Since the arrival of Jiang Xu and long Xianxian, the activity of the Mingyue lake has become more and more serious. Previously, there was only a vision every night, but after that, even in the daytime began to appear.

Under such circumstances, Mingyue Lake naturally becomes the gathering place of many practitioners.

Although the jade plate has only eight pieces, there are still many practitioners who secretly touch the outside of the moon lake. They also know that without the jade plate, they can't enter the cave, but knowing is one thing and doing another.

I don't know, they can follow these people who have jade plate, pick up a space and rush in?

And then

Even if they can't find a vacancy, those people who enter the cave will always come out. At that time, they will have a chance to snatch from them the treasures they got in the cave.

This kind of thing is normal for the cultivator.

It can be imagined that until Feng Zhi and others came out of the cave, the situation around Mingyue lake would continue.

The number of these practitioners who want to find out is too many, and they can't hide their body shape at all. Therefore, Fengzhi and others are very clear about their existence and their plans.

Of course, no one cares.

Those who can take the jade plate and decide to enter the relic cave will not be timid.

After another seven or eight days, more and more people gathered by the moon lake.

In the evening, when the last ray of the sunset was over, a thin curtain of light suddenly began to shine around the whole moon lake. The color light of the previous days was different. The color light was completely illusory, but the light curtain was like a film of light, covering the whole moon lake and the lake.

"It's the border!" Looking at the light curtain behind her.

It seems that the door of the cave is really going to be opened this time.

Feng Zhi knew this. Of course, the large number of practitioners outside who were preparing to fish in troubled waters also knew that when the door to the treasure was in front of them, how could these people control their desire? Almost at the moment when the curtain of light rose, a large number of practitioners poured out of the forest around Mingyue lake.

The lowest strength of these practitioners is also in the golden elixir period, and the rest of them are in the infancy period. It is roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of them. Everyone's face shows extreme fanaticism, and their eyes are shining with the color of the moon lake.

Feng Zhi saw some emotion.

This relic is also well-known in the eastern continent. It is said that it was the cave of a great energy in ancient times before it soared. He was extremely nostalgic and put all kinds of treasures that he could not take to the fairyland into the cave. In order to protect his own cave, he also set a very strong boundary and array outside the cave.

For many years, the people of the east continent knew there was such a place, but they could not find any trace of it.

After all, there are only a few great powers in the Mahayana period of the virtual spirit realm. The practitioners in the ancient times were better than those now. The ancient great energy deliberately concealed his cave, which is really not what the current practitioners can find.

Now it is discovered because of time.

It's been thousands of years since the great energy soared. No matter how powerful the power is, it can't offset the erosion of time in the absence of successors.

As a result, the array will be damaged. It will no longer hide the location of the cave, but it will show clues in the outside world, which is understandable.

It is also because the existence of this cave is very famous. In fact, most of the practitioners who are rushing towards this place know that they can never enter it without jade plate.


At present, how many people are still rational?

Feng to look back at the rush to a large number of practitioners.

The speed of the cultivators is not slow. For a while, these practitioners are close to Fengzhi. They see that there are several practitioners whose faces are distorted because of excitement. They have called out their magic weapons and smashed them on the light screen. Fengzhi does not only have no sign of counterattack, but also doesn't even blink her eyes.

And then

Nothing happened.

After touching the light curtain that looks as thin as cicada wings, several attack magic weapons in different forms not only do not penetrate as expected by those practitioners, but also seem to be submerged in the water. On the contrary, the masters of several magic weapons all spit out a mouthful of blood.

If you look at their magic weapons, they all have layers of precious light, but in such a short time, these magic weapons seem to be eroded by something, and they are obviously dim.

It's obviously abandoned.

These practitioners are the best of all, otherwise they would not be so far ahead of others.Originally, these people still wanted to take the lead to rush in, but they didn't expect to get such a result.

With their lessons learned from the past, those who practice the truth behind, also show a sense of awe, and then stop in unison.

Looking at that thin layer, as if only a finger can pierce the light curtain, many practitioners fear unceasingly, and where dare to rush in?

The life magic weapons of the practitioners are cultivated by the mind and God, and once again they are very powerful. Only when these magic weapons touch the light curtain, can they be abandoned in such a moment. What if the bodies of the practitioners contact with the light curtain?

All the practitioners have powerful power. Who can easily make fun of their own lives?

As a result, many of the practitioners were envious and envious of looking at the Phoenix within the screen of light and so on more than a dozen people.

At present, even if these people know that they can't get in, they will never retreat.

After all

Feng Zhi, they will come out, won't they?

At the beginning, Feng Zhi only took a look at the monks who rushed over, then turned her head and ignored her back.

In such a short time, great changes have taken place on the Bank of Mingyue lake. Within the scope covered by the light curtain, eight light clusters which are completely consistent with the jade plate in the hands of Fengzhi and others gradually light up.

The light in the circle of light is constantly flowing, with the mystery that people can't see through easily.

These are the eight array eyes.

Seeing this, the eight people who got the jade plate, including Fengzhi, looked at each other and walked to the corresponding light group according to the divinatory symbols on their jade plates.

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