After reading the content of the letter, Fengzhi understood what the master of the cave meant to leave someone with a destiny.

The portrait in the corner shows the former owner of the cave, that is, the green sparrow that has already ascended. As long as the later predestined people kneel on the futon and kowtow to the portrait three times, they can enter a secret space of Qingque's treasure through the portrait. The Qingque has left almost all of its valuable things in that space.

Phoenix to two Danfeng eyes slightly narrowed.

Of course, she would not kneel down for the treasure of the finch.

In the realm of practice, it is a common phenomenon to explore relics like this and find treasures from the caves of predecessors. Almost every great power will leave such a cave before it soars.


For the treasure in the cave to kneel down, at least Feng to is not willing.

If it wasn't written in the letter, there was a dragon pill in the treasure room of Qingque. Fengzhi was afraid that she would have turned around and left.

Since there is really a dragon pill, the Phoenix must get it!

However, how to take it, this is not a person who has already soared can control.

After reading the letter, Feng Zhi casually played a ray of flame and burned the letter. Then she went to the corner of the room and looked at the picture on the wall.

The portrait is a very beautiful woman. The woman is wearing a light green dress, earrings and two jade pendants. The green silk of waterfall is tied into a bun at will, with a green feather inserted in the middle.

It looks like a fairy coming out of the woods.

This is the green sparrow.

Feng Zhi looked at the futon in front of the portrait.

The little Futon looks so ordinary that it will be able to kneel down on one's knees.

When Feng Zhi thought about it like this, it seemed that there was a special smell in the air, and then a voice sounded in Fengzhi's ears.

"Kneel down..."

"If you don't kneel down in the future, you can count all the treasures."

"Just kneel down..."

This voice can not be heard by men and women, but it has a kind of inexplicable bewilderment. After hearing the voice, people can't help but do what the voice says.

Of course

Feng to have not been bewitched by this voice to go.

Turning a deaf ear to the sound in his ear, Feng Zhizhi's divine consciousness in the sea was like a storm, which quickly isolated everything around him, including the air.

Only do such a thing, originally that has been in the ear to say a non-stop voice immediately disappeared.

Feng to think about it, simply use their own divine sense to form a protective cover tightly attached to her skin, to separate everything from the outside world, so as not to touch the green bird's way again.

Feng now can see clearly that the green sparrow is not only a Dan master, but also very good at creating illusions to bewitch people.

If Feng Zhi had not gone through the test of illusion when he broke the array before, and had also experienced several illusions after entering the cave, he would have been on guard for a long time. Maybe he would have been bewitched.

She looked at the futon on the ground again.

Anyway, Feng Zhi couldn't get down on her knees, so she simply raised her feet and stepped on the futon heavily.

With Fengzhi's strength, even if she didn't deliberately increase her strength, it was not what an ordinary Futon could bear. Once Fengzhi stepped on it, the futon immediately turned into fly ash, leaving only some traces of light ash in its original place.

Futun is destroyed, Fengzhi did not want to kneel down.


Next, how can she get into the space of Qingque's treasure?

It's a problem.

When Feng Zhi thought about this problem, there was a change in the room.

The portrait of the green sparrow on the wall suddenly showed a glittering green light. At first, the green light just flowed on the portrait, but as time went on, the light on the portrait became more and more prosperous. Finally, it penetrated from the portrait and directly fell on the ground where the futon was originally placed.

In a moment, there was a hole on the ground that could only accommodate one person.

Feng Zhi was a little surprised.

What's going on?

It was also at this time that Feng Zhi suddenly noticed that the green sparrow on the portrait actually seemed to have come back to life, with a faint smile on her originally indifferent face.

The green sparrow on the painting looked at the Phoenix and said, "eh? When you are young, you can get out of the body period. It's an enviable talent. You can also hold your heart. You can't bend your mind just for the sake of something else. It's really amazing... "


For a moment she didn't know what to say to the sparrow on the portrait.

Such a thing, Feng to don't say is experienced, is to have never heard of.The green sparrow looked at the Phoenix again, "little friend, you are quite sensitive to the emperor. All the little things left before you ascended were given to you. Maybe In the future, you and I will meet again... "

Finish saying that, the green sparrow smiles, all did not give the Phoenix to the reaction time, saw that the green light on the portrait gradually faded down.

When the green light disappears, the portrait will return to its original appearance.

If it was not for the hole on the ground still there, Feng could not help but wonder whether he was producing hallucinations and hallucinations.

As for what Qingque said, they might meet again in the fairyland in the future, but Fengzhi didn't pay attention to it.

She is just out of the body now. She still has the two great realms of transforming God and Mahayana. When she ascends, she doesn't know that she will go to the age of monkey.


Feng to now is not as worried about anything as before, even if really want to fly to the fairyland, she must be with Long Yan.

Of course, these things are still early, but they should not be considered now.

Feng Zhi's eyes returned to the hole on the ground.

The divine sense goes down the hole. Although it looks like a hole, there is no secret room below. It can go to another space through this hole.

Maybe what she said is the space of the green bird.

Feng to carefully induction for a while, did not find any danger, so also did not hesitate, along the entrance to go down into.

After entering the cave entrance, Fengzhi felt that the surrounding air began to ripple, as if it was a water wave formed by being swept by a hand. The ripples stirred up layer by layer, and finally enveloped Feng and the whole person.

And then

Feng to feel a sudden light in front of her eyes.

Indeed, as the finch said, this is a space with many treasures.

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