The most important thing is that these four people are willing to condescend to a little girl as a bodyguard, which is absolutely impossible for a real master to agree with.

Therefore, in Fengzhi's opinion, even if these four people have the strength of yuanyingqi, they can't be called masters.

Instead of being afraid of her four bodyguards, her face suddenly became gloomy.

Reading bi'er's elder brother invited several people to have a meal that day. At the beginning, Feng didn't take bi'er's actions into consideration. She only regarded bi'er as an ignorant, arrogant and willful little girl, and didn't want to treat bi'er well.

However, after hearing bi'er's words, her heart was filled with bursts of anger.

For Fengzhi, Long Yan is not only the most important person to accompany her growth, but also the future husband she has chosen. Now bi'er even wants to ask Longyan to pass away, just like a pet who has no consciousness of her own and can only let others decide to belong.


But will Feng to offend.

She glanced at bi'er coldly, "little girl, you're spoiled at home. Can't you think everyone's around you when you're out in the world? If you think like this, you will be beaten in the face if you don't score. For the sake of safety, I advise you to be calm. Otherwise, I'm not sure if you can wait until your brother comes to rescue you... "

With words, Feng to two eyes slightly one squint.

At this time, the four practitioners of Yuan infant period were all cold. One of them, the later one, stepped forward, and bi'er blocked behind him.

Mingmingfeng didn't do anything, but it made the four feel like a giant animal standing in front of them.

Bi'er's strength is not high, and now it's just the middle of the golden elixir, so she can't feel the danger of Feng Zhi at all.

I have to say that sometimes ignorance is a blessing.

Seeing that the four practitioners showed their timidity first, bi'er was very dissatisfied. Taking advantage of the fact that the later cultivator of Yuanying was engrossed in confrontation with Feng Zhi, she got out of the man's back with a short head.

Staring at Feng Zhi, Bi er's eyes seemed to burst out fire. "How can I not turn to you to teach me? If you know how to teach, I'll give you the little golden snake, so I can give you some spirit stones. I'll buy that little thing. If you don't know the appearance, don't blame me for being robbed. These are four yuan infantile monks. You think you are How long will it last? "

Bi'er's words just finished, she felt that her arm was caught by the later stage of the yuan baby cultivator.

The man seems to want to pull her back. Bi'er also hears the voice of "elder's staff stay..." What do you leave behind?

Before bier could understand, she saw a very white and delicate hand in front of her. It was like ignoring the distance between them. She suddenly appeared in front of her and finally fell to

In her throat.

Before she knew what was going on, bi'er was pulled forward by a force that she couldn't resist.

After her, the original infant cultivator was holding bi'er's arm. Under such a pull, she only left a green sleeve in her hand.

And Bill

She has been caught by Feng Zhi like a chicken.

Feng to look at two eyes wide open, obviously still did not understand what happened to bi'er, sneer.

With absolute power, she wants to catch bi'er, that is to say, it is a matter of grasping at will, even if bi'er is surrounded by four primordial monks protecting her.

Feng to also feel that she now seems to like this kind of direct hand pinches on other people's neck movement.

Well, it's special.

Lengleng swept Bi er one eye, "how, now still want to want someone from my hand?"

She said something important.

Although bi'er was caught by Feng Zhi, for a long time, her parents gave her the confidence that she did not believe that she would be in danger at all. Therefore, she did not feel afraid at all, and even had time to stare at Feng fiercely.

"What needs people?" Bi'er naturally said, "I don't want people from you, but it's just a little snake."

If it's just like this, Fengzhi won't be too angry.

After all, Long Yan looks like a little golden snake now. It's not easy to associate him with a person.

But bi'er didn't stop after saying this sentence. Instead, she continued: "it's just such a small snake. It's very golden. Otherwise, I won't come to you for it. Anyway, I'll kill you if I keep it for a few days."

It's dead.

Bi er said lightly. It can be imagined that she had not only raised such a small pet before.

This is the anger of Feng Zhi to be ignited.

What she thinks every day is how to make Longyan recover quickly. However, this little girl who doesn't know where to hit and jump out is going to kill Long Yan with her mouth open.Just as the opposite scale of Longyan is Fengzhi, the inverse scale of Fengzhi is Longyan.

In particular, the reason why Longyan has become so now is that he has suffered irreversible damage because of the protection of Fengzhi.

Under such circumstances, Feng Zhi was full of anger.

She wants to crush Beal right now!

"In this case..." Feng to slowly increase the strength of the hand, "then you go to die!"

Hands a force, Bi er a face immediately on the first pan white and then red, a pair of originally beautiful eyes is not live up to turn up.

Obviously, he is a practitioner of golden elixir period, but at this critical moment of life and death, he is no different from ordinary people without any strength.

The four Yuanying friars were in a hurry.

They are specially invited by bi'er's parents to protect bi'er's safety. They are entrusted by others and loyal to others. Even if they know that they can't be Fengzhi's opponents, they can't watch bi'er die in front of them.

The four people looked at each other, drank a lot, and immediately each of them showed their skills and attacked the Phoenix.

However, because they still have to worry about the safety of bi'er, who was pinched by Feng Zhi, the four people don't dare to use any too powerful means.

These four people are of course extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary practitioners, but there is a big gap between them and Fengzhi. From Yuanying to Qiaoqiao, it is not only a change in quantity, but also a change in quality.

Therefore, in Feng Zhi's view, the four men's attack could not bring any threat.

If you really want to describe

That's probably a little annoying, but can't bring any harmful flies?

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