When Mody was dreaming, Fengzhi's sword of killing immortals in his hand had not hesitated to row in the air, and then several pale flames turned into Phoenix shape and rushed towards Mody.

It's still the Dan Feng sword code.

Feng Zhi used to fight the enemy with the Dan Feng sword code, but she didn't do her best at that time. Not only was the flame ordinary fire, but also the weapon she used was only the jade sword.

But today, her opponent is the strongest among all the enemies she has met, even stronger than Feng Zhi herself. Naturally, she won't keep her hands, but she will give out her cards and directly make the idea of stepping down the enemy.

With Feng Zhi's all-out hand, the air around him became hot again because of these pale flames after the cold of killing the immortal sword.

Compared with the Danfeng sword code used by Fengzhi before, the fire phoenixes flying towards Mo Di not only have changed in appearance, but also have a much faster speed. Even because they are so fast, people almost think that these flames are blinking, and they have been flying to Mo Di in a blink of an eye.

Mo Di naturally did not despise the Phoenix to go.

His prudence is not only because of Fengzhi, but also because of his sword.

If you have the strength to leave the body and attack with the immortal sword, how can it be so powerful?

Mo Di's look then became dignified. The book on his left hand suddenly opened and made a sound like "Hua la la". Then, the sound suddenly stopped, and a word with a faint golden light was detached from the book.


The golden character only appeared for a moment, and then the whole word turned into a golden rope and wrapped around the Phoenix to the nine fire phoenixes formed under this sword.

But in the blink of an eye, the nine phoenixes were entangled by the golden rope.

After Mo Di, those disciples of Donglai sect were very happy.

However, the joy on their faces has not been fully revealed, and the pale flame on the fire phoenix entangled by the rope suddenly rises. Those invisible golden ropes are like snowflakes being roasted by the scorching sun, which is just like this

It's melting!

Don't beat your eyeball.

He had been prepared, such an attack could not have suppressed Feng Zhi, but he did not expect that Feng Zhi's response was so simple.

At this time, breaking through the shackles of the golden rope, nine flaming phoenixes with pale flame all over their bodies have already rushed towards Mody, and the extremely high temperature on the flame directly makes the hair of Mo Di, who is still a distance away, become twisted and brown instantly.

Mo Di's heart is another Lin.

He is a practitioner in the out of body period. Whether his hair or his hair, he carries his own strength. Can ordinary fire burn him?

But now, the Phoenix under the sword, even before they were close to him, had such a hot temperature.

For a while, Mo's vigilance against Fengzhi was raised.

The heart turns so many thoughts, but Mo Di's response is not slow at all.

His white hair suddenly fluttered in the wind, and then the judge's pen in his right hand lit nine times at the eye position of the nine flamingos at a very fast speed.

At the next moment, the nine phoenixes seemed to have been hit hard, and they even uttered a shrill chant.

If you look at the nine fire phoenixes, their bodies have been shrunk by 30% under the attack of the enemy, and the pale flame around them has become much more withered.

Feng to the face of no movement.

To deal with such an expert as Mody, she never thought that she could be effective with one blow.

In his hand, the sword of killing immortals was a little farther away from the direction of the fire phoenix in the nine middle schools

The nine flaming phoenixes with their heads raised and shrieked all at once, and then they were combined into one. The nine in one was much better than the other nine before. Since its birth, it has directly hit the tip of the judge's pen in Mo's hand.


It is clearly that the fire phoenix and the judge's pen collide together, but it sends out the exciting sound of gold and iron cross Ming.

Under this collision, Huofeng's body, which had already been somewhat solid, suddenly became illusory. However, the judge's pen in Mo's hand had broken several hairs on the tip of the pen, which was not obvious at all.

Mo Di has some pain in the flesh.

His original magic weapon is the book and the judge's pen. These two things complement each other. They are better than the top-grade Lingbao.

The reason why Mobi has not failed for so many years is due to these two spiritual treasures.

But now, just a face-to-face, his judge's pen actually broke a few hairs.

This is simply unbearable!

Only for a short time, Mo Di made a real fire.

The book in his hand turned a page again, and a golden word flew out of the book.

Kill!Then, with a very erratic trajectory, the judge's pen gently touched the word "kill".

Originally, it was just a light golden word. After being written by the judge, it suddenly showed a very dazzling light. The word "kill" also shot at the front door of Fengzhi with such light.

Mo Di, this is to ignore the fire phoenix at all, but directly towards the Phoenix.

The word "kill" seems to carry an endless sense of killing. Every time you fly closer to Fengzhi, the meaning of killing is colder and colder. Even if Fengzhi's mind is very firm, it is hard to avoid feeling all over.

The intention of killing seemed to be pervasive. It went directly into Fengzhi's body and brain, and made the sword shine in his eyes. The whole person seemed to be in the battlefield of ancient times. There was a roar in his ears that would almost shatter people's hearts and spirits.

Kill the idea into the body of that moment, Feng to immediately have a response.

Her powerful and incomparable divine consciousness escaped from the sea of knowledge, and went out surging with the sea of knowledge as its center.

Mo Di's killing intention is simple, that is, it acts on people's spirit, and is directly impacted by Fengzhi's divine consciousness. Those killing intentions are obviously unprepared and immediately bounced back.

Feng Zhi was a man of both ages, and his divine sense was not much stronger than that of the same level of cultivators. Naturally, it would be disadvantageous to deal with these murderous intentions.

At this time, Mo Di was really afraid of Feng.

Cultivation can be improved by luck, but how can God's consciousness be cultivated to such a level in his twenties?

We should know that in the virtual spirit state, the spiritual consciousness of the practitioners can not be cultivated independently, but can only be strengthened with the improvement of their own strength.

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