To Phoenix to the understanding of Fenglai and Fengming, they will.

Although the two people usually quarrel with Feng Zhi, the brotherhood between them can not be more profound. Fengzhishuang disappeared in such a manner. It would be strange if they did not blame themselves.

In this way, Fengzhi is more like an arrow.

She decided that when Long Yan recovered from his injury, she would start to fully understand those feelings about space, and strive to return to the basaltic land as soon as possible.


There are many people waiting for her and Long Yan.

Because think of these, Feng to has been smiling, completely the other people's face of fear, as well as looking at her face that faint doubt to ignore.

The reason why other people look at Fengzhi like this is because they are secretly guessing in their hearts. The reason why they can't successfully return to the real world through the space channel is because Fengzhi is playing tricks in it.

However, this argument is also somewhat untenable.

If Feng to really want to make trouble, how can they stand outside now?

As a result, these people just went to Phoenix to have a look, but they didn't rush to find Feng to confront each other.

After all the people who entered the lake came out, the whirlpool in the lake disappeared after a few breaths, and the lake recovered to its former smooth appearance.

Then, the light curtain that originally separated Mingyue lake from the outside world turned into tiny golden awns after the vortex disappeared and disappeared completely in this world.

At this time, it was found that the Dragon fiber was not there.

"Why, where are the slender fairies?"

One of the people who entered the cave looked at Jiang Xu standing there alone, but he could not help asking questions.

After hearing Jiang Xu's companion's face, Jiang Xu's face was pulled back again and again.

With a smile, the companion also complained that he didn't have a wink.

Jiang Xu's obsession with long Xian Xian is probably unknown to all over the years. In the past, long Xianxian had entered the cave with Jiang Xu, but now only Jiang Xu came out. With Jiang Xu's gloomy face, who knows what happened in the cave?

At this time, it's all right if you don't hide. You have to go to Jiang Xu!

While Jiang Xu's face was gloomy, the hand in his sleeve was holding on to the transparent sphere sealed with the Dragon slender baby.

Feng Zhi could not be more clear about this matter, and then stood watching the excitement.

Fortunately, after seeing Jiang Xu's look a little wrong, there was no one who was not smart enough to ask the truth from Jiang Xu.

Of course, they don't have the time to ask.

Just after the light curtain disappeared, those practitioners who had been there before they entered the cave, one by one, could no longer suppress their greed, and they all gathered around the people in the middle.

This is a world where the weak and the strong eat. Even if the fortune gets the treasure, it will be useless without the strength to keep it.

How many treasures can there be in an ancient cave of great power? These practitioners who have been guarding for so long can't suppress their heart beating wildly.

At present, where can they have any scruples?

Of course, it's up to each of them!

What if the little patriarch of Donglai sect is here?

Who can snatch the treasure from the little patriarch of donglaizong? That's also a skill. As long as Jiang Xu's life is preserved, can Jiang Zhen still have the face to find out who robbed things from his son's hand, and then rob it for Jiang Xu?

If so, Jiang Zhen and donglaizong will lose their face.

Just because of Jiang Xu's identity, these practitioners who want to seize the treasure regard him as the key target, waiting for them to tear a piece of flesh from Jiang Xu.

Being watched by so many people, in addition to Feng to, others can not help but change their faces.

These people didn't do anything before they entered the cave. What they did was to wait until they came out of the cave, and then take the treasure from them. Is this the tool to take the treasure out of the cave for them?

Jiang Xu and others were surprised and angry.

Surprised, they really can not stop so many people's attack, anger is that they and others should be so despised.

But before the attack of Jiang Xu and others, those practitioners who had red eyes because of the treasure had already taken out their own magic weapons and launched the strongest attack against the public.

Those who can enter the cave are all masters. If they can't beat them up in the first time, they will be able to use various means to run away. At that time, these practitioners who want to seize the treasure will not only fail to seize the treasure, but also offend these masters.

So, where else is there to stay?For a while, many magic weapons of their own destiny were smashed at Fengzhi and others with dazzling lights. If people on earth could see the light and shadow effect, they should think that they were watching some magic movies.

Feng even whistled.

The next moment, did not wait for those attacks to fall on themselves, the figure of Feng Zhi disappeared in situ.

This change surprised everyone.

However, there was no time for them to be surprised at this time, because a large piece of their own magic weapon had already hit them. Jiang Xu and others could not escape from the battlefield when there was no time to do so, so they could only suppress everything to deal with these attacks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fatal blow launched by so many cultivators who wanted to seize the treasure exploded into a huge hole in the gathering place of Jiang Xu and others. Jiang Xu and others had already exploded a huge water flower in the Mingyue lake, which had the potential of overwhelming mountains and seas.

Even if Jiang Xu and others have tried their best to resist, but under these sieges, their resistance is just a mantis arm in a chariot, but only for a moment, they have already spurted blood one by one into the moon lake.

Hua Hua Hua

Then there was the sound of heavy objects entering the water.

Seeing this scene, many practitioners who have already killed their red eyes are excited.

"Don't let them run away, take all their treasures!"

One of them raised his arms and cried.

If at ordinary times, how can many practitioners keep some sense, but at this time, the treasure has already started, where can they stop?

Only for a short time, the whole area of Mingyue lake was firmly controlled by many practitioners.

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