Feng Zhi's acting skills are above the standard, so she went to the abnormal place below, where there was no change.

And then

As soon as her eyes congealed, Feng Zhi did not hesitate to wave her hand and throw away a cage that she had condensed with her divine sense, and covered the abnormal place in the past.

Feng Zhi didn't know what was in that place, so the cage of divine consciousness was still a little wide, and covered all the corners of the room.

Then, in this cage, the hidden thing immediately showed its shape.

It was

Feng to micro squint eyes, some do not believe their own judgment.

If she's not mistaken, it should be

A pill?

However, what kind of pills, even left to right hit, but also by the surrounding environment to hide themselves?

Is it difficult or not? Can pills become essence?

But no matter what Feng Zhi thinks, that thing is really a pill.

The pill is a little bigger than longan, and the whole body is pale golden. I don't know how it hid itself in the air before.

After Feng Zhi dumped a cage made of divine consciousness, the pill probably realized the danger and stopped hiding. Instead, it ran into the cage. It seems that it is trying to escape.

Do you want to run away with a pill?

Feng Zhi couldn't help but lift her lips and smile.

Of course, this pill can't run away.

Fengzhi controls the cage made of divine consciousness, and the space that the pill can dodge naturally becomes smaller and smaller. In the end, he doesn't know whether he has accepted his life or not. The pill stops in the cage and doesn't move any more.

If it was not for seeing this pill run away with her own eyes, Feng Zhi would only regard this pill as an ordinary pill.

She did not relax her vigilance, and the pill would have escaped. Who knows if it would deliberately pretend to admit her life, but actually wanted to take the opportunity to escape?

When the cage of divine consciousness was reduced to the size of pills, Feng Zhi held out his hand and squeezed the pill in his hand.

And at this time, probably also realized that he could not have another chance to escape, the golden pill followed in the palm of Fengzhi's rapid vibration.

If it was not for Feng Zhi's steady grip, I'm afraid it would be taken out of his hands.

After struggling for a long time, the golden light on the pill kept going out. Finally, the golden light took back the pills and showed the original appearance of the pills.

This is not running?

Feng to wait for a while, did not find anything wrong, this just gently spread out the palm.

Of course, in order to prevent himself from being fooled by a pill, even if he let go of his hand, Feng Zhi still locked the pill with his divine sense cage.

Previously, I could only see that the pill was pale golden. At this time, the golden light completely converged. Fengzhi saw that there was a circle of lines on the pill.

After counting, these lines are just nine circles.

The extreme of nine

Feng Zhi suddenly thought of a legend.

According to legend, the top Dan master can refine the real best pills.

One of the most important characteristics of these elixirs is that they are close to life. They not only have their own spiritual sense, but also have the function of being against the heaven.

Because the effect of these high-quality pills is too adverse to the heaven and earth, even the heaven and earth can not bear it. Every time such pills come out, the heaven will bring down thunder disaster.

It's like a mendicant crossing a robbery.

If you are lucky enough to survive the thunder disaster, nine circles of strange lines will be formed on the surface of the pill.


Is the pill she is holding in her hand, the best pill in the legend?

Feng Zhi used to only listen to this legend as a joke. After all, in her heart, pills are dead things. Refining them is for people to take. How can they have their own consciousness?

But now, Feng Zhi looks at the elixir in her hand, which seems to have a bright line on the surface. If she wants to think about the performance of this pill, she has to believe it.


In the realm of practice, is it true that all things have spirits?

With such an idea, Fengzhi felt as if she had been pulled into a vast starry sky and could look down on all things in the world.

She saw a small stone, after tens of thousands of years of erosion, experienced countless times of wind and rain, and then gradually opened up wisdom

It's nice to see a weak grass. It's hard to break through the soil, and then it repeats the process of birth and death again and again. Finally, he has the spirit and starts his own path of cultivation

There are also many such images.Feng Zhi watched quietly, as if with the stone, the grass, and all things in the world, experienced countless years of time, and in this process, her heart also followed to receive these things, do not know how much time accumulated feelings.

This is the epiphany.

I don't know how long it took. After a long time, Fengzhi almost thought that she was a stone that could not be said or moved. She suddenly opened her eyes and woke up.

Thinking of what had happened before, Feng to gently breathed a breath.

All things have spirituality, not only human beings, but also because of this spirit, anything, even a stone, as long as the chance is enough, can cultivate adults, and even fly into immortals.

Stone can, why can't pills?

Feng to see is still caught by her in the hand of that pill, in the heart think like this.

She doesn't know the effect of this pill, but I think there will be green sparrow left in the books she collected before.

At this time, from the palm of Feng to, suddenly spread a weak idea.

“…… I, I don't like it... "

Feng to a Leng.

Then, she looked at her palm, where there is only a pill?

So, this pill not only has spiritual sense, but also can speak human words?

She was immediately happy.

"good or not, it's not your has the final say, but I said it, you, just stay there, otherwise I will eat you up if I'm not happy." Feng Zhi Dao.

Frightened by her, the pill in her hand was first shaken, and then did not speak any more. She only stayed quietly in the palm of Feng Zhi.

It seems that she is trying to let Feng Zhi know that she is good.

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing twice.

She came out of the harvest is really not small, directly to the Qingque treasure house to empty, not to say, but also picked up such a pill has a spiritual pill.

Feng Zhi felt that as long as she understood this pill, maybe her alchemy level would also get a great leap.

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