Sure enough, Fengzhi moved the Lingxiang vine to the side of the red sun tree. Both of them shook their leaves together and looked like a formidable enemy.

Anyway, the two can not fight, so Feng left the space at ease.

At this time, there was no sign that the Qingque cave was going to be closed. Fengzhi also continued to sweep around the cave. In the middle of the cave, he met several practitioners who had come in together before. Those people didn't know how. One by one, they saw Fengzhi as if they had seen some terrible devil. They even ran away, which made Fengzhi depressed.

Is she that terrible?

The most important thing is that she has never had any intersection with those people. How can those people run away as soon as they see her?

What a mystery!

In this way, after five or six days, Fengzhi was free to count how many hairs he had, and then there was a change in the cave.

That day, Fengzhi went to the space again and found that Longyan was still the same as before, wrapped in the golden cocoon. There was no other change.

She put some spirit stones under the golden cocoon, and then she made room again.

As soon as he got to the cave, Feng Zhi found that the light in the cave had changed greatly.

Although there is no light source in the cave, it is usually as bright as day. At this time, the light that people couldn't find before turned into wisps and strands and gathered in the same direction.

Therefore, Fengzhi looked along the places where the light gathered. Far away from the Phoenix, in the sky above the cave, these lights gathered together to form a dazzling existence like the sun.

It's not the sun, of course.

It's about

Looks like a passage?

Feng to almost instantly understand, think this is the time to leave the cave.

Without any hesitation, Feng Zhixin thought a move, and the jade sword flew to her feet, holding her and galloping toward the passage.

This is the case with Phoenix, and so is the other people in the cave.

At the speed of Fengzhi, it took about two quarters of an hour to get to the passage.

When she arrived, other people had not arrived here. However, Feng Zhi stood at the entrance of the cave and looked around. She could see several figures galloping towards this side.

For those who regard themselves as the God of pestilence, Feng to nature is not willing to see.

She only looked back and walked into the bright passage.

Just into the channel, Feng to the heart is slightly moved.

Green Finch can fly to the fairyland, her strength is no doubt.

At the beginning, Jiang Xu got some secret information about Qingque cave from Laozi. Qingque has opened up a space with its own strength. It is a small world similar to a great cultivator, but different from the small world, it can only exist according to the adherent cultivator, but it can exist independently.

Qingque regards this space as its own cave, and even specially opens up a space passage to the outside world for this space.

That is the channel where Feng is now.

Feng Zhi had some understanding of the law of space because he had passed through the space passage before. At this time, standing in the space channel opened by the green sparrow, the original perception suddenly became clear.

With such a feeling, Feng to of course also not in a hurry to leave.

She not only did not go out through the space passage, but directly sat down in the space passage.

Feng to is not in a hurry, but can now be in the cave waiting to come out of those who are anxious to bad.

They have already arrived at the space passage, but I don't know why. Since Dafeng has entered, they can't go into the passage any more, as if they were consciously blocked away.

They don't know how long this passage to the outside world can last. If they can only leave in less than one day, and they are blocked and miss the time to leave, then they can only stare in the cave?

The reason why these people would go into the cave to search for treasure is that they want to live better in the virtual spirit state.

But if they can't go back to the virtual spirit realm, what's the point of finding more treasures?

Stay in the cave and pretend to be forced to show yourself?

This cave has only been opened for the first time in so many years. Who knows how many thousands of years will it be when the next one is opened?

For a while, these are all in the yuan infant period and above, are anxious to scratch their ears.

Especially Jiang Xu.

He was the second one to come to the passage, and he saw Feng Zhi enter the passage with his own eyes.

Although he did not know what Fengzhi had done, he was sure that it must be the ghost of Fengzhi who could not step into the passageway.

Jiang Xu's brain hole was a little big, and he even began to wonder whether Feng Zhi suddenly remembered her gratitude and resentment with donglaizong, so he wanted to keep him in the cave forever.The deeper he thought, the more frightened Jiang Xu was.

Fortunately, just at this time, Jiang Xu suddenly found that there was a change in the channel. The force that had blocked him from going in did not know when it disappeared.

He made a hasty step into the passage, completely free from obstruction.

At the same time, Jiang Xu did not dare to stay in the cave for fear of further delay, so he quickly left the cave from the space passage.

Jiang Xu is so, so are other people.

When the last person left the cave, the space passage gradually disappeared in the air, as if it had never appeared.

Leaving the cave, people still appear in the moon lake.

Feng to before in the space passageway has not small harvest, at this time is happy.

She has a kind of faint premonition. If her understanding of the power of space can be deepened, maybe she can make herself and Longyan return to the Xuanwu continent.

Feng Zhi is a practitioner. She has a sense of belonging to the spiritual realm.


In her heart with care, this sense of belonging to the virtual spirit state is nothing.

She can practice everywhere, and even she is confident that she can practice all the way to the realm of Mahayana, but her family is not everywhere.

Fengzhi wanted to return to the Xuanwu land more than stay in the Xuling realm.

I don't know, Fenglai and Fengming, how are they now, and have they all taken her missing to their own head?

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