This is

"Long Yan!" Feng Zhi couldn't help but whisper.

The previous illusion, because it was the appearance of Fengzhi himself, and although the illusion was very lifelike, it could make people easily see the difference between them and real people. Therefore, Fengzhi could quickly strengthen his belief and easily beat the illusion.

But now, she looked at Long Yan standing in front of her, but no matter where she looked, she couldn't find any flaws.

The opposite Long Yan was dressed in a golden robe with black hair tied on his head. There was only a wisp of golden hair on his forehead. His face was originally indifferent, but at the moment when he saw the Phoenix, the indifference in his eyes faded away and was replaced by full of joy and warmth.

"Fengzhi." He whispered.

The Phoenix moved to the heart.

How many times has long Yan called her name like this.

"Long Yan, are you well?" Feng Zhi was a little excited.

But then she came to her senses.

Yes, it's an illusion.

Long Yan is now seriously injured and has not recovered. She is just on her wrist. How could she suddenly turn into a human figure and appear here?

Here, but Fengzhi has to go through the test.

Feng Zhi takes a deep breath.

She was still too anxious and hoped that Long Yan would get better soon.

Fengzhi is not a person who can't bear loneliness. In fact, every one who can cultivate successfully can't bear loneliness. Otherwise, how should we spend this long time?

She just put Long Yan in her heart.

What's more, she is now in a strange virtual spiritual state. Even if she comes to such a completely strange place alone with the strength of Fengzhi, she will always feel a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, she was too anxious to let Long Yan recover.

But I didn't want to, just a little bit of eagerness was used by this array. She was almost bewildered by the illusion of Longyan in front of her.

From the previous Phoenix to their own illusion, Fengzhi has already known that although the illusion is false, but the harm it brings can't be more true.

Think about it, if Feng Zhi is really confused by the illusion of Longyan, as long as she is negligent, she is very likely to be killed by the illusion.

This one of the dangers, straight let Feng to all can not help but a cold.

In front of the jade, the dragon and the Phoenix are in the direction.

At this time, the opposite "Longyan" was surprised and aggrieved. "Fengzhi, what's the matter with you? I'm Long Yan. I'm hurt well. Thanks to you taking me to eat the spirit food of xiankelai a few days ago, I'm not only better, but also slightly better than before..."

"Fengzhi, don't worry. Next time, no matter what danger happens, I will be able to protect you!"

Feng to the heart is slightly moved.

She looked at the "Long Yan" in front of her.

It has to be said that this "Longyan" is almost the same as the real Longyan in both the manner and the tone. He can actually read the memory of Fengzhi from Fengzhi's brain to confuse Fengzhi.

But Feng to wake up in the previous wake, and where will be so bewitched?

When the jade sword was horizontal, Fengzhi simply turned a deaf ear to what "Longyan" said. She stabbed her sword directly. Her sword was full of rich aura, which made people feel that the body of the sword would suddenly be widened a lot, and there was a faint light on the sword.

This is sword spirit.

The jade sword with sword spirit seems to be able to ignore the space in front of it. It only instantly reaches "Longyan".

"Long Yan" suddenly felt more sad. He stood still, not only did not fight back, but also threw the weapons he had held in his hand far away, only quietly letting Feng Zhi's sword get closer and closer.

"Fengzhi, what's wrong with you? Didn't we say we'd like to be around each other together? " With the voice of "Longyan", his pale golden eyes gradually became more and more sad. "Fengzhi, I always believe you, even if you want my life..."

Feng couldn't help closing her eyes.

She told herself in her heart again and again that this was not long Yan, but an illusion made by the array to confuse her. However, the words of "Long Yan" were still hammered into the deepest part of her heart word by word, which made her heart unable to calm down completely.

But when Feng Zhi closed her eyes, a strange smile appeared on the face of Longyan, who had a sad face.

His hand turned into a dragon's claw. The sharp and powerful dragon's claw broke through the void, and without a sound, he grabbed at the heart of Fengzhi.

If caught by him, Feng is afraid to be caught by him on the spot.

But at this time, Feng to but suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes a calm, where there is the previous swing uncertain?"The illusion is indeed an illusion. It is just a mere God. How dare you pretend to be a dragon Yan?" Feng to cold hum a, jade sword in hand gently pick.

Dozens of aura turned into sharp blades and flew towards "Longyan", which directly shot many holes against the air in the unsuspecting "Longyan".


"Long Yan" in the eyes of some puzzled, and then like the previous "Phoenix to" like, turned into a light spot disappeared.

Feng was relieved at this.

Compared with the previous "Fengzhi", this "Longyan" can almost be said to be perfectly disguised. What he said is exactly what the real Longyan should react when he encounters such a thing.

However, Fengzhi and Longyan have been together for so many years. They are too familiar with each other. If an illusion can deceive them into recognizing the wrong person, they have been together for so many years in vain.

Phoenix to bow.

She looked at her wrist.

Since entering this illusory space, she found that she could not see the Dragon Yan on her wrist.

But she believes that Long Yan must still be on her wrist, with her together, even if she can not see, but their hearts are at least together.

With the real Long Yan company, how could she be confused by a fake?

Heart down relaxed at the same time, Feng to concentrate on alert.

I don't know if there will be that so-called test after this.

Just thinking like this, Feng Zhi found that the arena space in front of her suddenly dissipated, and everything she saw in front of her disappeared. Instead, everything she saw before she entered the dreamland.

She is still in front of the light group of the Kun position, and the jade plate in the light group is still rotating.

So, she just passed the so-called test?

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