Long Xianxian is also a practitioner of the yuan infant period. Even if her reaction is not as keen as Feng Zhi, she also realizes the arrival of Jiang Xu.

At this time, when Feng Zhi said this, the face of the dragon was pale.

Phoenix to see pour some strange.

Long Xianxian was exposed to the light of Jiang Xu, so she could enter the cave. After entering the cave, she and Jiang Xu also went together.

But previously, long Xianxian seemed to have a good understanding of the situation in the cave. He flew to Qingque's residence alone and followed Jiang Xu to catch up.

But long Xianxian, she clearly fell into the hands of Fengzhi, knowing that Jiang Xu came, not only did not feel happy, but also a pale face.

Between the two

I'm afraid a lot of dog blood has happened.

Feng blinked.

She has nothing else to do now. Waiting for a good show seems to be a good choice.

With such an idea, Fengzhi doesn't want to clean up the dragon. Even if the dragon is struggling because Jiang Xu is getting closer and closer, Fengzhi just holds on to it.

The speed of Zhenzhen's sword flying was very fast. Although Jiang Xu looked far away, it was just a few breaths. He stepped on his sword and landed not far in front of Fengzhi and Helong.

See another protagonist arrived, Phoenix to very simply let go of dragon fiber.

Then, she jumped into the air with a slight leap, and then took out a handful of melon seeds from the space, and then took out a cup of fruit juice squeezed from the fruit. She was very leisurely and became a gourd eater.

Jiang Xu sees Fengzhi's actions in his eyes. He doesn't have a grudge against Fengzhi because of the long slender things. On the contrary, he nods gently in the direction of Fengzhi, as if to say hello.

After all this, Jiang Xu looked back at the dragon, who was thinking of slipping, "Xian Xian, do you want to run?"

The dragon was stiff.

"I want to run when I'm guilty. Do you think it's so cheap?" Jiang Xu said again.

At the same time, Jiang Xu's eyes with a dull pain, but more is the hatred of the dragon.

After listening to the dialogue between long Xianxian and Jiang Xu, Fengzhi didn't know what happened.

Speaking of it, Jiang Xu is an infatuated seed.

Since the first time he met Longxian, he fell in love with him like a demon. As long as he could not see his face, he would open his eyes and close his eyes, which was the shadow of Longxian.

Jiang Xu, who couldn't control herself completely, became one of the most loyal flower protectors of Longxian. She wanted to hold her heart in front of long Xianxian all day long, so that she could understand her mind.

However, Longxian not only wants to get the hearts of admirers, but also wants to get more cultivation resources from the numerous admirers.

Fortunately, all these are difficult for Jiang Xu.

As the only son of Donglai Zong, Jiang Xu is not short of good things.

However, long Xianxian also knows that Jiang Xu's father, Zhang Zong of donglaizong, doesn't like her and can't agree to be with Jiang Xu, so he consciously keeps a distance with Jiang Xu.

Of course, when Jiang Xu came with a good thing in his hand, long Xianxian did not refuse.

In this way, Jiang Xu was so irresolute that he couldn't help himself. He was fascinated by the dragon.

Later, it happened that Longxian suffered losses in Fengzhi's hands.

Most of the admirers of longxianxian are very superficial. Usually, because of their beauty, they are willing to exchange some good things for a chance to have a good relationship. However, after seeing how terrible the original shape of Longxian is, those admirers have been more attentive to longxianxian before and how indifferent they are afterwards.

Under such circumstances, only Jiang Xu is still the same as before.

Of course, Longxian has no choice.

Later, with the help of Jiang Xu, long Xianxian not only got Longgu Teng, but also refined Hualong pill, successfully completed the process of Hualong, and its strength was promoted to Yuanying period.

Originally, in many people's eyes, this can also be regarded as a good talk.

In this way, there are too few people who are still clinging to adversity. If long Xianxian and Jiang Xu can stay together all the time, even break through the shackles of the secular world, and break the prejudice of the world, then in the future, the virtual spirit will also have a wonderful love story.


Who called long Xianxian still lingers on the days when they were pursued by all people?

Jiang Xu likes Longxian, but it doesn't mean he is a fool. From his usual performance, Jiang Xu can see the idea of long Xian Xian.

In particular, Fengzhi planted a seed of suspicion in Jiang Xu's heart before breaking the battle.

After taking the jade plate to break through the battle, Jiang Xu, like Fengzhi, experienced several illusions. Among those illusions, what Jiang Xu saw was the thing he was most afraid of, that is, long Xianxian. In the future, after all the broken things about her were gradually forgotten, she would return to the life that was pursued by people before.Of course, there are many things that only Jiang Xu can understand.

In such a dreamland, Jiang Xu experienced what kind of pain, probably only he can know, that is, he can break through the illusion, that is, he has experienced a lot of difficulties.

Jiang Xu was able to suppress his anger when there was an outsider. But when he got into the cave, he got along with long Xianxian alone. Jiang Xu couldn't help it any longer and insisted on long Xianxian giving him a positive reply.

Where can the Dragon fiber be given?

Although the two did not split up because of this, but it can also be regarded as seemingly inseparable.

Long Xianxian enters this cave, also wants to look for long Dan.

There is long Dan here. It was Jiang Xu who told long Xianxian that Jiang Xu also got a lot of other secret information about the cave from his father of the Donglai patriarch. He knew more about the real residence of Qingque.

Of course, Jiang Xu told Jiang Xu all this without reservation.

What Jiang Xu couldn't bear most was what happened later.

Previously, in another part of the cave, the dragon was entangled by a piece of Psychedelic vine.

Psychrophilic vine is a kind of rattan like plant. It has a greedy desire for aura. As long as anything enters the range of Psychedelic vine, it is absolutely impossible to come out without being absorbed.

If it is just a pitiful vine, there is no threat at all. But if it grows into a piece, it means that the practitioners in the out of body period fall into it and have to drink hatred.

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