Feng to gently Yang lip, very sure nodded, "yes, that's what you think."

Time goes by.

He was a monk in the middle of Yuanying's life. He had an instinctive perception of danger. Since his first meeting at Donglin auction house, he decided that Fengzhi was an extremely dangerous person for him. Therefore, he repeatedly suppressed little beaver and prevented her from conflict with Fengzhi.

But now, he once again warned himself in his heart, Feng to this person, can not be provoked.

Take a look at Xiao Yan, and then take a look at long Xianxian, tut

Feng to this time to the time into and Xiao Yan pour did not have any hostility, the hand still left that small part of the roast meat to two people side a throw, "I call Feng to."

By the time into such a mouth, an elder called, Feng to how much or not used to.

Shijin and Xiao Yan took the barbecue and ate it without hesitation. However, they did not doubt whether Fengzhi would do anything in these barbecues.

This makes Feng Zhi look at them again.

Both of them had a large appetite. It didn't take them long to finish the barbecue.

Then, Shi Jin had some doubts, "before Fengzhi, a jade plate can let two people in. More people always have more strength. Of course, it also needs a lot of safety. We all have two people. Why are you alone? "

Listening to Shi Jin's words, Xiao Yan looks at Long Yan on Feng Zhi's left wrist.

But he didn't say anything.

Feng to light way: "I am enough alone."

The strength of Yunxia four people is too low. Bringing them here is tantamount to death.

What's more, Fengzhi is not sure whether this array will include Longyan.

Of course, the most important thing is that Feng Zhi has confidence in his own strength.

Shi Jin then did not say anything.

The next two days, Shijin and Xiaoyan had something to do, but they all stayed with Feng Zhi.

Eight pieces of jade, a total of 15 people, now the last two people did not come.

That day, Shi Jin was talking about this topic In the end, they didn't know what they had come from, but they didn't worry at all. "

Feng turned her eyes.

People don't have to worry about it. Let alone that the gate of the site has not been opened yet. Even if the gate is really opened and the eight jade plates can not be collected, the early comers can only stare.

Just like this, Fengzhi heard two more voices from the sky.

So they all looked up.

I saw two sword lights in the air, and finally fell to the place not far away from the Phoenix to the three people.

It's a man and a woman.

A man is a young man who is full of spirits, and his cultivation will not be low.

And women

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

I'm an acquaintance again.

Moreover, it was the last time she tried to change back to its original shape, and then she lost it in Donglai city.

The appearance of longxianxian immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After seeing the Dragon fiber, he was stunned, and then he thought of the legend of the new black lady, and the Xuanguang technique of the Dragon fiber changing back to its original form. Where is the fanatical admiration before?

In such inexplicable silence, the sound of Feng Zhi's smile obviously makes the Dragon slender feel harsh.

She looked at Feng to this side and then changed her face.

"It's you!" The dragon's slender voice was filled with resentment.

Feng to the lips with a smile, as if to see an old friend in general gently nodded, "slender fairy, long lost, it is me."

With these words, Feng Zhi also carefully looked at the dragon.

At this time, it was almost a month since Fengzhi and Longxian fought against each other. A month ago, long Xianxian was still in the late stage of the golden elixir. She pointed to a dragon vine to ask someone to refine Hualong pill, so as to get rid of her ugly prototype.

I didn't expect

In a month's time, long Xianxian not only promoted to the early stage of Yuanying, but also completely stabilized the realm, and really made her turn into a dragon successfully.

Today's dragon is slender, but it is no longer a snake.

Although the dragon blood in her body is not so pure, there is nothing wrong with saying that she is a dragon.

The change can be described as a complete transformation.

Want to come

Feng Zhi's eyes fell on the man beside the dragon.

The change of dragon's fiber must be related to this man.

After seeing the original shape of Longxian, can you help her like this? Maybe Longxian has met true love?

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

At the sight of the Phoenix to smile, long Xianxian could not help but feel the impetuous anger in his heart.

Recently, long Xianxian knows that it must be made by Fengzhi without thinking about her. The legend of the new black lady with some ghosts and the Xuanguang technique with her original form directly let the Dragon slender fall from the original altar. Most of her former admirers are like Xu Xian in the story, so they are afraid to approach her again.However, Xu Xian in the story finally understood his intention and fell in love with Bai Suzhen.

Those who admire the slender Dragon

Hehe, after being scared once, he even avoided her like a snake and a scorpion!

If there was not such a person who was willing to pull her under such circumstances, not only prepared the Hualong pill for her, but also protected the Dharma for her, so that she could be promoted smoothly, she would not know what she would be like.

But now, even if she has turned into a dragon, even if her original form is no longer the ugly and terrible viper, how can we eliminate the influence that has been caused?

At the thought of this, Longxian would like to tear the Phoenix to life.

But at the same time, long Xianxian feels scared when he sees Feng Zhi.

At that time, Feng Zhi easily controlled her, and let her show the ugliest side in front of so many people. In the heart of dragon slender, it was like a heart demon that she could not go around.

This heart demon may not see much now, but if there is a nature in the future that can cultivate to the out of body stage, and then break through the transformation period, the heart demon will bring her a fatal threat.

Jindansheng Yuanying, Yuanying to the out of the body, all have to go through thunder robbery, resist the past will be OK.

In addition to thunder robbery, there will also be heart demons robbing when the practitioners are most vulnerable. If they can't defeat their own demons

Die and die!

Long Xian Xian didn't realize that Feng had planted such a seed in her heart.

Realizing that she was afraid, Longxian was very angry. She took a deep breath, and then snorted to Feng. "Now, who can go to the ruins?"

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