The eight trigrams are divided into Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen and DUI. The jade plate in Fengzhi's hand is engraved with the word "Kun".

Without any hesitation, Feng Zhi went to the Kun position just below the eight trigrams.

When Fengzhi went to the position of Kun, the other seven people were not idle. They all took the jade plate to the corresponding divinatory symbols.

Shi Jin and Xiao Yan are Shi Jin holding the jade plate, while Jiang Xu and long Xianxian are two people. Jiang Xu takes the jade plate, and long Xianxian stands behind.

Then, eight people holding a jade plate look at each other, and at the same time put the jade plate in their hands into the light group.

Feng to put the jade plate in before, but also around their cloth under a border.

She came alone this time. Who knows if she will attack her when she breaks the battle?

Later, Feng Zhi knew that she was worried.

The moment the jade plate was put into the light group, the light group was immediately bright, and then those lights immediately wrapped up the whole person of Fengzhi, and directly laid a very strong border around Fengzhi.

This boundary is obviously from the same origin as the light curtain that is now covering the whole moon lake. Even if it is put here for anyone to fight, it will take a long time to break it.

Feng to this just let go of heart.

She looked at the jade plate which has been continuously rotating since it was put into the light group, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

I heard that

The person who breaks the array must go through a test before breaking the array.

I don't know. What does this test mean?

When Feng Zhi thought about it like this, a light suddenly appeared in the jade plate, which was directly projected to the eyebrows of Fengzhi. Fengzhi wanted to hide, but after thinking of something, she forced her consciousness of dodging down.

That light then can succeed, did not enter Feng Zhi's eyebrow heart.

The next moment, the scene in front of Feng changed.

This is

In a void space, there is a stage which looks like a challenge arena. On the platform, there is a woman in a long white dress.

Because the woman hangs her head gently, Feng can't see the woman's appearance.

However, just to see this woman, Feng to subconsciously feel some familiar.

At this time, probably sensing the sight of Fengzhi, the woman on the challenge arena suddenly looks up to Feng Zhi.

The Phoenix was startled.

She knew that everything she saw was just an illusion, and what she had to do was to break the illusion. Therefore, Feng had been prepared for it. Even if she saw it here, no one would be too surprised.

However, the woman in front of her is really shocked by Feng.

This is herself!

It's really Feng Zhi himself. Although

women wore as like as two peas, they were all alike in appearance and appearance. They were all the same look and look.

Looking at the woman on the challenge arena, Feng Zhi looks like looking into a mirror.

If it was not for Feng Zhi who had a very firm belief, he would have begun to doubt which one was himself.

if Feng as like as two peas, she is not afraid of the wrong way. The woman on the stage is only afraid of not only having the same appearance as her, but also the same way that she can do.

So, the real purpose of this test is to defeat ourselves?

As a cultivator, everyone will encounter many enemies in his life. These enemies are strong or weak. If you encounter a strong enemy, you should strive to improve yourself, and then you will always have a chance to turn a strong enemy into a defeated general.

For those who are hard-working, having such a strong enemy is sometimes the driving force for their progress.


If the enemy is himself, then not necessarily.

The most difficult enemy to defeat is always himself, which is known to many practitioners.

With the same appearance, the same skills, the same weapons and magic, and the same thinking mode, how can such a strong enemy be defeated?

Feng Zhi frowned slightly.

Such an accident made her feel a little troubled.

But that's all.

She doesn't think that the woman opposite is herself. To be exact, it should be a person who has copied all her past, but it is not her after all.

Therefore, Feng Zhi only slightly troubled for a while, and then again had the belief of winning.

At this time, Feng to only feel in front of her eyes is a blur, and then she found that she has been to the arena.

Although I thought that the arena was too small for two practitioners to fight, Feng Zhi realized that the arena was boundless and strange.

and standing as like as two peas from Phoenix to the opposite side, that is the woman who is exactly the same as her.Feng Zhi originally wanted to take out the killing fairy sword from her waist to fight the enemy, but after thinking about it, she did not use the killing fairy sword, but took out the small jade sword which was usually used against the enemy.

She wanted to confirm some ideas.

did not get as like as two peas of Feng, but when she drew out the jade sword, the same woman was also seen in the hands of the opposite woman.

Sure enough, the vision on the other side can really copy all of her.

When the Phoenix arrived, it became clear.

Therefore, the illusion should be strong when it is strong and weak when it is weak?

Thinking like this in the heart, Feng Zhi's jade sword waved in his hand, and rushed directly towards the illusion on the opposite side.

Since she knew that everything that the illusion in the opposite side would come from her own, she certainly had a way to deal with it. Feng Zhi didn't want to waste too much time here. Who knows if there will be another test in the future.

And the illusion on the opposite side, really did the same thing with Feng Zhi.

It seems that there is a mirror between Feng Zhi and illusion, which directly synchronizes Feng Zhi's actions into the mirror.

Feng Zhi's red lips rose slightly, "if you can only copy it, it's useless..."

And then fought against that illusion.

Although she was a little surprised at the beginning, for Feng Zhi, it didn't take her much time and energy to deal with such an illusion that could only copy all of her. In less than a quarter of an hour, she had already cut the throat of the opposite illusion with a sword.

saw the woman as like as two peas, whose eyes were stunned, clutching their necks, and then turned into tiny dots of light, and disappeared on the arena.

Feng to but did not relax.

She felt that since the cave was so difficult to enter, the so-called test could not be so simple.

So, what's next?

Soon, Feng Zhi knew the answer.

saw the as like as two peas of illusion disappeared, and then again, the next figure appeared.

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