Feng Zhi certainly didn't step on it.

She even before so lifelike fantasy are not hit, of course, will not be affected by such a little temptation.

However, this also let Feng Zhi once again affirm the danger in the cave. How reluctant was the former owner of the cave to give up his old things to set so many traps in the cave?

Fengzhi did not go around the lotus pond.

Although there are some dangers in the lotus pond, the lotus seeds in the lotus pond and the lotus roots growing under the water are really good things. They not only contain a very strong aura, but also have the effect of clearing the mind and calming the mind. If you make a spiritual food to eat, it must be a very good choice.

The Phoenix flew to the sky above the lotus pond, then raised the jade sword high, and then cut it down heavily.


Under the sword of Fengzhi, the original blue lotus pond was cut in two, revealing the water under the lotus leaves and a large lotus root.

Phoenix to a bright eye.

So many lotus seeds and lotus roots, even if you take them back to Fenglai, Fengming, they are enough, even enough to eat for a long time.

It's the water in the lotus pond that is getting in the way.

Feng to hand a move, the water in the lotus pond will follow her hand to float upward, finally in the air gathered into a huge water ball, quietly suspended in the air.

The lotus seed and lotus root can't be picked without water in the lotus pond.

Fengzhi is not polite. With a wave of jade sword, it is a piece. Then, with a wind rolling cloud rhyme, lotus seeds and lotus roots are spontaneously peeled out, and then Feng Zhi collects them into the space.

After about half a quarter of an hour, Fengzhi collected most of the lotus seeds and lotus roots into the space, leaving only a small part of them to allow them to regenerate.

After all this, she put the huge water ball back into the lotus pond.

After looking at the crystal lotus roots piled up in the space and the fragrant lotus seeds with green Ying Ying Ying Ying, Feng Zhi Gou lip smiles and then goes on.

Although there were many dangers in the cave, it was nothing to Fengzhi. After that, he got a lot of good things.

However, the most let Feng to care, is still long Dan.

She was not sure whether there was a dragon pill in the cave, but if so, it would be put in the residence of the former owner of the cave.

Therefore, Feng to this road is not aimless forward, but looking for the former master of the cave.

The cave is not small, and the practitioners are not like ordinary people. The residence is not necessarily a house. Therefore, every time Fengzhi goes there, she uses her divine sense to sweep around, just to find out where the master of the cave is.

Feng Zhi knew that she would think like this, and other people who came in also thought the same.

So, she had to be ahead of the others.

Along the way, after about a day's appearance, Fengzhi saw a big tree with at least a dozen people.

, though the tree is large, it can not really be called Feng to wonder. After the Phoenix clan saw the Wutong tree, other trees in the world could not be seen in Phoenix.

well, I don't know if the sun tree planted in the space will grow as big as the Wutong tree.

When Feng Zhi thought of these things in her heart, she had already arrived in front of the tree.

I don't know how many years this tree has grown. There are very thick branches and leaves on the thick trunk. Fengzhi stands under the tree and looks up at the sky. Because the branches and leaves are too luxuriant, there is nothing to see.

After thinking about it, Feng Zhi decided to go to the tree to explore.

Even in a lotus pond, there are good things. Obviously, this tree is so big that it can't have nothing.

Jade feet fly to the foot of Feng to again, take her to ascend.

And then


Feng to cover the head.

The ground is about four or five meters high from the branches of this tree. There is nothing in this space, but when Fengzhi just got up with his sword, it was clear that there was a barrier.


It should be the ban set by the former owner of the cave before it soared, so that people can't fly up to the tree.

You can't fly. How do you get up there?

Feng Zhi tried to climb up the tree trunk with her own strength, but it didn't have any effect. When she got to the place about three meters high, it was like just now that she touched an invisible barrier and kept her firmly under it.

The ban set by the Mahayana monk, with Feng's strength up to now, is really helpless. If she can't think of any other way to solve it, she will have to stand at the bottom and stare.

If at first I just wanted to find out what good things were on the tree, then Feng is now on the bar with this tree.

Can't fly, can't climb up

Feng Zhi looked at the tree carefully.

As soon as I looked at it, I found some clues.On the thick trunk, which needs at least a dozen people to hold together, there is a piece of wood whose color is very slightly different from that around it, and it looks slightly lighter than other places around it.

When the Phoenix arrived, she came forward.

After confirming that there was no danger, she reached out and gently pressed her hand on the bark.

Unexpectedly, her hand did not touch anything, but directly penetrated the bark.

This bark is also an illusion!

Feng Zhi looks at the bark and looks like a door. It will hold one person in and out.

Is this the door to the tree?

Feng came to some interest, and then went into the door.

With a flash of green light, Fengzhi found herself in the space inside the tree. It seemed that the thick trunk of the tree was completely hollowed out, leaving only a piece of bark outside.

I don't know how to keep such a big green tree.

Of course, Feng Zhi doesn't want to go into this.

She took a look at the space in the tree trunk. It was dark inside, but there was only a place where two people could stand. Feng Zhi then stood on that place.

The next moment, Feng to feel a light body, the whole person was led by the light can not live to rise.

After a while, he came to the top of the tree.

To the top of the tree, Feng to immediately happy.

It's hard to find shoes?

It turned out that the top of the tree was extremely solid and flat, and a tree house was built with the branches and leaves of the tree. Because the material was originally taken from this tree, the tree house looked like it was integrated with the tree, and it was not surprising at all.

You don't have to guess. Fengzhi knows that this tree house must be the residence of the last owner of the cave.

I just hope that there is something in the tree house that she wants to find.

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