In the eyes of ordinary people, Feng to now is not saying crazy.

Although the name of Lingyin sect is very low-key, in fact, Lingyin sect's actions are not low-key at all.

Lingyin sect is one of the most important schools in the whole virtual spirit realm. Most of its disciples specialize in kendo. Among all the practitioners, sword cultivation is recognized for its strong fighting power. Many people directly call sword cultivation a madman.

And lingyinzong

Most of the tens of thousands of disciples of the whole clan are such sword cultivation madmen, and they are extremely fierce madmen.

From this we can see that Lingyin sect is terrible.

If we want to get a ranking of the sects that the practitioners of the virtual spiritual realm are most reluctant to provoke, there is no doubt that the Lingyin sect will rank first.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Bi's father is the elder of the most powerful sword Pavilion in Lingyin sect, and her mother is a very famous weapon refiner in the virtual spirit realm. She has refined countless high-quality magic weapons by her hand, and has made friends with many powerful practitioners.

You can imagine how much influence these two people have when they are combined.

As the son of these two people, Xiao Yan has such extraordinary talent. In fact, outsiders are not surprised at all.

It's a rare child to be a monk. After getting such a gifted son as Xiao Yan, Qidian and Hongying have another daughter. It's just a surprise that they will take Xiao Bi pet to heaven, which is not surprising at all.

In fact, Xiao Bi's arrogant temper has offended many people before.

However, in the face of Xiao Zhan and Hongying, most of those who were offended by Xiao Bi also chose to calm things down.


That's the exception.

It is also because such an exception is the first time that the onlookers who have seen the whole story of the event in their eyes feel more incredible.

Even if it is the great power of the transformation period, it is not necessarily willing to offend Xiao Zhan and Hongying couple. Now this little girl

Well, the little girl who is so powerful that they doubt their life has no scruples at all?

Look, the famous Miss Xiaobi is being held in her hand like a chicken. She is shaking her left and right from time to time. Don't mention how embarrassed she is.

Although Xiao Bi's identity will not start from his face.

Therefore, after hearing Feng Zhi's reply, he was not surprised at all.

After another salute to Feng, Xiao Yan raised his head and said, "Miss, my sister-in-law is naturally unruly. She is certainly responsible for making the girl angry. However, as an elder brother, Xiao can't look at her sister's suffering and do nothing about it. The reason why Xiao came to Dongyang City this time is that an ancient relic has been found near Dongyang City, which is probably a hole left by ancient great powers If the girl is willing to give her the key to the ruins, what does she think? "

Many onlookers took another breath.

The cave of ancient power!

Xiao Zhan is really a big hand for Xiao Bi's safety.

It's not that there has never been a cave with great powers in ancient times before. Every time such a cave appears, it's no accident that those who can get the key to enter it all get the chance of Tianda and finally become a strong one.

Now, Xiao Zhan is willing to give up the ancient cave of great power

For a moment, everyone looked at Xiao Bi in unison.

What a black sheep!

But at the next moment, Feng Zhi's reply startled people out of their eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in the cave of ancient powers. You might as well say some topics that I would be interested in?"

If at ordinary times, Fengzhi is certainly interested in exploring the ancient cave of great power.

But now, what she is most concerned about is the situation of Long Yan. Before long Yan is completely improved, what Fengzhi is most anxious to do is to go around the auction houses everywhere to find the miraculous drugs that are beneficial to Longyan.

As for the spirit food of Cyclamen

It is estimated that another two days will be useless for Long Yan, because it is already saturated.

Xiao Zhan was surprised by Feng Zhi's words, but he immediately took a look at the Dragon Yan on Feng Zhi's wrist. "Miss, if Xiao is not wrong, it should be a wounded dragon clan?"

Then they looked at Feng Zhi's wrist.

If Xiao Zhan had not said something in advance, no one would have connected the present form of Longyan with the dragon clan.

Feng to smell speech a pick eyebrow.

Xiao Zhan's eyes are good enough.

According to the ancient dragon house, you can get good news from the dragon house

Long Dan!

A lot of people have some fanaticism in their eyes.Dragon pill, also known as dragon ball, can be said to be the most important part of the cultivation of the dragon clan. Seven or eight out of ten of the strength of the dragon clan is stored in the Dragon pill. When the dragon clan knows that its death is near, it will consciously compress the strength of its life-long cultivation into the Dragon pill.

Of course, before dying, the dragon clan will spontaneously go to the Dragon tomb. Naturally, these dragon pills can only fall in the Dragon tomb, and outsiders can never get them.

Dragon grave

Anyone who has common sense knows that it is a place that no one dares to set foot in.

In the past, it was not that there were no practitioners who had the idea of fighting with the Dragon pills and the bones of the dragon family in the Dragon tomb, but those who put them into practice eventually disappeared into everyone's memory forever.

It's like they never showed up.

Such things happen more often, and the practitioners of the virtual spirit realm naturally understand that the Dragon tomb is not coveted by any foreign people.

Now, there is a dragon pill in the ancient cave of great power!

Then they looked at Feng Zhi again. They could not help but promise to come down for her.

After all, such a big chance, not everyone can meet.

Feng to eye a Li.

In fact, she didn't believe Xiao Yan's words very much. Where there was such a coincidence, when she wanted to let Long Yan recover as soon as possible, she happened to meet the news about long Dan, which was still from Xiao Yan's mouth, who was her enemy.


Long Dan is really very important to Long Yan. Even if he knew that Xiao Yan might have said this on purpose, Fengzhi could not help but have some expectations.

Of course, before nodding, Fengzhi also needs to confirm the authenticity of Xiao Yan's words.

With her eyes narrowed slightly, Feng Zhi looked at Xiao Yan, and her powerful divine consciousness was like the tide pressing towards Xiao Yan's consciousness sea.

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