Feng Zhi was a man of two generations, and her divine sense was much stronger than that of a practitioner of the same strength. However, Xiao Yan was only in the period of Yuanying. If Fengzhi wanted to, she could destroy Xiao Yan's consciousness directly and make him an idiot.

Of course, Feng to did not have such an idea.

She only wanted to confirm whether Xiao Yan's words were true or not.

But Xiao Yan obviously saw what Fengzhi wanted to do. He not only did not take precautions, but also completely opened his mind and allowed Fengzhi's divine consciousness to invade his consciousness sea.

This is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

If it is a person who is hostile to him, it means that Xiao Yan may be easily killed by the other party at any time.

Because of this, Feng Zhi appreciated Xiao Yan a little more.

The divine consciousness intruded into the sea of knowledge, and then carefully explored Xiao Yan's memory in this period of time. Fengzhi then confirmed that Xiao Yan did not lie. What he said about the ancient ruins of Daneng cave and the possibility of a dragon pill in the cave are true.

Of course, it is Xiao Yan who thinks it is true.

What is the specific situation

Now no one has entered the cave. Naturally, it is not clear what the situation is.

However, it is enough for Fengzhi.

Even if there is only such a possibility, she will never miss this opportunity.

If you can get the Dragon pill, as long as long Yan absorbs the power of the Dragon Dan Li, he will not only be able to recover his injury immediately, but also be able to make further progress.

Longyan was originally the Golden Dragon royal family. After he became an adult, he grew up to the limit that the dragon clan could reach. If he could go further

The future achievements of Long Yan are obviously immeasurable.

How can Fengzhi let go of such an opportunity?

Since it was confirmed that what Xiao Yan said was true, and Fengzhi interrupted and accepted his deal, Fengzhi immediately took back his divine consciousness from Xiao Yan's consciousness sea, and then held out a hand to Xiao Yan, "the key to enter the cave!"

Xiao Yan looked at Feng Zhi and sighed.

Fengzhi's age is much younger than his sister Xiaobi, but Fengzhi's strength is not only out of the body stage, but also very determined in character.

Think about Xiao bi

There is no comparability at all.

In fact, the ancient ruins are very important to Xiao Yan. He even negotiated with his friends to enter together. Unexpectedly, Xiao Bi got into trouble with Fengzhi at this time.

Who called that his own sister?

Even though it's a pity in my heart, Xiao Yan can't watch his sister die in front of him.

If there is no trace, there will be no more.

In this way, Xiao Yan takes out a small jade plate from his own storage ring. The jade plate is very transparent and has a translucent feeling under the sunlight. The jade plate is in the shape of eight trigrams. There are not only complicated patterns but also mysterious lines on it.

In the sun, the patterns and lines seem to glow.

Some reluctant to give up a look at the jade plate, Xiao Yan then moved his eyes and threw the jade plate in his hand to Fengzhi.

"Girl, this is the jade plate necessary to enter the relic cave. One jade plate can let two people into the cave. Now can the girl put her younger sister down?" Xiao Yandao.

Feng Zhi grabs the jade plate with one hand.

After looking down for a few eyes, he grabbed the hand of bi'er and threw Xiao Bi to Xiao Yan.

"Look, I warned her last time, but no one can tolerate her infinitely, but she has to come to provoke me. This time, I can always learn a lesson." Phoenix to smile.

Xiao Bi then escaped from Feng to escape. Her face, originally pale from suffocation, quickly turned red and covered her throat. She gasped desperately, even though she coughed.

Until now, Xiao Bi's heart is still filled with the fear of dying at any time.

Under such circumstances, where is she in the mood to answer Feng Zhi's question?

Xiao Yan saw this, gently shook his head, took Xiao Bi's shoulder to protect her behind her, and then nodded solemnly toward Feng. "Thank you for reminding me. After this time, Xiao will take care of her sister-in-law."

Feng Zhi smiles.

How Xiao Yan will take care of Xiao Bi, she doesn't care at all, as long as Xiao Bi doesn't offend her any more.

Then, Xiao Yan was afraid that Feng would repent, and then started at Xiao Bi. He quickly took Xiao Bi away from here.

After Xiao Yan and Xiao Bi left, Fengzhi became the target of so many onlookers. Some people had greedy light in their eyes, only staring at the jade plate in Fengzhi's hand.

Obviously, many people are interested in the jade plate in Feng Zhi's hand.

After all, it's the cave of ancient powers. I don't know how many kinds of treasures there are in the cave, whether they are magic weapons, pills and magic weapons. Since they are owned by ancient powers, their quality will not be bad. If you can bring three or two pieces outMany people have fallen into such a beautiful fantasy.

And all these fantasies have a premise, that is to be able to get the key to enter the cave, that is, the jade plate in Feng Zhi's hand.

In fact, the discovery of an ancient cave near Dongyang City is not a secret in Dongyang City. These days, it has been debated by practitioners in Dongyang City.

Well, later on, it was the story of the new black lady and the dark light technique of long Xian that caused heated discussion in the whole city, which pushed down the heat of the ancient cave.

The key to enter the cave is the jade plate. There are eight pieces in total. In those days ahead, for the sake of these eight pieces of jade plates, I don't know how much blood has been caused. Later, no matter whether it is for competition or auction, the eight pieces of jade plates have their own ownership.

And these people who took the jade plate, each of them is the best among the younger generation, and at least all have the strength of Yuanying or above.

Like Xiao Yan.

Jade plate in the hands of these people, of course, no one dares to make any crooked ideas.


It's not the same now.

Xiao Yan gave his jade plate to Feng Zhi, who was too young in the eyes of the onlookers.

It is also because of her age that many people unconsciously despise her. Even Xiao Yan's fear of Fengzhi can not change this first impression.

In the eyes of these onlookers, no matter how powerful Fengzhi is, it will be as good as Xiao Yan. Among these onlookers, there are not many of them who have the strength of Yuanying period, but there are always four or five of them.

Four or five

Can you grab the jade plate from Feng Zhi's hand?

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