After hearing about the progress of the matter, the four people were stunned.

They saw with their own eyes how Fengzhi handed the story and Xuanguang technique to the two men. However, in just two or three days, it was really well known, which was too shocking!

Then, several people to Feng Zhi is also admiration, five body throw to the ground.

Speaking of it, Fengzhi did not do anything, but she did not do anything to directly pull the Dragon fiber down from the altar. It can be said that killing people can't see blood.

Think of it, long Xianxian must be mad now.

Since long Xianxian became famous, no matter where she goes, she has a lot of admiration for her. She hardly needs to do anything by herself. But after her original form is seen by everyone

Tut, I don't think it will happen again.

Xu Xian in the story can finally ignore the horror of Bai Suzhen's original form, but can those male practitioners in reality?

Just look at those men who talk about dragon and fiber, and they can't say a word in their eyes.

It's not surprising that these male practitioners are so superficial. It's really that the original shape of Longxian is so cold and terrible that it makes people shiver at a glance. It's really impossible for ordinary people to overcome such psychological barriers and continue to love each other with Longxian.

Yunxia four people think of these, so in the heart will Feng to hit a absolutely can not provoke, extremely dangerous words.

Fortunately, Feng is their companion now.

They think so.

Let's talk about Fengzhi.

For the matter of long Xian Xian, Feng Zhi didn't pay much attention to it after knowing the result of long Xian Xian now. Her attention was focused on Long Yan.

She decided to stay in Dongyang City because she realized that the spiritual food of xiankelai was more beneficial to Longyan than she had imagined.

In fact, she was not disappointed. In the next few days, she ate spiritual food three times a day, and Longyan's condition was really getting better at a very fast speed.

After each meal, Yunxia four people have to quickly meditate and practice, or they will be suddenly filled with aura, but there is no such problem in Longyan.

When Long Yan came to the virtual spirit state, he was seriously hurt. Now he was in the recovery period. He needed a huge amount of aura. He absorbed such aura which was so mild that he didn't even need to refine it himself. It was like a dry sponge. If he could not eat enough, where would he be supported by the aura?

Therefore, with the supplement of the aura of spiritual food, the breath of Long Yan's whole body is more and more the same as that when he first melted more than ten years ago.

Feng to this really put down the heart.

It seems that it won't be long before long, Long Yan will be able to return to human form.

With such a conclusion, Feng Zhi immediately waved her hand and led the four people of Yunxia to xiankelai to eat and drink the sea.

Although they have been eating for several days and have tasted every dish in Cyclamen more than once, the four of Yunxia still have no resistance to such a delicious and delicious dish that can help them cultivate themselves. As soon as the dish is on the table, they just care about eating.

Feng Zhi has been looking at the dishes for Long Yan, but she eats less.

She has now broken through the out of body stage. Even if it is only a small level of ascension, the required aura is too large to imagine. These spiritual foods can help her, but the effect is very limited.

Therefore, Fengzhi is really tasting the taste, and half of the reason, unlike the four Yunxia, is because of the aura in the spiritual food. Of course, it can be calm and calm.

After a meal, Yunxia four people return to the inn to practice as usual. Fengzhi also leads them back.

Just out of the door of Cyclamen, a group of people were blocked.

It's a familiar person.

It is the girl named bi'er that Feng Zhi several people met when they went to Xianke for the first time.

This time, bi'er didn't stay with her brother. Instead, she received four other practitioners with strong breath, which made people know that they were not easy to offend.

And Bi Er can be surrounded by these four people, of course, it is even more difficult to provoke.

Bi'er's face is full of color.

Looking at Feng Zhi and his party who came to her face-to-face, she raised her chin quite arrogantly and said, "Hello, you all stop for me!"

Feng to micro hook hook lips.

She didn't pay attention to bi'er, but looked at the four practitioners who protected her in the middle.

The strength of those four people were all above the age of Yuanying. Two of them were in the early stage, one was in the middle stage, and another was in the later stage.

These four yuanyingqi masters, who will be respected everywhere, are willing to be bi'er's bodyguards. This shows how strong bi'er's parents are.

Then, Feng to just turn to see Bi Er, "how, you this is not afraid of your brother sent you back?"There was a smile in the voice, just like watching a child sneaking out of the house.

Bi'er is suffocating.

That day, after xiankelai met Fengzhi and his party, her elder brother specially emphasized that she could not provoke Fengzhi any more. Although bi'er agreed well at that time, she took advantage of her brother's visit to see friends, but she did not hesitate to bring the four yuan infant monks to Fengzhi's trouble.

As for how she knew the trend of Feng Zhi's men

Who told Feng to come to Xianke for three meals a day in the next few days?

Of course, bi'er also directly led people to guard in Xianke, which was not, she was really called to guard.

Thinking of her brother's serious face when she told her brother that day, bi'er felt a little empty in her heart, but she also had a hard time finding a chance to come out alone. How could she give up because of this?

She glared at Feng fiercely. Bi Er curled her red lips and stood up abruptly, "these are not your business. Now, give me the little snake on your wrist right now, otherwise Hum

With these words, bi'er looks at the four yuan infantile practitioners behind her, and the threat is more obvious.

If someone else, maybe they will be threatened by Bi er.

It is also very rare to place the practitioners in the period of Yuanying. Although there are practitioners in the stage of leaving the body or even transforming the spirit into Mahayana, these are few after all, and the period of Yuanying accounts for the vast majority of the high-end combat power of the virtual spirit state.

In the case of a small number of practitioners above the out of body stage, the appearance of four primordial practitioners together can really make most people feel timid.


Except Fengzhi.

As a practitioner in the out of body period, where does Fengzhi take these four practitioners of Yuanying period into consideration?

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