Feng Zhi stayed by the lake for seven or eight days.

In the past seven or eight days, the activity of the lake is really getting bigger and bigger. Every night, there will be eight colors of light shining on the sky.

Those colorful lights are in the shape of eight trigrams, which are just the eight jade plates.

In addition to the color light, there was a faint vibration around the lake, as if something was going to break free from the lake at any time.

Think of it, this is the forbidden system of the cave, because after too many years and some loose, this will spread the flavor of the cave to the outside.

These days, the more and more loud sound also makes these practitioners here excited.

That day, Fengzhi caught a relatively weak spirit animal in the nearby forest. It had just been roasted, cut a piece and fed it to Longyan. Then he heard two sounds of breaking the sky from the sword.

In the past seven or eight days, in addition to the eight people before Fengzhi, there were two foreigners.

Now there are two more people coming, which means that only the last two have not come.

Feng Zhi didn't look up.

Only one and a half catties of Lingfeng's calf was left for her.

As she was about to collect the animal meat, she heard a sound of footsteps approaching her.

Looking up in the direction of footsteps, Feng Zhi saw two acquaintances.

I met Xiao Yan not long ago, and

If Feng Zhi is not mistaken, the other person was in Donglai city last time, because the fox girl around her bumped into Feng Zhi and paid for Feng Zhi.

Raised eyebrows, Feng to some unexpected.

She thought that Xiao Yan gave her the jade plate in her hand, and she certainly couldn't get another jade plate temporarily. After all, the other seven jade plates had already been owned by the owner, and their strength was not low. Even if Xiao Yan was not weak in the virtual spirit state, and there was a pair of fierce parents behind him, the others were not vegetarians. If the treasures were in front of her, how could they be easily given to them He?

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan still came.

Take a look at Shi Jin. I want to come. The friend Xiao Yan mentioned last time was Shi Jin.

Feng Zhi sneered.

The two men, one for the sake of women and the other for her sister, suffered some losses in her hands.

Feng didn't speak, but Shijin and Xiao Yan all came to her side.

"Master, I didn't expect to see you here again." When the road.

And Xiao Yan, he also nodded toward the Phoenix, "girl, meet again."

Feng did not reply.

She and these two people can be said to be enemies, not friends, she naturally has no need to be polite to these two people.

Seeing this, Shijin and Xiao Yan looked at each other, and then Shijin immediately turned into a chatter, "master, we met twice in such a short time. The so-called meeting is predestined, we can say it is predestined, isn't it..."

At this time, the Dragon Yan on the wrist dish Phoenix is not happy.


He is the only one in the world who has fate with Feng. Where did he come from? Who is he?

The two golden bean eyes immediately fixed on Shijin.

Shi Jin felt cold all over, but he couldn't speak his original words.

Xiao Yan then took a look at Long Yan.

After a long time, Long Yan confirms that Shijin won't say anything more about fate. Then he takes back his sight and is still languidly entangled in Feng Zhi's hand as before.

After that, Shi Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to speak Originally, I wanted to bring a beaver to join in the fun. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan lost his jade plate... "

Little beaver, is the fox girl that Feng Zhi met last time.

This time all want to take the fox girl with her, which shows that Shijin is also true love to the fox girl.

Thinking of true love, Feng Zhi couldn't help but think of long Xianxian and her admirers.


She couldn't help laughing.

Shijin thought that Fengzhi was laughing because of his words. He scratched his head like a big boy. "I'm not afraid of the jokes of the predecessors. I think that since I have identified a person, I should always maintain the mood when I identified her. In my life, I will only recognize the little Beaver..."

Listen to him say so, Feng to pour Gao to see him some.

There is no saying that men are superior to women in the virtual spirit realm. As long as the strength is strong enough, regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, he can easily get everything he wants.

As a result, there are too few practitioners who know how to stick to the same path, recognize it, and then adhere to it.

Feng to then toward the time into a smile.

Shijin then turned to Xiao Yan with his elbow and said, "Hey, Xiao Yan, I don't mean you. Although you are only in the early stage of Yuanying, your fighting power is also very few people can defeat. How could you have the jade plate taken away? Now your unruly sister is going to have a fight? "Xiao Yan smiles bitterly at Feng Zhi.

Xiao Yan originally planned to take Xiao Bi into the ruins this time, but he didn't expect that Xiao Bi would kill himself. He didn't say that he had offended Feng Zhi. In order to calm down Feng Zhi's anger, Xiao Yan had to send the jade plate out.

When he saw Xiao Yan looking at Feng Zhi, he was dissatisfied and said, "what do you want to see from your predecessors? By the way, I haven't asked. How did you and Xiao Yan know each other... "

Words have not finished, when into is a Leng.

He looked at Xiao Yan and opened his mouth wide Isn't that what I thought it was? "

Xiao Yan nodded, "yes, that's what you think."

At that time, I felt sympathy for Xiao Yan.

I didn't expect that they were a pair of brothers and sisters. They were so clever that they provoked the same person.

Shijin is a talkative. After a while of silence, he finds a topic to talk about Master, Xiao Yan, have you heard about the new black lady legend recently? Oh, I don't know which genius made up such a story. With the Xuanguang technique of the dragon, the whole virtual spirit realm is now exploded for this matter, OK? See if the Dragon fiber can still... "

Speaking of this, Shijin suddenly stopped.

He remembered that at that time, at Donglin auction house, Fengzhi had some conflicts with Longxian. With long Xianxian's domineering style, he could be sure that Longxian would never let her admirers go to Fengzhi.

But Fengzhi is good

Therefore, it is self-evident who is the unfortunate one.

Then there was the legend of the new black lady

Shijin looked at Feng Zhi with some dullness, "elder, isn't that what I thought?"

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