Long Xianxian immediately saw Jiang Xu's idea.

She heaved a breath in her heart, only to gasp blood.

To say that Longxian will bite the Phoenix out at this time, it is not a doggerel.

Woman, in the period of leaving the body, she still has a few low achievers around her. Isn't she like this since long Xian Xian first saw Feng?

What's more, long Xianxian clashed with Fengzhi in Donglin auction house, which happened in Dongyue city.

Dongyue city is very close to Donglai City, and the time is in line with the drastic changes in Donglai city.

What's more, the practitioner in the out of body period is not a lot of radish and cabbage, which can all be worthy of the name. Who is the murderer?

But what long Xianxian said doesn't count. Who called Jiang Xu now doesn't believe what she said?

However, the words have already been said. Naturally, long Xianxian won't take it back, so he still points to Fengzhi and emphasizes: "Shao Zong, if you don't believe it, you can check the origin of Fengzhi. There are not many women who are in the period of going out of the body. If you just check, it will be enough for her to reveal her stuffing."

Long Xianxian has now given up the idea of escaping from Jiang Xu.

But, anyway, she is going to have bad luck, and it seems good to pull a cushion now.

This kind of oneself is not good, would like to hate others also bad mentality, has to say is some abnormal.

Jiang Xu then looked at Xiang Feng again.

Although he does not believe in Longxian now, he has to admit that Longxian is right.

Although Jiang Xu is not sure about Fengzhi's strength, she is more than one notch ahead of all the others when she dares to enter the cave alone. These details show that Fengzhi's strength is higher than others.

It's true that she has the cultivation of out of body period.

Fengzhi is a woman who has been practicing outside the body and has been active not far from Donglai city recently.

So, is it her?

Jiang Xu thought in his heart.

Fengzhi didn't let Jiang Xu think for a long time, so he spread out his hand directly to Jiang Xu. "You don't have to think about it any more. He Fei was really killed by me."

Hearing that Feng Zhi was so direct, both Jiang Xu and long Xianxian were quite surprised.

Feng Zhi is very happy to see the play. At this time, Jiang Xu and long Xianxian are just looking at it. However, there is no progress in the good play. How can we be happy?

She waved to Jiang Xu, "master Jiang Shao, you don't have to look at me. I have already admitted that I did it. We will talk about the gratitude and resentment between us later. Now you'd better hurry to solve the matter of long Xian Xian. This woman has not only failed your feelings, but also poisoned him because of her little mind. Master Jiang Shao, you have already made long Xian How to deal with this woman? Is it to crush her directly, or to kill her after she has been tortured, and then catch her baby to be a little pet and torment her every day? "

Feng to a face of curiosity.

Jiang Xu was silent.

This is obviously his business. Why is Fengzhi more active than him?

However, listening to Feng Zhi's saying, Jiang Xu also really turned his attention to the dragon.

There was no enmity between him and Feng Zhi.

Although He Fei is an elder of Yuanying, he is not very high in donglaizong. Otherwise, he would not be sent to Donglai city to be the city master.

It is the most important thing for the practitioners to improve their own strength to prove the road. Only those who have determined that it is difficult to go further in the path of cultivation will be in charge of those common affairs.

For example, He Fei.

In fact, He Fei's death had no influence on donglaizong. At most, he sent a city Lord to Donglai city.

However, since he was the city master of Donglai City, He Fei also represents the face of donglaizong. Now someone has killed him directly, which is also called donglaizong's face.

It is precisely because of this that Donglai Zong has such a big response.

Of course, Jiang Xu is clear about this.

As a result, he did not have any hatred towards Fengzhi because he admitted that He Fei was killed by her.

Feng to be not his enemy, but he and the long Xian Xian between the enmity, that can be the sea to go.

Therefore, whether to clean up the Dragon fiber first, or to find the trouble of Fengzhi first, so that the Dragon fiber can make a profit by the side, Jiang Xu does not need to think about it.

"We've been better for a while, and I won't torture you. However, since you want to escape from me so much, it's better to go back to the days when all the stars were supporting the moon. As Fengzhi said, I'll confine your baby to my side, so that you can only stay with me all the time..."

Long slender face can't believe.Jiang Xu, who she knew, was a very gentle and kind-hearted man, although he was born in a wonderful family.

But now

Is it Jiang Xu who can not only be ruthless to kill her, but also say that she will be detained and tortured?

The dragon then looked at the Phoenix with great resentment.

All this is because of this woman!

Even if Jiang Xu had not been reminded by Fengzhi, how could he have come up with these methods of tormenting people?

And when long Xianxian stares at Feng, Jiang Xu has already pressed all his feelings for Longxian in the bottom of his heart and only looks at the Dragon coldly With a few more flicks of the jade ruler, the cage in which the dragon was confined began to shrink a little bit, and the dragon in the cage felt the pain of being squeezed because of the shrinking of the cage. Later, even the beautiful face was deformed.

In the cage formed by the power of the jade ruler, as long as the strength of the dragon can not break through the upper limit that the cage can bear, then Jiang Xu is invincible to her. No matter how she resists, she can not break through the confines of the cage, nor do any harm to Jiang Xu.


In the cool eyes of Feng Zhi and Jiang Xu, long Xian is squeezed into a cage of Yuchi

It's so fuzzy that people can't see how beautiful she used to be

Flesh and blood.

Feng to see the last, the eyes did not blink.

"Look, no matter how beautiful you look, it's just flesh and blood at this time?" Feng Zhi Dao.

She also looked at Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu is also worthy of being the little patriarch of Donglai sect. Although he is a infatuated seed, he is really cruel and cruel.

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