When Feng Zhi spoke, Longxian was trying to get out of the cage by various means, but it was in vain.

At this time, after listening to Feng Zhi's "courage given to you by Liang Jingru", I was confused.

Who is Liang Jingru?

Don't say the dragon is slender, Jiang Xu is also a head of fog.

Is it possible that

Fengzhi actually knows something, so the "Liang Jingru" is actually the new gold master of Longxian. Longxian is just to climb up to this "liangjingru", which will be the poison to him?

Jiang Xu is already thinking about it. When he goes back, he asks people to check who Liang Jingru is.

He always wants to know who is the one who can make longxianxian not hesitate to poison him.

It has to be said that the brain hole of the virtual spirit state is also very large.

If Fengzhi knows what Jiang Xu is thinking now, she must laugh.

Seeing long Xianxian and Jiang Xu both looking at themselves, Fengzhi quickly waved to them, "don't look at me. I'm an audience. You've got to avenge your wrongs. If you have a grudge, revenge quickly. Don't care about me..."

The Dragon slender hears the speech and stares at the Phoenix to one eye bitterly.

But Jiang Xu, as Fengzhi said, did not care about Fengzhi's existence any more. Instead, he set his eyes on the dragon's slender body.

Anyway, Fengzhi has seen the most embarrassing appearance of being betrayed by a woman in his hand. What else can Feng Zhi not see?

Jiang Xu is also free.

Long Xianxian, however, does not give up looking for an opportunity to escape from Jiang Xu's hand.

Her eyes swept over Feng Zhi's body, and then she suddenly thought of something. Her eyes lit up and she said, "brother Xu..."

Just shouting out these three words, long Xianxian noticed that Jiang Xu's face was a little colder.

This is the near name of Jiang Xu when they were in the best relationship. Long Xianxian used to call Jiang Xu like this. Naturally, Jiang Xu was only sweet in his heart. But now that they have turned against each other and heard such a name again, it is no different from Jiang Xu. Therefore, some people always remind him how stupid he was before to like such a woman.

Long Xianxian thought of this, in order to avoid stimulating Jiang Xu, he quickly changed his name to "Shao Zong, if you spare me this time, I will exchange an important secret related to your clan to you. I don't know how to do this?"

"It's not so good!" Jiang Xu refused directly and coldly.

In any case, he could not let the Dragon fiber escape from his hands.

What's more, Jiang Xu doesn't believe long Xianxian has any important secrets related to donglaizong.

In Jiang Xu's mind, long Xianxian said this, but he wanted to cheat him again, so as to find a chance to escape.

Feng to see in the side to cover the mouth repeatedly secretly smile.

Maybe it's been so smooth these years. Long Xianxian hasn't accepted the fact that she has no attraction in Jiang Xu. She still wants to make Jiang Xu's attitude loose!

The Dragon slender sees the Phoenix to this pair to see the good play appearance not to hit a place.

She didn't feel that she had come to such an end at all because she had done something wrong. Instead, she pushed all this to Feng Zhi's head.

But for Feng Zhi, she would not have been so rebellious.

But for Feng Zhi, she would not have to accept Jiang Xu.

If Fengzhi hadn't been for Fengzhi, she would have taken Longdan from Qingque's residence, and had already left when Jiang Xu came after her. Naturally, she would not have been locked in a cage like a piggy by Jiang Xu.

In short, everything is because of the Phoenix.

Therefore, the dragon's eyes are somewhat vicious.

She didn't intend to get forgiveness from Jiang Xu. She pointed at Feng Zhi with a look of madness and said, "young master, aren't you a maniac who wanted to catch the elder of donglaizong for donglaizong a few days ago? I tell you, the one who killed He Fei, the Lord of Donglai City, is Fengzhi! "

Jiang Xu was stunned.

Then, he subconsciously looked back at Feng to.

Two months ago, the elder of donglaizong was sent to donglaicheng to be the city's Lord. He Fei's soul card suddenly broke completely, which made everyone in donglaizong know He Fei's fall.

Even, He Fei's baby didn't get out.

This incident also set off a great disturbance in donglaizong.

You know, donglaizong in the whole empty spirit realm is also very few people or zongmen dare to offend. For so many years, donglaizong has been used to it for a long time. Now it is suddenly found that there are still people who dare not to look at donglaizong and directly let donglaizong lose a Yuanying elder. How can donglaizong accept this?

Almost found that He Fei's soul card completely broken, donglaizong immediately had a series of actions.

First of all, he sent out a task to the disciples of the clan to investigate the cause of the matter.

Then, donglaizong issued a killing order to the whole empty spirit realm. Anyone who took this murderer who dared to attack the elder of donglaizong and took it to donglaizong would get a lot of treasures to thank.Donglaizong's killing order has not been sent out for tens of thousands of years.

Whether he wanted to make donglaizong owe a favor or to get those treasures, a large number of practitioners took part in the pursuit of the murderer.


He didn't even know the identity of the murderer for two months.

As the little patriarch of Donglai sect, Jiang Xu knew about it.

At that time, long Xianxian's events had already happened. Jiang Xu was very satisfied with his unprecedented docility, so he also wanted to go to investigate Donglai city in detail and give his father, who was the patriarch, a long face.

Of course, Jiang Xu didn't find out anything.

At the most, we only found out that the murderer was a woman, and his cultivation was probably in the out of body period. He also had several small minions with low accomplishments.

Moreover, the murderer did not know what method he used. Many people had seen her clearly, but whenever someone wanted to draw her face, they would find that the memory about her face suddenly became blurred.

Because of this, the whole donglaizong people have not done their best in the past two months.

For donglaizong, this is undoubtedly extremely humiliating.

But no matter what, Jiang Xu did not think that the murderer who let donglaizong go up and down for two months and only threw himself in the air, would be Fengzhi?

If in the past, Jiang Xu believed Longxian without hesitation, but now, where does he have any trust in Longxian?

Only surprised for a while, Jiang Xu immediately decided that this must be dragon Xianxian's conspiracy to bring disaster to the East, so that he specially said so, so as to let himself and Phoenix to the top of the plot.

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