The man said this, and then without hesitation, he fell to the ground, took out a knife in the middle, and swept down towards the flower sea below. The originally colorful flower Haydn became a mess.

Through this blow, the man confirmed that the sea of flowers was harmless, and his heart was also loose, and he fell to the ground.

One side to the whereabouts, he also some provocative to the Phoenix there to see a look.

Since he came here, he claimed that his strength and talent were extremely outstanding, but when he was rushing to the whirlpool, he was so far behind Feng, which made him feel a little hard to accept.

Feng to ignore men's provocation, she even gently hook lips.

Seeing Feng Zhi's sudden smile, the man was puzzled, but then he changed his face.

At the moment of his landing, the original flowers which were completely destroyed by him turned into tentacles and grabbed them towards him.

At this time, when the flowers are full of beautiful flowers, they are full of beautiful flowers.

Where can the man think of such a change, only a moment was the sea of flowers to completely wrapped from top to bottom.

From Fengzhi's point of view, the sea of flowers is wriggling with a strange gesture, and finally forms a cocoon, inside which is the arrogant man.


Feng to gently "tut" two.

She doesn't care about the man.

It takes eight people to break in, but not when you go out.

I don't know what will happen to this man?

Feng Zhi thought happily.

At this moment, the huge cocoon suddenly rose and burst with a loud noise, and then a man ejected from the broken cocoon.

It was the man who had been so arrogant before.

Waiting for Feng to see the man's appearance now, she immediately laughed with joy.

Men used to attach great importance to their appearance, and their clothes can be regarded as a magic weapon for defense, which has a strong defensive power. But now, it is only three or two breathing time to be wrapped in the cocoon. The men's clothes have more holes, not only that, but also some of the men's skin exposed to the outside, which is very disgusting Of mucus.

The mucus is obviously very corrosive. The man's skin is directly eroded by the mucus, which can only be seen as a bloody blur.

Tut Tut, if it wasn't for the strong recovery ability of the man, the man would have been disfigured.

Even if the man's face now can not see the appearance, but Feng to also can see his face because of pain and show the ferocity.

Feng to laugh, and then again looked at the sea of flowers below.

I didn't expect that such a flower without any threat could make the cultivators of Yuan infant period suffer such a great loss.

It is indeed the cave of ancient great powers.

Think of it, such a similar danger, with their exploration in this cave, should not be less.

Feng to although there is no change on the surface, but the heart also began to be vigilant.

Even if how to look at the weak things, it must not be ignored.

The man is the lesson.

After the delay, more than a dozen people followed up. Some people originally wanted to fall down directly. However, when they noticed that Feng Zhi had been staying in the air, and had found the embarrassed appearance of the man who had fallen on the ground, the rest of them also followed Feng Zhi's example and stopped in the air.

And the injured man, he first took out the healing pills, and then quickly recovered from the injured parts of his body. When all the injuries were healed, the man first looked at the sea of flowers with great fear, then turned back and glared at Feng fiercely. Then he left without looking back.

Feng turned her eyes.

She didn't do anything. How could she be hated again?

Of course, Fengzhi will not be afraid.

Other people saw that the man had taken the lead, and of course they would not stay here for a long time. They chose a direction and left.

Shijin and Xiaoyan stopped to say hello to Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, let's go first."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

Shi Jin and Xiao Yan left together.

Besides Shi Jin and Xiao Yan, only Jiang Xu and long Xianxian left together.

When all of them had gone far away, Feng came to the center of the sea of flowers.

There was a white flame rising from her body. Although the flowers still wanted to do the same thing again, they were frightened by these flames, and they didn't dare to come around. They just couldn't bear to go around the Phoenix.Obviously, I have my own consciousness.

Feng to fall into this sea of flowers, of course, has its own plan.

Although the big loss of flowers is just like a big flower, it's just like the one who attacks Yuanli together.

Fengzhi wants to get some seeds.

She has not forgotten that she used the flowers and those sunflowers to plant a sea of flowers to fight zombies.

Now I have seen the attack power of this sea of flowers, which is much stronger than the original flowers and sunflowers. If you take some seeds back and plant them around the Feng family, I'm afraid that the ancestral house of the Phoenix family will be the safest place in the Xuanwu continent.

That's it!

These flowers did not know how many years they had grown in this cave. The seeds were all covered with a thick layer. Fengzhi directly used a wind whirlwind rhyme to roll up the scattered seeds around and throw them into the space.

With the harvest, Feng Zhidao was also a little happy, and then stepped on the jade sword again, and chose a direction that no one had gone before and left.

The former owner of this cave should be a woman who loves beauty very much. Almost every place where Feng has passed can be regarded as a beautiful scenery. It is really like a fairyland.

During this period, Fengzhi passed another two sea of flowers.

Although the species of flowers planted in the sea of flowers are different, their dangers are the same. There are two more kinds of seeds collected by Fengzhi in the space.

After a while, Feng Zhi stopped at a lotus pond about ten acres.

This lotus pond is covered with lotus leaves. The water surface of the green lotus leaves is completely covered. It is like a green carpet. It makes people feel relaxed and happy. At the same time, it still exudes an attractive temptation to step on.

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