her kindness.

Well, how can I repay you?

Make a promise by yourself!

With such a belief, Bai Suzhen's practice is 500 years.

There is a genius among human practitioners. Then Bai Suzhen is a genius among snakes. In the past 500 years, she has been practicing slowly until her infancy, and she has become more and more beautiful as she thought before.Of course, it's still a little dark.

Bai Suzhen felt that with her present strength, there would be no danger in going to human society again.

Then, Bai Su Zhen happily packed up her bags and went to the human city.

She decided that she must find her savior before.


She promised to live happily with her savior.

I'm happy to think about that.

Bai Suzhen went to the place where she was captured by the spirit animal Hunter 500 years ago. With the trace of spiritual knowledge left on the rescuer when she was rescued 500 years ago, she soon found the rescuer in a nearby city.


In the past 500 years, the young lifesaver has become an old man.

Moreover, due to the limitation of her qualification, she has not broken through to the period of primordial infant. Bai Suzhen's life-saving benefactor may come to an end at any time.

Bai Suzhen had a hard time finding a savior. She had not begun to repay her kindness. How could she allow her savior to die?

In order to make the life-saving benefactor better, Bai Suzhen did not hesitate to take out her own internal elixir, with the strength of her hard training to help the life-saving benefactor break through to the infant period.

Bai Suzhen's life-saving benefactor is called Xu Xian. After breaking through to the period of primipara, Xu Xian has gained a long life, and the whole person has changed from a chicken skin and hair old man to a young man.

As a result, Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian became a couple.

Bai Suzhen didn't tell Xu Xian that she was the Viper saved by Xu Xian 500 years ago, probably because Xu Xian said she was not good-looking.

She thought, let her in Xu Xian's eyes has always been such a beautiful appearance.

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