Feng Zhi threw a sleeve at the four people without wind. The consequences of such a simple action were extremely serious. The four yuan infantile cultivators didn't even have time to meet Feng Zhi, so they smashed back with a faster speed than before.

Boom! Boom!

After the four loud noises, the four yuan infantile practitioners, who were originally regarded as fairies by outsiders, suddenly became disheartened.

In addition, Feng Zhi's power of brushing also had some strange ways that made them totally unintelligible, which directly made the four people fall to the ground and could not even stand up.

This makes four people all stare big eyes, can't believe what they met.

They are high-ranking Yuanying practitioners. Where are they not pursued and looked up to?

Even if bi'er's parents, who are both in the out of body period, ask them to take care of their daughter, they are courteous before they talk. How can we underestimate them?

They are sure that although their strength is not comparable to that of bi'er's parents, the four of them will not be able to retreat under the siege of the four of them, even if bi'er's parents are out of the body.

But now

This little girl in her twenties, no matter how you look at it, is just a flick of her sleeves, which makes them no longer able to fight again?

None of them could believe it.

But that's the truth.

For a while, the faith in the four people's hearts was almost shattered by the force of Feng Zhi.

And Bill

Feng to can not relax the clamp on her.

When the four men attacked, bi'er thought she was going to be saved. Even she began to imagine that after she was saved, she would take the little golden snake from the smelly woman's hand, and then strangle her to death in front of Fengzhi when she was tired of it.

Thinking of how Feng will have at that time, bi'er almost couldn't help laughing.

However, she did not laugh, but because of the difficulty in breathing, she coughed quickly, as if to cough all the internal organs alive.

Bi'er has grown to such a big age, but she has never suffered such hardships.

The cold color in Feng Zhi's eyes was even worse. "How, you don't want to strangle Long Yan in front of me? Well, now, tell me how it feels to be pinched. Isn't it fun?"

While talking, Feng is still exerting force to one side.

She wanted to kill bi'er. It was as simple as putting more force on her hand. However, as soon as she thought of her thoughts which had been sensed in bi'er's brain before, Feng Zhi thought it was too cheap for her to crush her like this.

Bi'er's two hands are on Feng Zhi's hand, which makes her feel like sucking. She wants to break off Feng Zhi's hand, but it's in vain in the end.

Later, she was dizzy in front of her eyes, and her heart was gradually despairing.


Are you dying?

The real realization of the threat of death, bill this is the real regret.

If time could go back, she would listen to her brother's words and stay in the inn, not to find the devil's fault, and how far she would go when she saw her.

Unfortunately, time can't go back, and there is no regret medicine in the world.

Just then

There was a howl in the distance.

There is a man who controls the sword. The long sword cuts through the air and makes a very sharp sound. People can easily hear the urgency of people.

"Girl, keep your men!"

Along with the sharp whistling sound of Yu Jian, there is also a voice called Feng Zhi that feels familiar.

It's the last time I met, Beal's brother.

Feng to Yang eyebrows, although still will bi ER in the hand, but the hand is really loose some.

Just for a while, bi'er's elder brother has come to Feng Zhi's near.

This is the gate of xiankelai, and the flow of people is very large. The conflict between Fengzhi and bi'er has absorbed many people to form a circle to watch the fun. At this time, due to the arrival of bi'er's elder brother, a closed circle originally surrounded by melon eating people suddenly lacks a big gap.

"What's the matter? If you hit the small one, it's going to be big?" Phoenix to face color did not have any change.

Bi'er's elder brother falls on the ground. First he looks at bi'er and confirms that although bi'er's face is extremely ugly, his life will not be in danger for a while. Then he is relieved.

"Girl," bi'er's elder brother said a very sincere salute to Feng Zhi. "I'm going to Xiao Yan to apologize for my sister-in-law. I hope that the girl can spare my sister-in-law's silence this time. I promise to the girl that she will never ask her sister-in-law to appear in front of her in the future."

Xiao Yan said it with great sincerity.

When he reported to his family, a considerable part of the people who watched the people making noise took a breath of air."Xiao Yan?"

“…… Is that Xiao Yan? "


And so on.

Obviously, Xiao Yan's identity surprised these people, and his identity must be unusual.

Xiao Yan, the eldest son of Xiao Zhan and Hongying, the elder of lingyinzong's sword Pavilion, is one of the most talented persons in Xuling territory.

Xiao Yan built the foundation at the age of ten, and the golden elixir at the age of twenty-five. After twenty years of condensation, he was only fifty-eight years old.

At the age of 50, he began to practice in the period of Yuanying. In the whole virtual spirit state, he was a unique genius.

In fact, even if it was Feng Zhi herself, although she had already broken through the out of body period in her twenties, Feng Zhi also understood that the reason why she was able to have the strength now was that she had experienced several catastrophes that ordinary practitioners could not have experienced.

For example, she broke through to the period of primipara.

At that time, her strength was not enough to break through. If she had not been inherited by the Feng clan and possessed the power of Nirvana, she would have died under the thunder.

Besides, it broke through to the out of body stage.

If it wasn't for chance, because of the strange promotion of the dragon and Phoenix singing together, and absorbed some power related to space in that space channel, she would not have broken through again in a short time.

If there is no such chance, Feng Zhi once estimated that she would like to break through to the yuan baby period, at least to 40 years old.

Therefore, Xiao Yan's talent is really a genius.

After knowing the origin of Xiao Yan from the conversation of the crowd, Feng first looked him up and then said, "people are in my hands, that's my booty. Do you think it's possible that you want to take people away in a few words?"

Xiao Yan had a meal.

And those onlookers, are staring at Feng Zhi, as if Feng Zhi is talking crazy.

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