Phoenix to the light to take back the line of sight.

She is not hostile to Longxian. In her opinion, Longxian can not be regarded as her enemy.

However, if Longxian has been so uninteresting, Fengzhi will not always have such good patience. Hehe, when she enters the ruins, even if she doesn't take the initiative to ask for the trouble of Longxian, she will come to her.

It's a disgusting bug. Just crush it to death.

But after being swept by Feng Zhi, long Xianxian only felt cold all over her body, and then she stepped back two steps.

Feng to no longer pay attention to the dragon, then just wait quietly.

While waiting for this period of time, she was not idle. She took out the spiritual food that she had specially packed from Cyclamen to feed Longyan. While feeding, she secretly hoped that there was a dragon pill in the ruins.

Looking at Fengzhi and feeding Longyan with xiankelai's spiritual food, Xiao Yan's face is heartache.

He almost rushed to grab food from Longyan.

This appearance actually amused Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi is also familiar with Xiao Yan in the past few days. Although she has no good feelings for Xiao Bi, she has no bad feelings for Xiao Yan. After being teased, she takes out another spiritual food and throws it to Xiao Yan directly.

"Then, it's spilt and it's gone." Feng Zhi Dao.

Xiao Yan quickly protected the spirit food in his arms.

Although he was a little cold in the eyes of unfamiliar people, he knew that he was a real eater after he was really familiar with him.

When Long Yan and Xiao Yan have finished eating the spirit food, the other seven people also begin to wake up.

Shijin is the second sober of the seven, and he doesn't know what the test he is going through. In a word, when he opens his eyes, Xiao Yan standing behind him can feel the murderous spirit from Shijin.

And Jiang Xu, his strength is not the bottom of the seven, but surprisingly, he is the last sober.

In the process of experiencing the test, Jiang Xu's expression is also the most abundant. He is happy, miserable, satisfied and unwilling, just like a palette.

Finally separated from the test, Jiang Xu first looked back at long Xian Xian, but did not know what it meant.

Feng to can not be in the mood to interfere with other people's business.

She was watching the changes in the formation.

Since Jiang Xu also sobered up, the whole array in the shape of eight trigrams began to rotate rapidly. In the end, with Fengzhi's eyesight, he could only see a light in the shape of eight trigrams.

I don't know how long it turned, and the light changed from extreme motion to extreme stillness.

After that, all the light will be directly towards the surface of Mingyue lake.

Then, in the middle of Mingyue lake, which was smooth and quiet, a little bigger and bigger whirlpool appeared. The whirlpool turned very fast, and soon the water in the lake was driven up.

In the middle of the whirlpool, there is a stone step full of moss leading to the bottom of the moon lake.

Everyone's eyes are bright.

The array is broken!

The stone steps were the gateway to the cave left by the ancient great powers.

Fifteen people looked at each other, and then they all rushed directly to the center of the whirlpool.

And of course, those outside practitioners also saw this scene, and their eyes also showed some eagerness, but they were scared by the power of the light curtain, but these people did not dare to go any further. They could only watch Fengzhi and others one by one disappear into the moon lake.

When the last one of the fifteen entered the whirlpool, Mingyue lake, which had been surging with wind and clouds, recovered to its former smooth and mirror like appearance in a flash.

No one would have imagined what the previous Moon Lake had experienced without seeing it with his own eyes.


Fengzhi was the first to rush into the whirlpool.

Her speed was the fastest, at least 10 meters faster than others. She did not even step on the mossy stone steps, but directly stepped on the jade sword, and ran down with the sword.

Mingyue lake is just a small lake. It shouldn't be too deep, but the stone steps passed by the Phoenix to control the sword are at least thousands of steps.

It can be imagined that the stone steps are not really connected to the bottom of the moon lake.

Perhaps, after entering the vortex, they actually entered another space, but they didn't notice it.

At this time, Feng to the foot of a slight force, then suddenly stopped.

She saw a huge stone gate in front of her.

The stone gate was made of unknown materials. It just stood there quietly and gave Feng Zhi a kind of momentum like a mountain. She didn't dare to step forward easily.

Feng to stop in her feeling safe place, across a distance looking at the stone gate.Then, I saw the stone door suddenly opened little by little.

The heavy stone gate made a dull sound. As the stone gate opened a little bit, there was gradually a bright light coming from behind the stone gate, fully illuminating the slightly dim underground space.

Half way through the gate, it came to rest again.

After waiting for a while, Feng Zhi decided that there would be no danger. Then she put away her jade sword and went to the stone gate step by step, and then entered the world behind the stone gate.

In front of a sudden change, about a few breathing time, Fengzhi felt a weightlessness feeling on her body. It should be that she was falling down rapidly.

Without waiting to see where he was, Feng Zhi controlled the jade sword to fly to her feet and stabilized her figure.

Then she looked forward.

She is now in the air about twenty or thirty meters high, and there is a vast space below.

The scenery in the space is very beautiful, but probably because no one has been looking after it for a long time. The flowers and plants in the space almost cover the whole space. At first glance, it is easy to make people think that the land under your feet is this colorful.

Feng to gently take a breath, smell the rich aroma in the air.

Think of it, these aroma are from below that piece by piece, completely covered by the ground of the flowers sent out.

The Phoenix never landed.

She squinted at the vast sea of flowers below and was thinking about what she was thinking. She heard the movement behind her, but a person who followed Feng Zhi into the cave rushed in.

The man saw Feng to still stay here, did not preempt him, so relieved.

Then, he glanced at Feng again, and looked rather disdainful.

"How dare you look for treasure among the ruins

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