With such expectation, Fengzhi stepped into the tree house.

She thought that there would be a lot of danger in the tree house because of the owner's urination, and she wanted to be more careful, but she went into the tree house with caution. After waiting for a long time, she walked back and forth in the tree house for several times, but nothing happened.


Is this tree house really safe?

Feng to want to think, pour also can understand.

This is the residence of the master of the cave. Probably no one is willing to turn his residence into a trap. Moreover, it is extremely hidden. If you are not careful, you can't find the door to the treehouse.

Probably because of this, the former owner of the cave did not set up those organs in his residence.

This, of course, is convenient.

She watched the tree house carefully.

The tree house is not very large. It is only about 100 square meters in total. The house is very elegant. Although the tree house has been empty for many years, it has not been occupied for many years. However, because of the clean array, it is always clean. Even the two flowers in the vase on the table are just picked Delicate and charming, petals can even see hanging and future dew.

It looks like

It's not like there's no one to live in, but like the owner just left for a while.

The tree house is divided into four rooms. The largest one is the living room, the other is the bedroom. There is also a Dan room and a study.

Well, there is no toilet.

Feng to the brain of the first time on the emergence of such an idea.

But she immediately turned her eyes in her heart, which were all masters of the Mahayana period, and she could not use the toilet.

Feng first strolled in the living room.

Although the living room area is large, but the thing is really not much, in addition to some necessary furniture, there is no extra thing.

So is the bedroom.

However, the bed in the bedroom is extremely rare Wannian warm jade, and the quilt is the best snow silk that can be directly used as a defense magic weapon. It can also be regarded as a very good thing.

Feng to do not like to sleep in other people's bed, but think of these things Fenglai Fengming they can also use, so without hesitation put it away.

Since this cave has already come into the world, even if she doesn't accept it, she will always be taken away by others. It would be better for Feng Zhi to take these things away.

After strolling in the bedroom for a while, Feng Zhi went to the Dan room.

This is what she's most interested in.

It can be seen that the former owner of the cave is also a master of high attainments. There is no furnace in the chamber. It should have been taken away by the former master when he ascended.

There are many pills, which are packed in jade bottles and placed in medicine cabinet.

Fengzhi looked, most of the pills she herself can refine, only a small part of them are pills she has never seen. These pills make Feng Zhi very interested.

She likes refining pills, and her level is also high. When she meets these pills that she has never seen before, she naturally wants to analyze them and practice her own hands.

Now, however, is not the time.

Fengzhi then accepted all the pills with a smile.

Although the elixir and materials of the elixir have been in good condition for a long time, they have not been stored in the elixir's room.

Feng Zhi put away these miraculous medicines and materials, and then frowned slightly.

She didn't see Longdan.

She had already concluded that if there was a dragon pill in the cave, it would be in the master's residence. But now she is sure that this is the master's residence, but she did not find it here.

Is it possible that

There's no dragon pill here?

At this thought, Feng Zhi was somewhat depressed.

If there was no long Dan, she would still have to wait for Long Yan to get better. Although Long Yan is much better than before, and she may change back to human form at any time, Fengzhi doesn't know when she will get better.

Again in the Dan room to look for, sure there is no other valuable things, Feng to just went to the last study.

There are several large bookshelves in the study, on which a thread bound book is placed, which looks very primitive.

Feng Zhi picked up a book and opened it. It was written in elegant handwriting about the master's experience in practice.

This is a good thing!

This is a very difficult road, and how far each person can go on this road is unknown. However, if there are predecessors to teach their own experience, it can also make the later ones take fewer detours and have the opportunity to climb higher.

Feng Zhi's practice was not taught by anyone. She was all groping her way forward. Now that she has the experience of her predecessors, she must have gained a lot after intensive reading.A wave of the hand, Feng to simply even bookshelves with books are collected into their own space.

I don't have time to read them now. When I have time, I will read these books one by one.

Without a few big bookshelves, the whole study suddenly felt a lot empty.

Feng Zhi then looked at other places in the study. Now there is only a desk in the study. There are several pages of paper on the desk. There are four treasures in the study. The ink in the inkstone is not even dry.

In addition to this desk, there was a corner of the study, with a portrait of a woman hanging on the wall and a futon under the portrait.

Feng didn't think much, so she went to the desk first.

She looked at the writing paper on the desk.

This is written by the owner of the cave to later generations.

After reading the contents of these pages, Fengzhi had some understanding of the former owner of the cave.

The reason why the former owner of the cave built his residence on this giant tree is that the former owner of the cave is not a human being. Her original form is a green sparrow with the blood of Bifang, an ancient god beast.

Because of the blood of Bi Fang, the green bird's training speed is much faster than that of many of its peers. It took only a thousand years for the Green Finch to cultivate and ascend to Mahayana.

After a thousand years, they will fly to the fairyland. Such a speed is placed among the human practitioners. They are absolutely talented people, not to mention that the cultivation of these spirits and spirits is slower than that of human beings.

Qingque is very nostalgic, so before she ascended, she put all the things she didn't need into the cave to wait for the right person.

Seeing this, Feng Zhi couldn't help rolling her eyes.

The green sparrow has set traps everywhere in the cave, so what else is left for the fate?

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