In fact, Fengzhi thought it was a little inconceivable.

If the so-called test passed so easily, it would be too simple.

However, since there is no space for the challenge arena, she should have passed the test.

As for Feng, she looked around.

Around Mingyue lake, there are eight array eyes. In addition to her, the other seven people seem to be breaking through the array. All of them have closed their eyes and look different. They are obviously confused by what they see in the illusion.

After finding Fengzhi, he was the first to wake up. The seven people standing behind the other seven people all brush their hands and look at Fengzhi. The dragon's eyes, which have a grudge against Fengzhi, are full of resentment.

Phoenix to ignore the Dragon fiber.

In her eyes, the dragon is just a person who can only depend on others, and no threat can be brought to her.

She looks down at Long Yan, who is still on her wrist.

Long Yan looked at Fengzhi with concern. Obviously, he was also worried about the test of Fengzhi.

Seeing Fengzhi, Long Yan's two golden bean like eyes suddenly brightened. Then he went up from Fengzhi's wrist, and finally came to Fengzhi's neck and rubbed his head on Fengzhi's face.

Phoenix to two eyes slightly curved.

She was about to reach out her index finger to touch Long Yan, but suddenly she remembered something, and then she was stunned.

Then, as soon as Feng Zhi's face was cold, his index finger and middle finger went over to Longyan. With only a slight pinch, he pinched "Longyan", who was opening his mouth and was ready to bite down on Fengzhi's neck, in his hand.

"Looking for death!"

Feng to cold hum, and then a fierce force, the hand of the small Golden Snake was directly strangled by her.

After that, the scene in front of him suddenly ripples. When the ripples stopped, Feng Zhi saw the real world.

Just now those

It's still an illusion.

Thinking of the adventure just now, Feng Zhi can't help but take a breath.

She didn't expect that the test was repeated. First, she used Fengzhi and then Longyan. When Fengzhi broke through the second illusion, she would simulate the real world, which made Fengzhi think that she had broken away from the illusion, and almost let the fake little golden snake bite it.

Obviously, if you let that little golden snake bite you, Feng will pay a very painful price.

To be fair to all, the third illusion is really lifelike. Fengzhi can't even find anything wrong with it. Only the plants and trees around it are exactly the same. Even the dragon's reaction to the Phoenix arrival is exactly the same as the real one.

But the reason why Fengzhi can see through this illusion is because Long Yan.

Long Yan stayed on Fengzhi's wrist for ten years when he was still a little golden snake.

In those ten years, Long Yan was very fond of Feng Zhi's touch. Because it was convenient for Feng Zhi to touch him, Long Yan would only entangle himself in Fengzhi's left wrist.

But just now, the little golden snake in the fairyland swam all the way to the neck of the Phoenix to the right.

It is this little detail that makes Feng Zhi peep through the illusion in an instant, which can crush the little golden snake to death in time.


Feng to some dare not think.

Fortunately, fortunately

Fortunately, when I touch my wrist, I feel like this.

She then bowed her head to the Dragon Yan and laughed, "I'm ok, but I almost hit the road."

Feng now has a lot of awe for the master of the cave.

This is the cave and array left thousands of years ago. After so many years, this array has begun to show signs of lack of aura and is difficult to maintain. However, it can almost deceive fengzhidu in the past, which shows its strength.

In ancient times, it is said that there were countless times of great powers to transform gods into Mahayana.

Feng to think of such a scene, can not help but some yearning.

Later, Feng Zhi converged and looked at the other seven people who were breaking the battle.

Just like in the illusion just now, the other seven people were still breaking through the battle with their eyes closed. The seven people who came with them were all on guard around for fear that someone would come to attack at this time.

Long Xianxian and Xiao Yan were the first to find Feng awake.

"Feng Zhi, you are awake." Xiao Yan was surprised.

He and Shijin got along with Fengzhi for some days. He was very familiar with Fengzhi. Even after entering the cave, they could hardly be regarded as companions. At this time, Xiao Yan was pleased to see that Fengzhi broke the array first.

as like as two peas in the illusion.

She glared at the Phoenix fiercely, and could hardly hope to shoot the Phoenix into a honeycomb with God.

Phoenix to first toward Xiao Yan nodded, and then lightly swept the Dragon slender one eye, "do you believe it, you stare at me again, I will you that pair of eyes to dig out?"The dragon is slender.

Of course she does.

In the heart still has the fear to the Phoenix, the Dragon slender subconsciously moved the line of sight.

However, she was not reconciled. Fengzhi made her so ugly at the beginning. At that time, she was not strong enough to resist under Fengzhi. But now she has broken through to Yuanying period and has a strong body of the dragon clan. Can't she still be as helpless as she was?


Long Xianxian doesn't think Feng Zhi will hand her hand at this time.

Therefore, the Dragon slender immediately again stares to the Phoenix, a pair of beautiful eyes full of resentment, "Phoenix to right? I tell you, I will never let you go, you... "

Feng is not interested in listening to long Xianxian's cruel words.

"Don't you believe it?" Her pair of Danfeng eyes gently picked up, speechless contempt, "to enter this cave, it really takes eight people to pass the test, and one is indispensable, but you and Jiang Xu are holding jade plates in their hands, but Jiang Xu is breaking through the battle, but Jiang Xu is not you. Now Jiang Xu has no spare power to protect you. How long do you think you can hold on to me, eh, one breath?"

The Dragon began to tremble gently.

Half it's feeling humiliated and angry, the other half because of fear.

Feng to stay in the shadow of her heart, but has not been dispelled by her.

She thought that at that time, she did not have any resistance under Feng Zhi. First, she was forced to show her original shape, and then she could not move at all. She allowed so many people to take that kind of frightened and disgusted look for a long time. She could feel that she was skinned by those eyes.

Because of these recollections, long Xianxian immediately put aside his head in great distress. He did not dare to take a look at Fengzhi again, let alone fight with Fengzhi.

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