Feng Zhiben likes alchemy and even more likes to study to improve his level of alchemy. Now he is very happy to see such hope.

Put the pill into the jade bottle, and specially made a border for the jade bottle. Feng Zhi then put the jade bottle carefully into the Dan room in the space.

After that, Feng Zhi looked at the treasure house of the green sparrow and determined that there was nothing valuable in it. Then she went out again.

Think about the space of these things, Feng to smile can not know how happy.

Maybe this virtual spirit state is a blessed place for her. How long has it been here? First, she emptied a treasure house as big as he's family, then came out to find a treasure, and then put all the collection of Qingque into the bag.

The most important thing is, now that Long Yan has got the Dragon pill, he can not only recover from his injuries, but also take advantage of the power of the Dragon elixir.

Good, Kaisen!

Feng to out of the secret room, and then from the green bird's residence back to the ground.

Everything goes well. It's hard to call Feng unhappy.

Come to this cave, Fengzhi has already got all the things she wants to get, and there are a lot of unexpected gains. Then of course, there is no need to rush.

This cave can be opened for ten days.

The array of Qingque cave is very exquisite. This time, although the array lacks spiritual power because of the passage of time, people can find a way to open the cave, but the process of breaking the array is actually to supplement the array with spiritual power. So after Fengzhi and others leave the cave, the cave will get enough spiritual power again The next time, I don't know how many years later, the array will not be born again.

Of course, the next time the cave is opened, it has nothing to do with Fengzhi.

What she thought was what she was going to do for the rest of the days.

Or, simply don't want to do anything, just stroll around the cave, as if it was a tour.

With such a plan, Feng Zhi is relaxed.


There will always be someone who will come to Feng when she is in a good mood.

When she came out of Qingque's residence and returned to the ground, Feng Zhizheng wanted to choose a direction to have a look. In the air ahead, a figure with a sword galloped towards her side.

If you look at the whole, Feng Zhi will know that this man must be a dragon.

Looking at the back of Longxian again, Fengzhi didn't see Jiang Xu, and didn't know whether they were separated or how to drop.

Of course, all these have nothing to do with Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi thought that Longxian was aiming at her, but she didn't think she was wrong.

When passing by Fengzhi, long Xianxian did take time to stare at Feng Zhi with bitterness. However, she seemed to be in a hurry. She did not stop at Fengzhi's side, so she took a whistling wind and fell under the tree where Fengzhi had just come down.

Probably he had known the secret hidden in the tree for a long time. Without any hesitation, Longxian found the door on the trunk and went directly into it.

Feng to see music.

I don't know whether Longxian is too conceited or lacking a heart. He even enters the space in the tree in front of Feng Zhi.

She is not worried that Feng Zhi will make trouble by the side, or compete with her for the treasures inside?

Feng didn't rush to leave for a while, but decided to stay to see the joke of the dragon.

It's okay anyway, isn't it?

Long Xian Xian didn't let Feng Zhi wait too long.

In less than a quarter of an hour, long Xianxian came out in a hurry as she came.

Seeing the Phoenix still guarding outside, the dragon was angry at first, but then he was relieved.

"You found the old man's house and cleaned up everything inside, didn't you?" Longxian's eyes are extremely cold and squint slightly when they speak.

Feng to two hands ring chest, not leisurely way: "can you manage?"

In the face of Fengzhi, Longxian seems to be particularly easily angered. At this time, he forgets the fear of Fengzhi, stares at Fengzhi and asks again, "what do I ask you?"

Feng Zhi was cried by the Dragon again.

She couldn't understand. With the intelligence quotient of long Xianxian, how could she hook up so many flower protectors in the past? Was it true that she only needed a beautiful face?

Having suffered such a big loss in Fengzhi's hand, how can she not have a long memory and dare to shout in front of Fengzhi?

However, Phoenix to this time is not in a hurry to clean up the Dragon fiber, and so inclined the Dragon slender one eye, "can you manage it?"

The dragon is almost vomiting blood.

After that, she asked several times, but each time she only got Feng Zhi's "can you manage it?".

At last, long Xianxian couldn't help but say, "are you sick?"Hey, Feng Zhiyi, then asked, "do you have medicine?"

The dragon was too angry to speak.

At this time, Fengzhi just like the last time, she grabbed the dragon's slender neck and took her to her in front of her, "I said you can't have a long memory. How long has it been since the last time? How can you forget how you fell into my hands last time?"

The dragon was so slender that she was shocked.

She was too anxious to know the whereabouts of the treasures left by the green sparrow before, so that she forgot that the person in front of her was not a person who could make her cry, but a demon who made her suffer so much.

Therefore, Feng Zhi only said such a sentence, and Longxian immediately counselled.

If Jiang Xu were here, long Xianxian would not recognize her directly. But now that Jiang Xu is not here, she is far from Feng Zhi's opponent. Can Feng Zhi squeeze her like a chicken without seeing her?

The so-called hero does not eat in front of the loss, longxianxian naturally will not look for hardship.

So she confessed to her mistake very simply, "Miss Fengzhi, this time it's the little girl's fault. I'll never dare to hinder Miss Fengzhi's eyes next time. She just begged Miss Fengzhi not to remember the villain's mistakes, so that she could forgive her this time..."

Long Xianxian knew that her usual way of dealing with those male practitioners would not have any effect on Feng. Therefore, she did not deliberately make any pathetic appearance.

The Phoenix snorted coldly.

Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction in which the dragon was coming.

In the distance, another man was coming towards this side.

If Feng Zhi is right, it's Jiang Xu.

Feng Zhi then pulled red lips and said, "little black snake, your brother Jiang Xu is here. Do you think he is coming to save you?"

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