Feng Zhi broke away from the encirclement of many practitioners and looked back on the play for a long time. Then she went back to Dongyang City leisurely and leisurely.

It's been more than a month since she left. I don't know how the four Yunxia people have been.

However, Fengzhi left a spirit stone for the four Yunxia people before she left. I think they can't aggrieve themselves.

Fengzhidu has already begun to figure out where to go after leaving Dongyang City this time, whether to continue to wander around the eastern continent or go to the other three continents to have a look.

However, her leisure, with her more and more close to the previous Inn she lived in, also more and more because of some inexplicable breath and Feng to subconscious convergence.

Feng Zhi didn't lack spirit stone in his hand, so he chose the best one in Dongyang City when he chose the inn.

The owner of this inn is a monk of yuanyingqi. Although he has the strength of yuanyingqi, he is limited by his qualification. He can not move forward any more. Moreover, Shouyuan doesn't see much. He also wants to live a leisurely life before Shouyuan is near. This is how he opened this inn in Dongyang city.

Although the monk Shou yuan is near and can't say when he will become a monk, no one in Dongyang City dares to ignore him.

If you really annoy him, how many people can stop him if he has to fight for his life?

Therefore, in Dongyang City, no one dares to find trouble in this inn.

But now

Feng Zhi stood outside the inn, frowning slightly.

It was the evening. It was supposed to be the most crowded time in the inn. However, as far as Fengzhi saw it, the inn was deserted. There was no diner in the lobby, and no one went to the back guest room. It was the counter where the second grader of the gas refining period had been standing. At this time, there was no one.

If you listen carefully, you can hear a noise in the courtyard behind the inn.

What's going on?

Although Feng Zhi didn't know what happened in the inn, she subconsciously realized that what happened in the inn must have something to do with her.

At this time, Fengzhi heard a roar from the backyard of the inn, which she was very familiar with.

"If you have the seed, come to me. She doesn't know anything!"

This is Yunchuan's voice.

In the middle, there are the exclamations and sobs of clouds and clouds.

Feng Zhi's face followed by a cold.

With a flick of her sleeves, the next moment the whole person disappeared in place. When she reappeared, she was already in the courtyard that Fengzhi had packed in the inn.

A group of young practitioners in uniform white clothes with different marks only at the cuff, led by an old man with white hair and hair and easy to be approachable, stood opposite to the four Yunxia people.

Obviously, the old man was not as gentle as he had given the impression. At this time, he was waving at the four people of Yunxia. Then several disciples in white came out of the queue and rushed towards Yunxia and Yunyan.

These disciples in white also have the lowest accomplishments in the early days of the golden elixir, but Yunxia just built the foundation period. Where are their rivals?

Only for a moment, Yunxia and Yunyan have no resistance ability to be restrained.

Yunchuan and Yunzhou were shocked, but they were also stopped by two disciples in white. There was no way to break free. They could only watch Yunxia and Yunyan carried to the old man by several disciples in white.

The old man looked at Yunxia and Yunyan coldly, as if he were looking at a piece of pork which was to be slaughtered by him. Then he turned coldly to Yunchuan and Yunzhou. "My patience is limited. Tell me where Fengzhi is. I will leave you all dead, otherwise..."

The old man's cold sight from the clouds and clouds across the face, let two people can't help but shiver.

"Otherwise..." He went on to say, "you should know that the cauldrons with spiritual roots like them are mostly loved by evil cults..."

This words just finish saying, the cloud boat that usually talks least stares a pair of bright red eyes to roar: "old man, you dare!"

Furnace tripod.

In the realm of practice, this is definitely not a good word.

For nuns, it is a word that makes them both disgusted and afraid.

In fact, practicing truth is a road, but some practitioners will dislike the slow effect of this step-by-step practice, so they will try their best to study how to spend the least time and effort to achieve the fastest speed of cultivation.

This is one of them.

Some evil cults deliberately catch up with the female nuns and absorb all the accomplishments of the nuns for their own use by adopting the method of tonifying, so as to achieve the goal of rapidly improving their accomplishments.

Those nuns who have been collected and mended will be retrograde, and their spiritual roots will be damaged, and their lives will be in danger.

I don't know how many nuns have been plucked and mended and thrown out at will, which makes people see their miserable appearance. Therefore, for nuns, even if they are dead, it is better than being caught and mended.Those nuns who were collected and mended were called furnace cauldrons by evil monks.

Therefore, Yunxia and Yunyan will be so afraid after hearing these two words, and Yunchuan and Yunzhou will be so angry.

Since they entered the Fengyun sect, the four of them have lived together because of the same spirit. Although they have no blood relationship with each other, they really treat others as relatives.

Some people want to do such vicious things to their relatives in front of them. Yunchuan and Yunzhou even want to tear the old man's heart.


Whether it is the fear of Yunxia and Yunyan, or the anger of Yunchuan and Yunzhou, it is of no importance to the elderly.

In this world where the fist is big, he has the right to speak. The anger of a weak person can't even make the old man look at Yunchuan and Yunzhou.

After hearing the roar of Yunzhou, the old man even showed a faint smile, "you two don't worry. There are female monks in the evil cultivation. They like to collect and supplement others."

Yunchuan and Yunzhou were sick and nauseous.

It is an intolerable thing for both male and female nuns to be collected and mended.

"You dream!" Yunchuan hated the voice.

Then the four looked at each other.

They have been living together for so many years, and they have already developed a tacit understanding. With such a glance, they can see each other's determination.

They are poor in strength and can't escape from the hands of the old man and these white clothes disciples, but they always have the ability to decide their own life and death. If it comes to the worst, they would rather die than let themselves be replenished by those evil cultivation!

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