This space is not big, about 60 or 70 square meters, but there are a lot of things in it.

Feng did not have time to pay attention to other things, her eyes fell on a fist size gold bead in the middle of the room.

The bead was translucent. Through the bead, Phoenix can even see the things behind the bead. There seems to be a golden light flowing inside the bead. It looks very gorgeous.

The beads were not placed in any container, but were directly suspended in the air, with layers of fog underneath, which looked like they were held up by a small cloud.

Just see this bead, Phoenix to the heart on the emergence of an idea.

This is Longdan!

Feng to the heart of a joy.

The reason why she would come to this cave is to find the Dragon pill. Now that it is hard to find it, where can she be unhappy?

Without any hesitation, Feng Zhi reached for the Dragon pill.

However, I don't know if this dragon pill has existed for too long. Instead, it has its own consciousness. Only when Fengzhi's hand moves, the Dragon pill has already moved away, but it's called Fengzhi to seize the space.

This surprised Feng Zhi.

Although she did not use any other means to catch this, but with her speed, even the practitioners of the golden elixir period may not be able to avoid it. The Dragon pill is easy to hide.

Feng Zhizheng is about to catch Longdan again, but suddenly there is a movement on her wrist.

Long Yan twisted Feng Zhi's wrist tightly, then touched Feng Zhi's back with his head.

Let me do it.

This is what Longyan means.

As for Feng, she stopped.

Then, I saw that Long Yan suddenly turned into a golden light, and rushed directly towards the Dragon Dan.

When Fengzhi went to catch the Dragon elixir, the Dragon elixir hid from the left and the right, but it was strange to say that the Dragon Yan rushed to the Dragon pill. Instead of any action to dodge, the Dragon pill seemed to be pulled by some breath, and it even took the initiative to shoot in the direction of Longyan.

Both Longyan and Longdan move very fast, and there is no distance between them. Before Fengzhi blinks, Longyan and Longdan have already touched each other.

The Dragon pill, which was bigger than his fist, turned into a liquid and was inhaled into his mouth.

Feng Zhi shook her head in her heart.

So, is this the difference between red fruits?

After swallowing the Dragon pill, Long Yan's body suddenly emits a very bright golden light. The golden light is very rich, but it directly covers Long Yan's small body. Even with Fengzhi's eyesight, he can only see the shadow of Long Yan's extremely blurred in the center of the golden light.

At this time, Fengzhi heard the voice of Long Yan.


Phoenix to a happy.

The effect of the Dragon pill is really instant. For so long before, although Long Yan was getting better every day, he was unable to speak with Fengzhi. Now he only swallowed the Dragon pill and could speak.


Feng Zhi felt it carefully. Although she did "hear" Long Yan talking to her, she didn't really hear it with her ears. It was more like that the voice of Long Yan appeared directly in her brain.

It's more like divine sense.

However, in the past, Long Yan could not use divine sense to transmit sound.

Also did not think much, Feng Zhi quickly asked: "Long Yan, how are you?"

"I'm fine..." Long Yan's voice was a little urgent, "Fengzhi, you don't have to worry about me. My injury is not a problem. And now it should be a breakthrough. You should send me to your space..."

Long Yan is going to break through, which is certainly a good thing.

Feng to also did not delay, directly will Long Yan into the space.

In her space, she is the master. Naturally, there is no need to worry about any danger that Long Yan will encounter in the space.

After Longyan was sent into the space, Fengzhi didn't give up immediately. Instead, he observed Long Yan for a long time. After confirming that there was no change in Longyan's place, Fengzhi felt a little relieved and left only a trace of mind. He paid attention to Longyan's situation in the space, and then carefully observed the secret room of the treasure.

Qingque is a person who loves to be neat and tidy. The secret room of the treasure house is also very clean and tidy. I think it is similar to the residence outside. It is equipped with an automatic cleaning array.

It's a pity that there are few treasures in the house.

A Mahayana ascent practitioner naturally has many treasures in his hand, and every treasure is worth robbing his head in the eyes of ordinary practitioners.

High quality magic weapons, magic weapons, rare miraculous medicine from the outside world. It is powerful enough to resist the spirit talisman of transforming spirit and cultivating truth. There are also various kinds of excellent weapon refining materials, which can directly improve the spiritual essence of cultivation without side effectswait.

Fengzhi was almost dazzled.

Then, Feng Zhi did not hesitate to put these things into the space.

Feng Zhi can't be embarrassed. Qingque has left letters. These things are reserved for the people who are destined for it. Since she has appeared in the secret room, she is of course the one with fate. Where does she need any psychological burden?

For a while, Feng Zhi was very busy collecting treasures.


Feng to the house after all the things have been collected, but suddenly found a problem.

Before, in the danfang of Qingque's residence, she also collected many bottles of pills, but in this secret room, there was not a bottle of pills, not to mention a bottle, that is, there was no pill. She just got several pills.

Qingque is also a Dan teacher, she left so many things, how can a pill not be left?

Feng to silent thinking.

At this time, Feng to suddenly see some strange in the room.

The walls of the house are inlaid with many Yingshi, so they don't look dim at all. On the contrary, they are as bright as the daylight under the sunlight. However, in a corner on the left side of the room, the light in a small place is different from that around.

It looks like

It's a little bit darker than around.

This is very inconspicuous. With Fengzhi's eyesight, he didn't find any clue for such a long time. If it wasn't for Fengzhi who had doubts in his heart and then looked at it with the attitude of finding fault, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find out this is wrong.

What is that?

Feng to pour some curiosity.

She walked into the corner without a trace, and there was still some carelessness on her face. It was as if she just walked around to see if there were any treasures that she had missed.

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